Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Lenox Almond Biscotti

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Gretchen of Canela & Comino chose Lenox Almond Biscotti on page 141-143 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie) Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie) Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)
I made the basic recipe and added 1/3 cup of dried cranberries. I also cut the almond extract to 1/2 t and added 1/2 t vanilla. This was the second time I made this...the first batch was an undercooked disaster and tasted too "almondy." I baked this batch for almost double the time (perhaps a little too much because they are a little brown!)

Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Dorie's recipe says, "Return the slices to the baking sheet - this time standing them up like a marching band." (I didn't understand this the first time, but after reading the TWD comments, I think this is what she means). However, I was able to get them into the oven....

Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie) Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)
But when I went to check on them after a few minutes, my marching band disbanded themselves.

Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Then I went to Plan B. I heard someone baked them on a rack to allow air flow. I added the "marching band" biscotti to ones I cut on the bias and flipped them several times during the second bake.

Lenox Almond Biscotti (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!


  1. ha i like the photos. They re funny when you put them all standing up. They look delicious. I like the addition of butter and cornmeal

  2. The marching band thing was so confusing! I was ready to make my biscotti wear silly hats and jackets with fringed shoulderpads.

  3. i thought that "marching band" direction was the silliest and craziest thing! i hope you liked the flavor of this 2nd batch!

  4. LOL, the cookies look great. I love the comment about them "disbanding". :)

  5. I love the disbanded marching band. That's hilarious. They look wonderful and don't seem a bit affected by their fall out.

  6. Well, even though the marching band disbanded itself, it looks like your biscotti turned out beautifully! :) Love all the detailed pictures!

  7. I was confused about the term marching band too... I did mine a little differently than yours. I still wonder what exactly she meant. Yours look like they came out perfectly!

  8. Ha Ha, love your marching band! That was the worst cookbook direction I've ever seen. But look how beautiful yours turned out! A little golden brown is a good thing. Yum!

  9. Dried cranberries! Yum! Totally wanna do that the next time I make it. LOL @ marching band pics. I thought the same thing too! I guess Dorie meant flat on its original bottom arranged in straight rows (ie I had 12 biscotti so I would have arranged them in 3 rows of 4). No matter b/c your "marching band" pics are SO cute! Great job!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  10. Superb pictures, the light and depth are killers... but the cutest is the marching band, I too thought of putting them standing... then, didn't just for the heck of sabing time and energy!
    Your biscotti are great ...and the pics amazing! BRAVO!

  11. This is too funny! But weren't these good? By the way, I thought the almond flavor was overpowering yesterday(when they were freshly baked), and I made a note to use much less next time. But this morning it's almost unnoticeable. Isn't that interesting?

  12. oh the cranberries sound delicious! I was planning to try that at Christmas. You always do a great job!

  13. Great post! You are so clever. The cookies turned out great!

  14. Oh that's so cool! You're the first so far who has mentioned the standing up thing and I was starting to feel kind of silly. Mine fell too. What a weirdo that Dorie is. Your process photos are great.

  15. Hehe - I'm pretty sure she meant just to keep the same orientation in the slices as the original log, but I love your marching band photo. Too cute.

  16. Those look fabulous. I would have burnt those things faster than a hyperactive pryo with a candle.

  17. oh man, the marching band pics are hilarious... i can't believe you got them to stand up like that!! awesome. the finished biscotti look great:)

  18. Gorgeous photos! I bet the cranberry tasted great too.

  19. I was so confused by the marching band...Yours look great though! And baking them on a rack is such a good idea--I will try that next time.

  20. You gave me a good laugh with the whole "marching band" interpretation. Your biscotti look great!

  21. will they replace your starbucks cravings for biscotti or will you still be on the search? they look great.

  22. Love the marching band - that was one confuing line in her recipe! I hope you enjoyed the taste of the biscottis in the end. Great job!

  23. Your biscotti look great!! I wanted to add cranberries to mine, but totally forgot about them! Even the second time around!!

  24. I love how you got your biscotti to stand up! I didnt manage to do that!

  25. wow, they look so cool standing up so proud! I love biscotti and would be all over these!

  26. I love the biscotti standing up pics! That is awesome! Do you want to share and have some afternoon tea later?

  27. LOL...gotta give you a ton of credit for your attempt to follow Dorie's instructions!!! Marching band technique or not, you ended up with some pretty fabulous lookin' biscotti!

  28. Oh, the marching band comment, or was it soldiers? Either way, I read that and thought how do sliced biscotti resemble that? I just spread them out on the baking sheet and popped them back in the oven to dry out. I think we need to develop a tribute recipe that does require it to be baked standing on end. My goodness, I am seeing my next April 1st post!

  29. Ha! I love the biscotti standing on their ends. Someone could make good money selling "biscotti bakers" in Sur la Table, designed to hold biscotti upright during the second bake. Dibs, anyone?

  30. What a great bunch of pictures. I like your marching band there! Guess they got tired and took a break in the heat. :o) I skipped almond extract all together. I like almonds but not extract. I thought these were pretty good, especially dipped in chocolate. They'll be nice for the holidays.

  31. OH haha, I love how you stood them up!!! I didn't even think to do it like this - I stood them up on their bottoms instead of on their sides and I thought that's what she meant - but who knows, right? It's really impressive that you were even able to get them into the oven like that! Anyhow, your biscotti look delicious!

  32. Oh, I LOVE the fact that you arranged them like a marching band and went the extra mile and actually put them in the oven that way! This instruction perplexed me, and the visual of a biscotti marching band made me laugh every time. I love your addition of dried cranberries. Your biscotti look perfect! Cathy at The Tortefeasor.

  33. I think the "marching band" instruction was one of the more ambiguous recipe directions I've ever seen...but I admire your interpretation! They do look great, even after disbanding in the oven.

  34. Your biscotti turned out looking fabulous! Great job!

  35. How in the heck did you get your biscotti to stand up like that? They look adorable! You did a great job with these. Love the cranberries!

  36. Dried cranberries sound great. The marching band was so odd coming from this book. Usually her instructions are so perfect.

  37. great job w/your biscotti. i think dorie puzzled everyone w/her marching band comment LOL

  38. I loved this recipe. Your biscotti look great and I like the addition of cranberries. Love them standing up!

  39. Ah Ha! That must be the marching band concept, but as I was reading your post I though, How on Earth did you get those to stay standing like that in the oven...hmmm, read on. I tend to jump the gun on things. Great job! The photos are awesome!

  40. Cranberries sound like a great addition. I love the pictures of your biscotti standing on end. =)

  41. I love the photo of your "marching band"! :)

  42. That marching band picture dropped my jaw to the floor and I actually audibly cried, "How did you...!" I don't know how you did it, but it looks like magic. Nice job!
