Saturday, November 1, 2008

Goodbye, Mother's Cookies One-Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes (Martha Stewart)

Goodbye Mother's Cookies Chocolate Cupcake
Goodbye, Mother's Cookies
One-Bowl Chocolate Cupcake Minis with Vanilla Buttercream

As I posted here and here (yes, I am obsessed!), Mother's Cookies shut down after 90 years of baking goodness. I made these cookie-delivery devices to celebrate the Circus Animal before they leave us (I still have one bag left!)

Goodbye Mother's Cookies Chocolate Cupcake
I made Martha Stewart's One Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes as a mini-cupcake. Everyone has said this recipe is tasty, so I was anxious to try it! You can find the recipe here on Martha's website. It uses 3/4 c buttermilk but I didn't have any on I made a substitute! I measured 1 cup of milk and added 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Stir together and let sit for 5 minutes. You'll find it curdled a bit...just like buttermilk. I dumped some to get the needed 3/4 c buttermilk, and baked the minis for 10 minutes.

I made a vanilla buttercream (1 stick butter, 1 1/2 c powdered sugar, 1 t vanilla) and added 4 ounces (1/2 block) of cream cheese because everything is better with cream cheese. Martha's basic recipe is here. I piped it onto the cupcakes - piping is always faster!

Goodbye Mother's Cookies Chocolate Cupcake
Yeah, this recipe for 12 regular cupcakes makes a lot of minis. I think I got 60 minis if my math is right. However, I made these at 4:30 am so the count might be off! :) The cupcakes were a hit at work! I will definitely make this recipe again - it is soooo easy!

Of course, I served these cupcakes while wearing my new shirt! It's from ClothMoth and arrived late last week! Sooooo cute! It says, "Lights Down. Little Cookies." Ahhh. I wore it to Disneyland and people asked me about it...everyone remembers the Circus Animals! You can order it for $25 here.

Goodbye Mother's Cookies Chocolate Cupcake
My favorite is the camel. Always easy to identify :)


  1. Nice cupcakes. It s sad saying good bye :(

  2. I love those circus animals!! I used to eat them by the bag full. So sad Mother's is closing. These cupcakes are adorable, but what are you doing baking at 4:30 in the morning?! You should be sleeping!! :)

  3. I love your cupcakes! You have such amazing piping skills. I wish I could be that consistent and have them all come out so perfect and exact.

  4. Love the cupcakes. I am so sad that we won't be seeing the circus cookies anymore!

  5. I remember "mothers cookies", how sad = ( but your cupcake minis look delish! Yummmy

  6. These look great! I love how you added the circus animals! It's so sad that they're not making them anymore.

  7. RIP mother's cookies. ::sniff:: Love your mini cupcake tribute. I need to try Martha's one bowl chocolate cupcakes. Its going on the must-bake list.

  8. love the cupcakes! And thanks for the info on the t-shirt, mine came in the mail just the other day with my mini bag of cookies. I don't know what college would have been like without these cookies :(

  9. Ah, Say it isn't so!!! I love those cookies and when my kids were little we bought them frequently. They do look precious on your little cakes. So sweet of you to share your coveted little frosty animals.

  10. Ah, sweet! Cute tribute! I've still seen them in our stores here. Get them while they last.

  11. you know, I think I'm the only person who has never seen or heard of these cookies ?!? Very cute cupcakes! I thought the pumpkin ones looked wonderful, too.

  12. These are so cute! I love your mini cupcakes. They look like they're the perfect size for work. Just a bite of sweet when you need a pick-me-up but not enough to put you into a sugar coma an hour later.

  13. Mmmmm! I've left a surprise for you at my blog!

  14. Everything IS better with cream cheese!

  15. These are the possibly the cutest cupcakes I've seen! Goes great with your new shirt :)

  16. Your cupcakes look fantastic so moist and delicious!

  17. Update: Kellogg bought the recipes and will make some again! I posted about it here:

