Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Red and Golden Beet Salad with Goat Cheese

Red & Golden Beet Salad with Goat Cheese (Food Librarian)

I love the concept of the CSA box. Pay your local farmer for a share of their harvest, and get fresh fruits and veggies throughout the year.

There aren't many in my area, and my local farmers market is so full of items that I haven't gotten one yet. Besides, I have my own CSA.

It's my Dad CSA.

My dad "farms" the entire backyard and side of my parent's house. My dad's family were farmers in the Imperial Valley and central California before they were sent to internment camps in Jerome, Arkansas and Gila River, Arizona during WWII. After the war, the family settled in Los Angeles and my grandfather was a gardener. There were lots of Japanese American gardeners back in the day, see this book: Green Makers: JA Gardeners in Southern California. Anyway, even though my dad became a mechanic, he always grew veggies in the backyard.

Red & Golden Beet Salad with Goat Cheese (Food Librarian)
This season, he is growing lots of tomatoes, Japanese cucumbers, red beets, golden beets, string beans, lettuce, mustard greens, and shishito peppers.

Red & Golden Beet Salad with Goat Cheese (Food Librarian)
My dad usually grows red beets, but I love the golden beet. I think they are sweeter and they don't stain your fingers!! So...I just happened to give my dad some golden beet seeds for his birthday! :) Thus, my own Dad CSA box of freshness!

I steamed the beets for 30 minutes, let cool completely and peeled. I stick my hand in a plastic baggie when peeling the red beets. I drizzled some olive oil and red wine vinegar on top along with goat cheese and pepita seeds. The beets are so sweet!

Red & Golden Beet Salad with Goat Cheese (Food Librarian)
Thanks Dad!


  1. I've never tried golden beets but I think I'll have to because I hate how red beets stain! Unfortunately I'll be eating this alone because both my sis and husband hate beets. Weirdos.

  2. The beets... oh it has been ages since I've had some, and Goat cheese to boot...

  3. I want a Dad CSA! Those beets are absolutely gorgeous - I've never had golden beets, but the fact they don't stain sounds like a very big plus.

  4. I love roasted beets with arugula and goat's milk chevre....oh so good. Thanks for sharing. Check out the great giveaways on Dining With Debbie for Crcok Pot Wednesdays.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! I love beets too. My grandpa had a huge garden when I was growing up and now my dad does too. I love it!
    This salad sounds fabulous. I was craving some beets and their greens.

  6. Just looking at this meal it's beautiful. I love red beets but I have to say I don't think I have had golden beets. Yum!

  7. Oh, you lucky girl! The best vegetables in the world came from my grandmother's garden.

    I am amazed when I hear someone say they don't like beets. I just can't imagine this.

  8. Lucky you! My dad has turned his southern CA garden into an English garden, growing only flowers and nothing you can eat. Weird. We sit in fog much of the year and so have a hard time growing anything that needs much heat.

    I love colored beets! Pine nuts would be nice on top too.

  9. I just found your blog and is it ever lovely. I love the idea that you've decided to conquer the world of baking. You're desserts look gorgeous! I used to work in the restaurant biz as a pastry chef, and recently started a blog where I show people how to bake in step-by-step photos. Have a look if you're interested!

  10. I'm not a big fan of regular beets. I'll have to try the golden variety. I love the colors. And goat cheese is always good.

    How cool that you have a Dad CSA!

  11. Beautiful beets... something I never liked until I had the uncanned version.

  12. Gorgeous. There is just something amazing about the goat cheese-beet combo!!!

  13. Beautiful and delicious! I have been really into beets lately. I have so many of them right now I hardly know what to do with them all. Damn seasonal eating.

  14. how nice! I didn t know that golden beetroots existed

  15. Wow this is beautiful! I have not been able to find golden beets, but I've had candy-striped ones. You're lucky to have such a green fingered Dad :)

  16. Love beets roasted but its too hot to turn the oven on. Will try your way and steam 'em. And what lovely color, haven't had luck finding the golden ones. You're a lucky girl to have a Dad CSA!

  17. That's fabulous and extra special since your Dad grew it. Lovely salad, I love pumpkin seeds.

  18. the colors make for beautiful plating!

  19. That's a nice "CSA" you have :) I just discovered I like beets so I am loving this recipe!

  20. oh this just sounds too good - but then anything with goat cheese is a winner in my book
    i will use that idea about the sandwich bag gloves
    will come in "handy"

  21. Beautiful looking beets!

    My sister gardens and so far has brought me cilantro, basil, and parsley.

  22. Lucky you! ;) I've never thought of steaming beets whole - I always boil them. Thanks for the idea!

  23. loved reading the story about your dad's gardening. can he send me some beets too?!! :-)

  24. That's great you have your own personal CSA supply. I love beets-didn't as a kid-but can't get enough of them, especially the golden ones combined with the red. Lovely photos.

  25. how awesome that your dad has a csa, and that he grew these golden beets for you. thank you for sharing your family's story:)
