Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes
Poking a little fun at today's economic situation... :)

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, UCLA Bruin and incredible baker Clara of IHeartFood4Thought selected Chocolate-Chocolate Cupakes on pages 215-217 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes
I have made these cupcakes, exactly per the directions, a bunch of times (here and here and here) and never had a problem. They are the bomb. However, lots of people had problems with them and I think I got baking-anxiety!!! :) My cupcakes weren't as good as before and the glaze was a joke (I ran out of bittersweet and used semi-sweet and my frosting seized or something totally messed up!)

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes
I filled mine with some Nutella for way too much sweetness. I think it was a little much.

Chocolate-Chocolate Cupcakes
My gravestones are Pep Farm's Mint Milanos (really, you need to have the Mint ones so you can eat the leftovers...) Thanks Clara for a great choice, and check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Next week, we're making Rugelach and electing a new President! Can you believe we'll be posting on Election Day?! I voted early in Los Angeles last week and was so happy to see a bunch of eager voters there with me! I always get a bit emotional and sappy when I vote. My mom is a naturalized citizen and has never missed an election. As I stand in the little plastic voting booth, I think of all the people in emerging democracies waiting for hours in line to vote (sometimes in danger zones), and how lucky I am to safely cast my ballot each election. Although I encourage Californians to vote No on Prop 8 and No on Prop 4, it is more important that everyone exercise your right to bubble in, ink-a-vote, pull a lever or punch card your ballot.


  1. Love your cupcakes. They look delicious and I especially love your joke one at the top! Fabulous!!! Well done you and nutella in the centre? How wicked!!!

  2. Wow those are pretty! Sorry the nutelle made them too sweet though
    Thanks for your comment on my blog :)

  3. I LOVE YOUR TOMBSTONES!!!! Man, that is exactly how I have felt the last few times I have opened up my statement for my 401K plan. GREAT post.

  4. ROFL..the front tombstone says it all! I had some problems with my topping seizing up and I used semi sweet chocolate, too. Oh, well, I guess we can't win them all, right?

  5. I love the tombstone for your 401k, too! Very cute, but a little sad, too. I can't even look right now. Anyway, cute cupcakes! And I can't believe it's election day NEXT WEEK!! Great job.

  6. Such a cute idea with the Milanos! Yummy!

  7. Must have been the extra sugar in the semisweet chocolate chips that caused it to seize? I checked out your 3 other attempts and they were AWESOME!! I loved this recipe and admit, I worry that if I try it again it won't work as well LOL I've added you to my blogroll!

  8. Those are wonderful. Too cute.

  9. milanos make the best tombstones! awesome! I'm sorry, but nutella is never a bad addition.

  10. We were thinking along the same lines with these cupcakes - but your 401k tombstone is just hilarious (and unfortunately for me and my hubs, so true)! Great job!

  11. BAHAHAHA. I love your 401K tombstone. I was just telling a friend the other day that since I dont own a home, have a car payment, no student loans I am doing ok in the current economy. I did lose about $500 from my retirement but I'll just say thats my donation to the campaign ;) Love your halloween cupcakes (and the wedding cake too!) Thanks for baking with me this week!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  12. Your cupcakes look yummy kind of like cake and fudge! And pretty!!

  13. Oh you made me laugh! Hee Hee. Not only delicious but funny too.

  14. Love the first photo! SO great! Your cupcakes are awesome!! SO the nutella was too much? I thought that sounded super delicious! I voted already too! Yahoo!!

  15. Yum! I think I would love the nutella, even with the extra sweetness!

  16. I love the gravestone cookies. RIP my 401k for sure

  17. oooh I love these! nice light jabbin and the cupcake in half just did it for me. GREAT job!

  18. Oh I LOVE your mint milano gravstones! They look amazing!

  19. oops.....this is me, really.

  20. Love the ode to the 401K (or elegy rather??) The cupcakes look fab!!

    Yea, next week it's Tuesdays with Dorie--and with about every talking head cable news anchor you can shake a dangling chad at!

  21. I LOVE your cupcakes! The RIP my 401K is just too much...I laughed out loud.

    Great job!

  22. Ha I love your 401k tombstone. Hysterical!

  23. You are totally making me laugh! I love what you wrote on your cookie/tombstone. Your cupcakes look beautiful. I love your creativity!

  24. Great tombstone decorations! =) Filling sounds like a great idea--I'll have to try that next time.

  25. I can't wait to try these again and use nutella in them. They sound delicious and look great. My glaze did the same as yours. Loved the 401K joke!

  26. Hummmm... great minds think alike!
    Your cupcakes are very pretty... and uhhhh... a bit spooky! LOL

  27. LOL!!!!! RIP MY 401K -- classic. I guess that is the kind of thing that we grownups find scary, even more than ghouls and goblins. I can't even open my 401K statements right now. I just throw them in the file, unopenend. Your cupcakes are so much fun, and they look delicious! And a great message to get out and vote!

  28. How great are those...the 401k yep I feel your pain. No on Prop 8 for sure!!! Milano tombstones are GENIUS!!!! I went simple for mine but I loved the recipe.

  29. Oh my GOSH! These are so cute!!! I ::LOVE:: the mint milano headstones...how very clever!!


  30. OMG! I nearly peed my pants at the 401k headstone! Too cute!

  31. Bwahahahaha on your RIP~~mine is gone too....

    They look wonderful.

