Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mint Chocolate Brownies (Everyday Food)

Mint Chocolate Brownies
York Peppermint Patty Brownies

What are the three best inventions EVER?

1. The Wheel
(Try living without the car, shopping cart or bike)

2. Fire
(Sorta helps in this baking thing...and you know how I feel about the raw food movement)

3. The DVR
(Serious. I love my DVR.)

My DVR is set to record "Everyday Baking" with John Barricelli on PBS, and he made his Mint Chocolate Brownie a bit ago. I wanted to make it during the holidays since mint makes me think of Santa. The recipe can be found on Everyday Food PBS website here or on Martha Stewart's website here.

Mint Chocolate Brownies
On November 1st, I headed over to my local Target to check out the leftover Halloween candy. I snagged a few bags of my favorite - the York Peppermint Patty. Seriously the best candy ever.

Mint Chocolate Brownies
On the TV show, John (we're on a first name basis by now) put about 6 or 7 patties per row (stacking them slightly) but the recipe says to put them in a single layer. I was perplexed (doesn't take much these days) so I went for the single layer.

Mint Chocolate Brownies Mint Chocolate Brownies
However, while this had great potential because it has great flavors, it wasn't my favorite. The edges were dry and the center was too fudgy for me. I didn't bring in the edges to work (although my co-workers now say they would totally eat hard edges!) I might try something similar in the future - brownies with chopped up York Peppermint Patties instead of the middle layer of patties. I still have one bag left! :)

The recipe can be found on Everyday Food PBS website here or on Martha Stewart's website here.


  1. Those look amazing! I couldn't live without my DVR either. It's really quite sad.

  2. I agree- best candy ever. Even if you weren't crazy about the brownies, they certainly look cool!

  3. These look amazing and definitely over the top. Like your co-workers, I would have eaten the hard edges, too. By the way, I am always at Target the day after Halloween to snag candy deals!! LOL!

  4. I made these a few months ago and felt the same way you did. Definitely not a favorite. Yours look great though!

  5. I love brownies, the perfect treat if you ask me! I will have to try a mint version!

  6. I would not be able to survive working in entertainment without a DVR. I tried something similar recently and kind of liked it, but I must admit, I do like the hard edges so I would probably like your version even though you weren't crazy about it.

  7. Oh, how disappointing! I saw Martha make these a while back too and she layered them while slightly overlapping them. They look delish. I wonder if you could put them on top of the brownie and bake them that way. Or use, Junior Mints instead.

    I love my DVR too!

  8. I saw this episode too! Those those amazing. I think chopped up patties would be better, peppermint patties are yummy, but with the brownies .. double the richness!

  9. This reminds me of the dulce de leche brownies I made before...nice idea but not the greatest result. I do love peppermint patties and especially marked down halloween candy!

    I need to catch up with the 21st century and get a dvr!

  10. i've seen these floating around the blogosphere and have wanted to make them for awhile. they're so tasty. one of my husband's faves, along with junior mints. i'm a milk dud girl, which i suspect would also be lovely in brownies.

    i agree with you about the dvr. i love my dvr.

  11. I'm thinkin' I might like to have them chopped up in there (as you mentioned). The little mini-mag "Everyday Food" is my fave. I haven't seen the tv show.

  12. i don't know how i ever lived without my DVR (hehe jk).

    but wow - those brownies look so rich! they almost look cake-like - super soft - are they more of a brownie texture or a cakey texture?

  13. You had me at Peppermint Patty! Best.candy.ever.

  14. Those look so good! Sorry they weren't up to your expectations.

    It seems like a dessert worth perfecting.
