Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brioche Plum, Nectarine, Peach, and Apricot Tart (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Brioche Plum Tart
Happy Bastille Day! I went to the Los Angeles Bastille Day festivities in Elysian Park on Sunday, and today Tuesdays with Dorie celebrates with brioche!

Brioche Plum Tart
For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Denise of Chez Us picked Brioche Plum Tart on pages 54 and 55of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Brioche Plum Tart
The tart is a brioche dough topped with fruit. Yes, a combination of buttery, rich bread and summer fruit. We were destined for success!

Brioche Plum Tart with Black Velvet Apricot
I missed the Farmer's Market this week (again!!) and picked up some nectarines, peaches, red plums and black velvet apricots at my local store. I've never had the black velvet apricot (pictured above)...but its skin is sorta velvety! The inside is like an apricot.

Brioche Plum Tart Brioche Plum Tart
I made the dough last night and got up at 3:20 am to make this tart! If I fall asleep while answering reference questions later today, just feed me a piece of this and I'm sure I'll perk right up.

A layer of peach jam was spread on the brioche dough. Then my various stone fruits were placed on top.

Brioche Plum Tart
And what happens when you make something before dawn? You "misread" the directions. I thought I was supposed to mix the fruit and sugar together (like a pie) and let things macerate for 30 minutes during the 1st rise in the pan cycle. However, when I reread the directions after the tart was in the oven (yes, this IS the best time to reread the directions!), it turned out the sugar was supposed to go on top of the fruit. Thus, I got no caramelization. Oh well, it's still yummy!

Brioche Plum Tart
The Brioche Fruit Tart.
It's worth getting up early.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers! I can't wait to see everyone's take on this - I'm sure there will be a whole farmer's market of fruit and jam!

Find the recipe on Denise's blog Chez Us or buy Dorie's great book, Baking: From My Home to Yours!


  1. A great dessert for summer! Love the fruit mix you used.

  2. 3:20? Yikes. My fruit didn't really caramelize, either but I still loved it. Yours look beautiful!

  3. Looks way too yummy and drooling :)

  4. It looks divine!!! I can't believe you got up that early to bake lol I would've been baking with my eyes shut!!

  5. I swear, you make the prettiest tarts!

    Beautiful pictures!

  6. The dedication you have. That is really early. Looks absolutely wonderful.

  7. Well, I baked mine at a sane hour, read the directions scrupulously, and I didn't get any caramelization either. I've got to make this one again to see if I can get my bottom crust to rise (even if I have to wake up at 3:20 am!) What is the secret???

  8. I'm so impressed by your dedication to this brioche! It did require some attention, I must say. Your mixture of fruits looks divine, and they're arranged so well. Great job!

  9. That looks just lovely! We didn't love it here.

  10. Your tart looks fantastic depite not reading carefully. (happens to me all the time) I especially like how it browned along the top edges.

  11. Hey! I get here right on time! ...for a big piece of your perfect brioche!

    Huh? What? What do you mean there is none left?


  12. HAPPY Bastille day to you! I am going to celebrate by wearing a black beret, french kissing, and eating croissants. I love your tart. You show true TWD dedication by getting up in the middle of the night to work on the recipe....you are right, it was worth it.

  13. It looks beautiful as always!

  14. i love the colors from the various stone fruits, yum!

  15. Your tart looks fantastic! I love the combo of stone fruit you made.

  16. Mary, you win the prize for being the most committed baker!... 3:20am??? You definitely need a catnap today.

    I love the fruit combination - so pretty!

  17. What a great looking brioche tart. I've made all kinds of brioche, but never did get round to making it in tart form.

  18. This looks and sounds absolutely delicious!

  19. Geez, 3:20? Now that's dedication!

    I like that first photo!

  20. LOL yep rereading the instructions while it's in the oven is definitely the best time to do that :-P Hee hee! Love how you used so many fruits, fabulous!

  21. Your tart looks amazing, like always :) I can't believe you got up at 3 am to bake it - that's serious dedication! I'm a bit late this week with mine (just making it now).

  22. Wow, what a smorgasbord of fruit for your Brioche Tart! It looks beautiful, I love the way you sliced and placed the fruit!
    Btw, I read an earlier post of yours and noticed you're friends with JustJenn. What a small world because she's my cousin!

  23. I love early morning baking, just drink your coffee first! Great looking tarts even without the carmelization!

  24. Dear FL, I have a problem. I am insanely jealous of your co-workers because they get to sample your amazing baked goods each week. Will you please move to D.C.? Love, Your Fan, Racheal

  25. Still looks delicious!

    I was making jam yesterday and threw everything in the pot befire reading it and realized that was not the written way to do it. Still turned out great though :-)

  26. OMG, that is gorgeous! The light, sweet brioche must be divine with the plums.

  27. Looks really good.

    Sometimes mistakes make a dish better.

    Like that you used a variety of fruit.

  28. 3:20?? That's dedication. If you fall asleep, I hope no one wakes you!

    I can't tell you how many times I've realized after the recipe is in the oven that I've made a fatal error. Do I learn? Nope. I know you're smarter than I am so I have every expectation this is a one time thing.

  29. Mmm can't go wrong with this tart. The brioche looks perfect! And I love that you used a combination of delicious stone fruits.

  30. Wow...you did get up early! It looks wonderful, though. Great job.

  31. this tart is fantastic! I love your version with all the "cousins" in the peach-plum family, they must go so well together!
    the brioche dough is calling my name!

  32. So I'm a week late getting by to see your tart, but I'm glad I did--it looks great and yumm!

  33. Beautiful! The fruit looks picture perfect.

  34. The fruit picture looks perfect & the color is so nice.


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  35. Your tart looks great. I like your combination of fruits. My market has all sorts of interesting stone fruits right now. I have something called mango nectarines right now that I hope to use once I finally get this tart made.
