Thursday, January 15, 2009

Martha Stewart's Meyer Lemon Coffee Cake

Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake
Martha Stewart's Meyer Lemon Coffee Cake

First, thanks for your well wishes for my sinus infection gone mad. Be sure to mark your calendars for my award presentation! Oh yes, I'm giving The Food Librarian Nobel-like Prize for Drugs to those mad scientists who created the Z-Pack of antibiotics. Bless you! (And don't worry, I wasn't abusin' nor creating the next really was bacterial and I took the full-course of meds!!) Being able to taste food again is such a delight!

Here is something I made in December...before I got sick!

Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake
Whoo hooo! It's Meyer Lemon season!

The Meyer Lemon Coffee Cake has two layers of thinly sliced Meyer lemons with a massive, I mean massive, amount of streusel.

Zest and thinly sliced lemons make this cake lemon-centric. Five Meyer lemons are sliced and then simmered for 1 minute.

Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake
After two rounds of simmering in water, the slices are spread out on parchment. It was easiest to do this with chopsticks!

Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake
The sour cream coffee cake batter is placed in a tube pan and 1/2 the lemon slices are layered. Then the rest of batter, the remaining slices and the streusel.

Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake
Okay, the streusel... almost 2 c of flour, 1 1/2 stick of butter, and 3/4 c brown sugar. It makes a bunch. A bunch. You place it on top, and there is still a bunch in the bowl. You put more of that on and there is still streusel left. Finally, you just throw the rest on and say, "dude, that's a lot of streusel." The glaze is really tasty and integral to the overall lemon flavor of the cake.

Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake
As much as I wanted this coffeecake to the queen of all coffeecakes, it didn't rock my world. I think there was too much streusel and while lemon flavored with the slices, it was pretty much like a coffeecake having lots of zest.

Martha Stewart Meyer Lemon Coffeecake
Got Meyer lemons?
Try Martha's Meyer Lemon Coffee Cake! Recipe here on Martha's website.


  1. this looks delicious!!! I really want to make something with meyer lemon. maybe this???? I'm on the mend. I hope you are too!

  2. OMG!! Does this ever look good. LOVE lemon anything. But with the streusel and all!! Perfect. Pretty. I bet it tastes delicious!! I must try it!

  3. This looks amazing. Sorry to hear it's not quite as awesome as you hoped.

  4. I love Meyer Lemons. This looks like a LOT of work. Nice job! Glad you're feeling better.

  5. Good gravy, just looking at this beauty is making my mouth water! You're so lucky that you can get your hands on Meyer lemons!

  6. OK, I'm going to have to print out your post for my dad. See, my grandparents lived in RPV, CA and they had the most gorgeous lemon tree in their backyard. Well, in Texas my parents decided to have a lemon tree too and my dad tried to make this cake with the lemons. But it was awful because they weren't Meyer lemons and he cut the regular lemons way way too thick. Disaster in the kitchen! And he tried to blame Martha! You're proof that it's just him, not the recipe. The cake looks scrumptious. I have yet to see Meyer lemons in these parts so I'll just ogle it on your blog for now.

  7. Meyer lemons are the best! And I loved your Fat Bottom pie post! Your Lego-man defender turned conspirator is amazing. Congrats on that win too!

  8. Yum! Your coffee cake looks mighty delicious. Last week they had meyer lemons at the farmers' market. I may have to get some this week.

  9. oh man ... thanks for your honest assessment, however, because it looks freaking amazing and i would have totally run out and made this had you said it rocked your world. i still haven't ever cooked with meyer lemons. must do that soon!

  10. This looks amazing! I am glad your sinus infection is going away.
    I love zest and streusel!

  11. I have a little Meyer lemon tree growing out back...and I picked my first lemon and want to do something with it!! I have a few more coming off the tree...this might be something to try, it looks delicious!!

  12. I'm sad that it wasn't as good as it looks. I love anything baked with lemons in it, and this sounds like it didn't have enough lemon flavor. The photos are lovely, however!

  13. Awww - I was all set for you to say :this really rocked my world!: but...
    you didn't. What a bummer -

    Anyways, I have no idea what we are going to bake for the next Bake Along - but of course you can join in. As soon as we decide something I'll let you know. Or, if you have any ideas, throw them my way.

  14. This lemon cake looks wonderful, Mary! And I am sooooo happy to hear that you are feeling better. Enjoy being able to taste all that wonderful food you make again!

  15. This looks so incredible! I love all of your step-by-step photos. I'm having a round-up of lemon recipes from around the web, and would love to include a link to this. Let me know what you think, and if you have any other recipes. Thanks!

  16. Too much streusel? Never! I think it looks perfectly balanced. Gorgeous photos.

  17. Shoot, I wanted it to rock your world, too, because I have some meyer lemons that I've got to use. It looks fabulous though, if that counts! And congrats for returning to tastedom.

  18. You should seriously look into writing for food magazines!

  19. Wow, that streusel is INTENSE. And I'm usually one to pile it on, but even I think it's a bit much. Too bad you didn't love it, because it looks amazing.

  20. Glad you are feeling better! I've never had the chance to try Meyer lemons

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  21. wow, that looks so good! i love lemon :)

  22. That cake looks really good with the icing dripping down the side!

  23. Cakes looks yummy. I'm looking for something to do with the abundance of lemons I have right now.

  24. I wish I had Meyer lemons to make this. The cake looks wonderful!

  25. Even though it wasn't the "be all end all" of coffee cakes it was still a very impressive looking!

    Sorry to hear you've been under the weather!

  26. I'm sorry it didn't wow you as much as you'd hoped. It certainly looks wonderful. I love the drizzle on it.

  27. I KNOW! I keep seeing Meyer lemon everywhere!

    I wanted to jump and yell and shout when I saw your pick for You Want Pies with That. Oh. MY. GAWD. I cannot wait! What a great idea!

  28. Hooray! I'm so glad you are feeling better. How beautiful the cake looks! You would think with all of that lemon, you would really get quite the lemony kick out of it. That streusel looks AMAZING!

  29. Oh that looks sooo good. I love Meyer lemons, delish!

  30. This is absolutely amazing!!! How did I miss this...? I wish I could find lemons here that were not post harvest... maybe 400yen each.. hehe

    Chopsticks... are so easy and make kitchen jobs easier sometimes.. right? Your photos blow me away!!!
