Thursday, December 11, 2008

Libby's Pumpkin Roll (with cute Santa)

Pumpkin Roll
Libby's Pumpkin Roll with my favorite Santa

I think everyone will have this same post between now and the new year. Libby's pumpkin roll is as ubiquitous this season as 75% off sales signs. I'm not knocking the pumpkin roll (or the sales) - I love it, but I think everyone has made it. And if you haven't, you should!! It is super easy and way, way delicious. Pumpkin and cream cheese. A match made in heaven.

And since everyone and their mother (literally) makes this, I'll talk about my cute Santa. He has such a cute face, doesn't he? I found him at Target a few years back during the after Christmas sale. He had me at Hello (and 50% off!). I bring him into work every year and he sits on our "buffet" (the shelf in the office where I put out my sweets). Currently, he is filled with chocolate mini-candy bars. Okay, I'll share with you a little secret. When the new year rolls around and we take down our decorations at work, Santa and I go home....and I keep him on the mantel all year!!

Pumpkin Roll
Pumpkin Roll and Santa.
Two good things this holiday season (or all year long).

Find the recipe on the back of any Libby Pumpkin Puree can or here on their website!


  1. That looks amazing! I'm still too intimidated to try a roll recipe.

  2. Can I tell you a secret? I've never made a pumpkin roll. (b/c I am scared.) I can just see the cake rolling being a disaster. How is it possible to roll the cake without it breaking?? It defies science! HAHA

  3. I've never made this! But I have another huge can of Libby's left so maybe I will put it on the list. I think it's ok that you leave Santa out all year :)

  4. I made this a couple of weeks ago too! DELICIOUS!!!

  5. YUM! I love pumpkin roll! I make it often. Yours looks fantastic!!!

  6. I have not made the pumpkin roll yet, but I've wanted to for a while. You've inspired me with that cute picture of the pumpkin roll next to Santa!

  7. I must be odd because I don't think I've ever had that

  8. omgod that is soooo adorable! i want to make them for my mom's school!

  9. Mmmmm, pumpkin roll is one of my favorite things!! And your santa is so cute!!


  10. Santa is cute but I m more interested in the pumpkin roll since i ve never made it and looks more than delicious :)

  11. I love after holiday sales at Target:). I have a big ole ceramic turkey that comes out for Thanksgiving and I place it in the most prominent place in the house. I love it! And it was such a good deal!!

  12. I've never made it, but I'm on my way to the grocery store...

  13. Pumpkin rolls are the best. I make a bunch and freeze them!!

  14. I've never made a pumpkin roll, but I've always wanted to. I wonder if I can add this to my list this month!!

  15. Confession! I've never made a pumpkin roll! I want to, but I'm mildly intimidated by the rolling part. Maybe I will give it at try. LOVE the Santa. I love going to Target after Christmas for the clearance sales! Always such great stuff. And I have snowmen up all year round! :o)

  16. i have actually never made one of these. maybe this is the year. it looks heavenly!

  17. I love this recipe! I know it by heart. I have made at least 5 times this season. So yummy!

  18. I am going to get a job as a librarian at your library just so I can eat all these treats you are making! I have never made a pumpkin roll..I am scared it will fall apart..I will have to overcome my pumpkin fears :).

  19. I've never made a pumpkin roll either! It looks delicious though. I just need to find the courage to give it a shot. Your Santa is adorable :)

  20. that is beautiful! and the santa is totally adorable :)

  21. Your roll looks delicious!

    I always use the Libby's recipe for my pumpkin rolls. I haven't made one this year though! I doubt I will get to it with so many othe "requests" that have come my way!

    P.S. When I saw your Santa at first I thought you had the same as I have...but its not. Mine is in tomorrow's TWD post, make sure you check it out!

  22. Haha, loved the post!
    The roll looks amazing. I one of those who haven't tried it yet, but I'm pumpkined out from Halloween!
    And the Santa is soooooooooooooo cute!

  23. Love your cute Santa! I have a small collection of Santa cookie jars. When I discover one who fits into the family, I often times adopt him for the collection. hehe Anyway, thanks for your wishes and the same Merry Christmas to you too.
    I confess I haven't made a roll either...must add to the must try list. Maybe CB and I can come to your house and we can all roll around. he he

  24. *raises hand* I haven't made this! In fact, I had heard of a roll but the pumpkin is new to me.

    Now that I think about it, I haven't made a roll dessert at all. Is it too late for pumpkin now?
