Monday, June 22, 2009

Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake

Food Librarian - Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake

When I saw this cake on Blue is Bleu's blog and instantly knew I had to make it! Audrie is so great! I've enjoyed her blog for a long time and you should definitely check it out! Audrie said she got the recipe from Smitten Kitchen's blog.

Food Librarian - Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake
Not much to say...besides MAKE IT.
It's big. It's chocolate. It's cake. It's good. It's rich (1 stick of butter and 16 ounces of sour cream!) but not crazy, oozing rich. And my middle layer of cinnamon, sugar and chocolate chips didn't end up on the bottom! That's a good thing.

Food Librarian - Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake
My co-workers really liked this when I brought it in last week. It an easy treat to make and really delicious. Definitely give it a try!

And thanks to everyone for your well wishes about my Dad and our lengthy Father's Day visit to Urgent Care! I so appreciate it! He tells me he is feeling a bit better's such a pain (literally) to get old. Dad now uses a cane to help him around, and I've nicknamed him (with love): The Turtle. He has a backyard full of summer crops (I'll profile those soon), and luckily my mom is helping him out!

Cinnamon-Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake
from Smitten Kitchen


  1. I 'discovered' food blogs when my local paper published an article about Smitten Kitchen, along with this recipe! I'm smiling to think of all that's happened since then. I think I should make it soon just to celebrate, but I'd rather think of it as "your" cake...and Audrie's (LOVE her name, going to go visit her blog now...) It looks fantastic! Hope your dad is better.

  2. This looks quite delicious! I know it wouldn't last long at my house! :P

  3. saying this looks tasty is an understatement. i would gladly eat a big chunk of that right now. totally drool worthy!

  4. Such a pretty cake to serve! I really like the chocolate and cinnamon combination - I bet it tastes as good as it looks!

  5. I'm happy to hear your dad is feeling a bit better.

    Omg, this cake! You know I love cinnamon and chocolate. I am saving this one.

  6. oh this is great. cinnamon anc chocolate is surely a winner :)

  7. I loved this cake when I made it a few months ago. I wish mine was as plushy looking as Deb's. That reminds me of Dorie's squares! Both are yummy!!

  8. Your coffee cake looks amazing! I would have been psyched if I were one of your coworkers :)

  9. Oh goodness, this looks LUSH! The photography is amazing. Cinnamon, Choco, Coffee Cake... yum

  10. I'm so glad you made it! Isn't it just sinfully good?! And thanks for the shout-out :D

  11. I wish I had these for breakfast! YUM!!

  12. I have also made this from Smitten Kitchen a few times actually and it has become a favorite. Yours looks gorgeous and has me craving it again!

  13. I'd like to say words fail me but I'd be lying: I want that now. :)

  14. I love anything cinnamon and to see it paired with chocolate in such a tender cake is driving me nuts! :D

  15. Glad to hear your dad is feeling better. And thanks for passing along with recipe - it looks great.

  16. Wow, this looks delish. So glad to hear The Turtle is doing well. Canes are a good thing because they can prevent falls. Hopefully he won't let his ego get in the way of him using it regularly. Give your dad (and mom) my love from D.C. xoxoxo Racheal

  17. i'm about to jump through the screen for a piece of this cake!

  18. I'm happy to hear your dad is feeling better!

    I have a love hate relationship with this post though. I hate that I can't eat it right this very minute since I'm sitting at my computer at work, but I'm happy that it's in my future.

  19. I'm glad your Dad is doing better.

    The coffee cake looks and sounds delicious!

  20. Definitely going to have to give this one a try. Looks fantastic!! Happy to hear that your Dad is on the mend.

  21. I keep hearing about these sour cream cakes being really special...yours looks special!

  22. Mmm I love sour cream in baked goods. This looks so very tasty.

  23. Oh wow, it looks so delicious and decadent!

    I'm glad your dad is doing better!

  24. I love the combo of chocolate and cinnamon! And I'm so glad to hear that your dad's doing better...continued best wishes for his recovery.

  25. Ooh, yum. I know this one will be a big hit with Brianna, who asks me to put chocolate chips in everything. =) I'm glad to hear that your dad is doing better, too.

  26. I made this from smitten kitchen and it is soo good. A perfect coffee cake, for any time of the year!

  27. Yum, that look delish! Love the cinnamon chocolate combo.

    Glad to hear that your Dad is slowly :)) feeling better!

  28. Not much to say besides, "I WILL MAKE IT." ;)

  29. I just need a good excuse and it will be in the oven!

  30. I'm glad to hear your father's better. I can't wait to see his summer crops!

    This looks wonderful. I can't wait to try it.

  31. This cake looks amazing. I bet the flavors really work well together.

  32. This recipe reminds me a bit of Dorie's cinnamon cake- love the chocolate and cinn combo!

  33. So, I could eat this whole pan! What would everyone else eat?

    Seriously, this looks incredible!

  34. Now, this is totally speaking to my PMS induced carb cravings - YUM!
