Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rabbit Manju from Piyonya in Kyoto

Rabbit Mochi/Manju from Piyonya of Kyoto

Rabbit Mochi/Manju from Piyonya of Kyoto
I've been reaching for my roots and getting my Japanese on lately. Ramen California yesterday, rabbit mochi today and you'll see my Saturday post of Japanese festival foods.

The other day, I got a txt from friend, JustJenn. It read something like... "omg. rabbit mochi coming soon. 4 days only."

Um, them magic words.

Rabbit Mochi/Manju from Piyonya of Kyoto
Piyonya in Kyoto set themselves up in Marukai Pacific Market in Gardena, California. Yes, another Japanese place in the South Bay. A lot of Japanese American settled in the South Bay before and after WWII (see the book Japanese Americans of the South Bay), and the city of Torrance has a lot of Japanese companies, including the North American headquarters for Toyota and Honda. Thus, lots of Japanese restaurants and stores.

The white rabbits are steamed dough manju filled with smooth sweetened "an" or red beans. The colored rabbits are sweet dough filled with flavored and sweetened beans.

Rabbit Mochi/Manju from Piyonya of Kyoto
That tail is just too kawaii (cute!)

Rabbit Mochi/Manju from Piyonya of Kyoto
These Bunny Cakes are white chocolate, green tea and chocolate flavored manju. They come in a box that reads: Yumeki-Usagi. In Kyoto the rabbit is legendary.

Rabbit Mochi/Manju from Piyonya of Kyoto
This post is just eye candy (literally!) Too cute! More photos here.

Piyonya is only there from Thursday-Sunday (7/23-7/26/2009)
Here is their website (all in Japanese): piyonya

Pacific Market - Marukai
1620 W. Redondo Beach Blvd, Gardena, CA 90247
(310) 464-8888
Mon-Sat 9:00AM-9:00PM, Sun 9:00AM-8:30PM


  1. I want that! They're so cute!!!

  2. This is just too much cuteness for so early in the morning!

  3. Lee caught a glimpse of your blog this AM, was very impressed, and told me (in the middle of my labor and contractions, mind you) that if he could have multiple wives, he would want you to be his Wife #2. I promptly smacked him right on the head. But I know he meant it as the greatest compliment to you, my friend. So, here's to both of us being loved by Lee!!! Ha, ha!!! XO, Rach

  4. Oh, the bunnies look so cute. I've never had one.

  5. WANT!!!
    And funny that Rach mentioned you being wife #2. I was telling David after our Ramen California adventure that if I was a dude, I would totally marry you. If only CA would allow us to be married... OK, no politics here, it is all about the bunnies!

  6. OMG...too freakin' cute! I've never seen manju in bunny form. I'm going to drag my hubs down to the SB this weekend to get my hands on these cuties. They're almost too cute to eat!

  7. I'm at work and just gotta comment. Yeah, these are too cute to eat. Love the bunny tail. I'm gonna have to drive to get me some of those cuties.

  8. oh how cute! i d like to try some rabbit manju I ve never eaten them. I love Japanese food!

  9. Oh gosh, these are so cute! I almost feel bad biting into them :(
    Are you Japanese? I'm going to Japan in a few weeks (Aug 17th, can't wait!) and I've been asking everybody I know for tips and ideas of what to do. Would you be able to share some? I especially appreciate food info :)
    Thanks you!!!!!!!!

  10. Hey Marta! Have a great time in Japan. I'm jealous. I'm Japanese American and don't speak, read, or write Japanese. I haven't been to Japan in a long time too. I suggest you eat everything you can! :) If you are able, go visit a department store and head to the basement. They have a lot of vendors there and you can see lots of interesting food (in air conditioning - very important during the summer!) Have a great time!!! - mary the food librarian

  11. Hi~!
    Thank you for posting up these amazing and cute pictures! I was wondering if you knew if I could possibly purchase these rabbit manjus at the San Diego Mitsuwa or Marukai?

    Thank you~

    too adorable [nosebleed]

  12. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this through Tastespotting! They are absolutely adorable it makes me want to drive down to Socal just so I can take a bite out (not a nibble) the green tea flavored bunny!

  13. Dear San Diego friend... I don't know if Piyonya are or will be going to San Diego. When I spoke to the salesperson, she said they were only in Gardena for 4 days and not at the other Marukai locations in the South Bay. I would give your Marukai a call and see if they will be visiting! (I hope so, they are just too cute, no?!) thanks for stopping by, mary the food librarian

  14. Mochi Mochi.. Kawaii ne! So what is your thought on them? Did you like em?

  15. Oh my goodness, they're too cute for words! :)

  16. I love your Japanese posts! They're always so interesting.

  17. GAH! i was planning to go to this... but now i WILL pick up these bunnies. thanks for the final push ;)

  18. Those are the cutest things ever!

  19. Seriously, the Japanese take the cake when it comes to cute confectionaries!

    If the comments from this post are any indication, it looks like you're going to get many marriage proposals very soon. I totally want to see this blog turned into a movie!

  20. Those are absolute killer bunnies! WOW!

  21. I have the box. I am currently working on a way to make myself a rabbit purse.

  22. Those couldn't be cuter. I'm definitely intrigued about the taste.

  23. Too cute! I'm making my way to Cupertino to get some :)

  24. I hope you'll forgive me -- I HAD to link to this post. Great blog and such excellent photos!

  25. I'm desperately seeking for a bunny pan for cakes like shown above! Do you know where I can get it????

  26. @Anonymous Re: Rabbit Pan. This company was from Japan, selling their items in Los Angeles for a short time. The molds were probably custom made.
