Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope. Our New President.

Obama Inaugural Cupcakes
Celebrating our new president!

Today, America's 44th President will take the oath of office.

Oh my gosh. I can't even begin to express my feelings. I am filled with pride, hope, happiness, and complete New Year Eve-type excitement. President Obama will have many challenges ahead, but I am confident that he will do what is right for the country.

Damaris of Within the Corners of my Kitchen is collecting inaugural celebration foods. Here's my first one: Obama Cupcakes!

Obama Inaugural Cupcakes
Here is the baking stuff: Cupcakes are Martha Stewart's One-Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes and the frosting is 1:1 blocks of cream cheese and cups of powdered sugar. I got these great star sprinkles at Surfas in Culver City, CA.

Obama Inaugural Cake
I made this mini cake (4", 3" and 2" rounds - sooooo cute!) It looks a bit more wedding-like than I wanted but I ran out of berries and didn't feel like tinting my frosting red and blue for a more "patriotic" looking cake. Oh well...you get the idea of a celebratory cake!! :)

Obama Inaugural Cupcakes
P.S. Did you see the Inaugural Concert "We Are One" at Lincoln Monument on HBO? Great concert. My favorite part was Barack's niece asleep for more than half the concert. Soo cute.


  1. these look awesome. I love the coloured sprinkles. I don t find any of those nice looking sprinkles here and to ship them its so expensive :( the miniature cake looks awesome :)

  2. Gorgeous! I love the sprinkles. I'm so excited for today too!

  3. Beautiful! I wish I had gotten the memo and baked an inaugural treat. Maybe better late than never? We'll see :)

  4. I have an Obama dessert too! Great minds think alike! The mini cake is so cute. Go Obama!

  5. Wonderful looking cupcakes and cake. What a great way to celebrate the inauguration.

    I love surfas and don't get there often enough, although maybe that is a good thing. :P

  6. I love them! I made Obama cupcakes today too! This is just fantastic!

  7. I can feel your enthusiasm and I absolutely share it! I cried when he took the oath today! Haven't seen the concert yet, but I'm counting on HBO to repeat it a few hundred times! :o)

  8. everything looks so great! i love the cupcakes & the cake, i can definitely eat some of them right now. :)

  9. I am going to make these when I watch the inaugural festivities again later today . . . and next week . . . and next month. What an amazing day yesterday was. I wish that we could bottle that feeling. The cupcakes are adorable!

  10. your sweets look great--i bet obama (and his little girls) would love to try them!

  11. I still can't believe it. I went into work late just to watch the ceremonies (at least the inauguration part). It's a good thing I was home alone because I was crying through most of it. And the whole family looked so great! It's incredible how, even though nothing has changed, everything feels so different.

    These cupcakes/cake look so pretty! I still have to make these one-bowl cupcakes. Maybe after I finish the cheesecake I just made in the fridge!

  12. Love the combo. of chocolate cake and cream cheese icing (I also put butter and vanilla in mine).

    I only heard part of the concert on NPR and had to catch the rest of it on youtube. My favorite was Pete Seeger and Bruce Springstein singing This Land Is Your Land.

  13. The mini cake is adorable.. great choices for the blue/red.. love it.

  14. What a cool cake! Those cupcakes look fantastic--your library staff is super lucky ;)

  15. love the cupcakes and mini-cake!

  16. Nice tribute!

    I DVR'ed the inaguration, and watched every minute --- I loved every minute of the pomp and circumstance (yes, replayed starting from the breakfast at the White House and didn't fast forward).

    The whole event was very emotional for me, and I'm so proud of our country!!!

  17. I am hopeful too. I pray every night for our country. I am not an especially religious person btu I do pray for our country.

    I love your patriots desserts. They are so yummy looking and festive~!

  18. Love the inaug cupcakes. The mini cake is too stinkin' cute too! Darn you. Why can't you be my neighbor? haha. I bet watching the inaug with you would have been oodles of fun!
