Friday, January 23, 2009

Martha Stewart's Zucchini and Cranberry Muffins

Martha Stewart's Cranberry-Zucchini Muffins
Martha Stewart's Zucchini and Cranberry Muffins

The other morning, in my sleep deprived, inaugural euphoria, I pulled out Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook and flipped through a few pages. Since I only had about an hour before I had to leave for work, I skipped the twelve-tier cake and yeast breads...and went directly for the muffins and quick breads.

There it was! Cranberry-Zucchini Muffins on page 37! I have some cranberries in the freezer and a few zucchini in the refrig! Score!

By the way, if you don’t have Martha’s book in your collection, you should really consider adding it. The photos are great and Martha’s crazy OCD attention to details makes for good instructions.

Martha Stewart's Cranberry-Zucchini Muffins
Flecks of zucchini green and pops of red cranberry...yum!

Martha Stewart's Cranberry-Zucchini Muffins Martha Stewart's Cranberry-Zucchini Muffins
Dry: 1 3/4 c flour, 1/2 t baking powder, 1/2 t baking soda, 1/2 t cinnamon, 1/4 t salt
Wet: 2 eggs, 1 c sugar, 1/2 c vegetable oil, 1/2 t vanilla, 1 c finely shredded zucchini
Combine dry and wet then add 1/2 cup cranberries (Martha says to keep them whole but I quartered mine). As with all muffins, don't overmix!! I topped mine with some sanding sugar too.
I baked them at 375 for 25-30 minutes, and I got 11 muffins (Martha says you should get 10). I always tip my muffins shortly after they come out of the oven so the bottoms don't get soggy.

Martha Stewart's Cranberry-Zucchini Muffins
Finally, these are muffins.
No, not little cakes pretending to be muffins that you can find at Starbucks and Costco.
These are light and a bit tangy with the cranberries. And I must admit...if they were mini-muffins I could probably polish off ten of them. Or, perhaps a cool dozen!

Do you have some frozen cranberries stashed in your freezer? You should try this recipe! (hint, hint Mary Ann! :)


  1. I love zucchini bread and muffins. I wonder if dried cranberries would work in these...hmmm.

  2. I love Martha Stewart. These muffins look pefect! The color of the cranberry makes them so appealing. Great way to sneak some veggies in! I'll have to try!

  3. What great colors! I love muffins.

  4. These sound great! I like how they are a muffin - not a cupcake disguised as one! I will bookmark this and try it on the kids!

  5. You are the best! I actually have just about 1-2 cups left in my freezer. I am definitely making these as soon as I get a chance. They look great!

  6. I'm looking forward to making these, thank you!

  7. What beautiful muffins with the red and green. They'd be great for Christmas morning !

  8. Great idea. I have both in my freezer and have been wondering what to do with the zucchini! Yeah!

  9. I know what you mean about soggy bottoms. I usually cool for 5 minutes before removing. Any longer and the whole thing feels kinda soggy. These muffins look amazing. I love the flecks of gree and cranberries inside!

  10. these look so nice. they would have been great for christmas with their green and red colour :)

  11. These look and sound awesome. I have some cranberries patiently waiting in my freezer right now. In reference to Monica. I made a Lemon/Yogurt cake with blueberries and it came out beautiful and almost creamy moist. When I made the same recipe with dried cranberries it did not have the same wonderful texture and was almost a bit dry. I think with the fruit absorbing the moisture to rehydrate and not adding any of it's own might have been the problem. Keep that in mind ...maybe adding a bit extra moisture to the recipe.

  12. My daughter just asked me to make zucchini bread (or muffins). I wonder if she'd notice the cranberries? :)

    I love that Baking book - next time, though, I expect to see the wedding cake!

  13. I love fresh baked muffins! I love the flavors in this one!

  14. Fabulous combination. So tempting, and sounds delicious.

  15. These look great. I keep meaning to try baking with zucchini but never got round to it yet. These look so good, maybe nows the time to try.

  16. Those look so good! I love zucchini bread, and I also have a couple of bags of cranberries in the freezer waiting for inspiration. Thanks!

  17. That sounds so good. I love quick breads and muffins.

  18. I do...and I will! Never would have thought of putting these two together...but they are pretty and they do sound good. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Yummy! I heart muffins! I hear you on the puffins..aren't they the best. I will have them for a snack anytime of the day.

  20. Cranberry is a favorite of mine, I use dried (waiting for mum to send another care package) for my baking.. The colors and contrast are spot on!!!

    Muffins.. the other Cupcake.

  21. I love the red and green. It reminds me of Christmas... ahhhh.... only 11 more months... :) :)

  22. Oh, darn! On Thursday I was searching for an oil-based cranberry muffin recipe, and wasn't really finding anything. I baked something else instead and now my cranberries are gone. I'm bookmarking the recipe anyway. They look great (and I don't like cakey muffins either)

  23. I made these today and am posting the muffins now. I'm linking back to you. Thanks for this recipe - I liked these a lot; beautiful colors and flavors, and great texture, but I'll cut the sugar by just a bit next time.

  24. I love William Shatner's Cappacino Muffins and add the Cranberrys to them with M&M peanuts for the chocklate. Next time i will put the zucchini in also for a real colorfest.