  32. Perfect joke on the top picture! I love your decorations..very nice!

  33. oh man... my heart bleeds for my 401k ;) sorry they didn't work as well for you as before, i wonder what happened with the glaze? weird! anyway they still look great, so clever to use the cookies as tombstones :)

  34. Ha ha! I love the tombstones - too cute!

  35. Love the Milano tombstones - sorry the cupcakes themselves weren't your cup of tea. The inscription on the tombstone says it all...

  36. these are fantastic! I love the RIP cookie!!

  37. I was going to make these, but there wasn't enough LEFT in my 401k to buy the chocolate. I love your tombstones...and the Nutella! Oooh, I love that stuff. (I have sometimes used it as frosting...)

  38. I love your 401K comments :). I am going to try the tombstones myself. Great post..the best one in a while from anyone!

  39. RIP my 401K. I laughed out loud. Only because I can relate. I've just (just!) discovered Nutella and I'm in love. Glad you incorporated it into yours.

  40. HAHA! I love your cupcakes! You are definitely in the Halloween spirit! Spook-tacular cupcakes darling!

  41. The tombstone made me laugh. I don't know...the Nutella sounds awfully good.


  42. Your cupcakes are so much fun! Love them, lightened up my day with a little bit of humor!

  43. LOVE the 401K comment. Chocolate almost makes me feel better. Good thing your baking isn't RIP. We would miss your pics.

    P.S. Thanks for visiting.

  44. I almost spit my tea out when I clicked over here - RIP my 401k indeed! So sad. Love the mint milano tombstones too.

  45. wow yummy cupcakes. How an you say its too much nutella, It s never enough :-) these look so so good.

  46. Your cupcakes look fabulous! Great pun on the economy!

  47. Loved your cupcakes decoration :)

    The world is anxious for the election results.

  48. I love love love the tombstones!! Also major props for voting early!! I just sent in my absentee today and like you fully encourage everyone to vote NO on 4 and NO on 8! Have a wonderful day!

  49. I love your decorations! I never just to think to decorate cupcakes, but those look fantastic! I always have too much baking anxiety! The nutella filling is such a great idea. By the way, kinda random, but today in class I was thinking about your peanut butter chocolate cake and was just dying to try it. You've totally motivated me to go out and get that book. Now I just need another item to make free shipping!

  50. They turned out great- I especially like the top photo. I'd definitely make them :-)

  51. Love the milano tombstones. Actually, I love anything with milanos. I'm with you all the way on the propositions -- I voted about 2 weeks ago. It's been very difficult having to wait for Tuesday's results!

  52. What a fantastic idea with the Mint Milanos! Those are my favorites as well! Even though you said you had baking anxiety they look like they turned out great!

  53. yummm, your cupcakes look great!!
    verrry cute! great jobbb

  54. Love, love, love the tombstones!! And I feel your pain on the 401k :)

  55. wow, love those decorations!! Your cupcakes look lovely and moist. Mine weren't so, i think i will have to try again!

  56. Great job! And you are right about Prop 4. I should have mentioned that one, too. SCARY! Glad to 'meet' another early voter.

  57. So excited about the election! I voted last weekend. On to the Inaugural Rugelach!

  58. You TOTALLY win on decorations! Love it!

  59. Great idea, those gravestones on the cupcakes.

  60. Nicely decorated cupcakes. I love the tomstone!

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  61. I love, love, love the top one! And nutella,drool!

  62. I love your decorated cupcakes! Great job!

  63. Back again to ask you to please stop by my blog! I have an award for you.

  64. I love your gravestones! Very current!

  65. Oh my that is too close for reality. My mum and pop are getting worried since the stocks in the company had fallen.... but the Cupcakes, are so adorable!! They look very tasty! So funny....I nearly spewed my drink

  66. Great post! Loved the 401k gravestone, loved the mint milanos (yessss) and loved the election comments. The hubs and I have been phonebanking for Obama and are driving to Nevada for the long election weekend. The best part about the experience has been meeting so many people who are passionate about the election, many of whom have never been that interested in politics before. It feels like such a pivotal election--there is an energy in the air. Love it.

    Sorry to ramble on your blog. To sum up: cheers!

  67. Here, here on the no votes for those propositions! We are definitely excited for next Tuesday to get here. Great cupcakes. Death by chocolate. The tombstones are sooooo cute.

  68. What pretty little cupcakes! Great idea with the nutella, it sounds great, but yes I can imagine it making them ultra sweet! Love the tombstones!

  69. haha, your cupcakes are so funny! it's such a great idea to use the Milano as a gravestone - perfect for halloween. gosh, i haven't had milanos in such a long time but now you've got me thinking about them. :)

  70. Yes, recently watched a movie staring Hillary Swank about women suffrages waging protest at great expense to their personal security for our (we women) right to vote and express our God given right to have a say in how we live. So thank you and yes please express your preference.

    Cheers to your darling tombstones. Your lettering is perfect and love those Milano cookies. Yum
    I am looking forward to making the cupcakes again this time eating some myself. I shared mine. Oh well.

  71. Cool idea for the tombstones! They look delicious!
