Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Quite Pecan & Pumpkin Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Not so Pecan Pie in Crate & Barrel Pie Dish
Not Quite the Twofer Pie

The last few days have been a whirlwind. Anyway, I had grand plans to make the Thanksgiving Tuesdays with Dorie entry: Dorie Greenspan's Twofer Pie - it is a combo of pumpkin and pecan.

Vibi of La casserole carrée selected Thanksgiving Twofer Pie on page 321 of Dorie's book. I just love Vibi's blog too!!

I even went to Crate & Barrel and bought the cutest mini pie pan. I bought pecans at Trader Joe's. I froze butter and shortening for the crust.

And then life took over and it involved, in no particular order, Kaiser's urgent care with my mom, too much food at my brother and sister-in-law, and a zillion cupcakes for a baby shower.

Sorry I didn't get to make this! Hopefully I can give it another try in December. In the meantime, check out my cute pie pan and other TWD bakers who did make it!

And I sincerely apologize for not commenting on everyone's pie - I opened my Google Reader and had over 3,000 unread entries - seriously out of control. I was overwhelmed and declared Reader bankruptcy and had to clear the slate.


  1. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to make this pie. It is absolutely wonderful and I hope you can make it when things calm down.

  2. I hope everything with your mom is ok! The pie dish is very cute. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Hey, I wouldn't sweat missing this one. And personally I wouldn't make this one a priority. But fabulous bakers like pinkstripes up there feel otherwise! Isn't TWD fun?
    Sorry you've had so much drama.

  4. Whoa! 3,000 entries in your reader?? You get around, huh? ;o)
    The pie was okay, and I might try it again for Christmas. I just tossed the rest of it tonight, as I'm running out of room in my biggest pair of pants!! Christmas is going to be tough here.
