Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vanilla Ice Cream - Tuesdays with Dorie

Vanilla Ice Cream - Food Librarian
For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Lynne of Cafe LynnyLu decided on Vanilla Ice Cream on page 428 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours. Lynne's blog is sooo pretty!

Vanilla Ice Cream - Food Librarian
I've never made vanilla ice cream! Thanks Lynne for picking this recipe...it's perfect for this hot summer!

This vanilla ice cream has heavy cream, whole milk, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla. I used vanilla paste to get those nifty little vanilla bean specks.

Vanilla Ice Cream - Food Librarian
I made an ice cream sandwich with two Ginger Spice Cookies. Yum! These remind me of the ice cream sandwiches at Diddy Reese in Westwood. It's a landmark at UCLA. Cookies for $.25 and ice cream sandwiches with Dreyer's ice cream for a buck (prices have gone up, but only a little). It's 100% sweetness.

Vanilla Ice Cream - Food Librarian
Have some summer fun with this delicious vanilla ice cream! And be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Page 428 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours
or...Vanilla Ice Cream on Cafe LynnyLu


  1. Gorgeous photos!! I just made ginger cookies today, now I have a new idea to try :)

  2. Oh vanilla ice cream with berries are just YUM! My husband loves ice cream sandwiches so I can't show him this or he'll march right out and get an ice cream machine. And then we'd all be in trouble.

  3. My new place is going to be down the street from Diddy Reese! I have recently come to appreciate the simplicity in vanilla ice cream so I can imagine how great this is.

  4. the ginger spice cookies look wonderful and just perfect with the ice cream.

  5. Diddy Reese is fantastic! I always make an effort to stop by when I'm in Southern California. And that ice cream sandwich you made looks great!

  6. Ooo - perfect with ginger spice cookies! I stuck with adding to the ice cream, but those sandwiches look gorgeous and delicious!

  7. I've been meaning to try that vanilla paste - much easier than beans, and very intriguing! The cookies look wonderful, too.

    ps my bananas are over-ripening as we speak! :)

  8. Ooh, yummy! I love ginger cookies. I never think to make ice cream sandwiches; I bet my girls would love them. Might have to bake some cookies...

  9. Your ice cream looks amazing and I love your photos. You always have such great pottery, it keeps me coming back to your blog (that and I am a librarian too!)

  10. You're not a Bruin until you've had a Diddy Reese cookie. Everytime I have an ice cream sandwich, I think of that place.

    I love the bowl in your pictures (I like the little feet on them)...was this one of your NorCal finds?

  11. Linda,
    Yes, Diddy Reese is happiness. The bowl with feet is from Marukai on Artesia in Gardena. It was really cheap too! I'm always looking for pottery. ;)

  12. I love ice cream sandwiches and berries! You hit my weak spots!

    Lovely photos!

  13. Yum! Your ice cream sandwich cookies are a perfect summer treat.

  14. Ooh...your ice cream looks perfect. The ginger cookies sound wonderful.

  15. How totally perfect looking! I LOVE that bowl :)

  16. I have got to get some beans. Love the little specks in your perfect ice cream...

  17. These are just divine, the photos, the food... I love ice-cream sands.

  18. oh simply irresistible and those vanilla specks makes it even more delicious!

  19. I made ice cream sandwiches with my vanilla ice cream, too. Yours looks delicious!

  20. It turned out so nice, it looks rich and creamy. This was a great ice cream to use for ice cream sandwiches.

  21. yum, yum, yum! ice cream sandwiches are the best! and i really like that bowl with cute little feet!

  22. I'm glad that this was your first foray into vanilla ice cream, because it looks like a complete winner! Gorgeous job!

  23. You have such nice dishes! Your ice cream looks great - love it with the raspberries.

  24. Yum! Looks great. It would be awesome with the ginger cookies! And berries, and well, everything!

  25. Cookies and ice cream-my favorite dessert!

  26. Mmm ginger spice cookies are the perfect thing to sandwich that ice cream! I recently made some ginger molasses cookies I found on your blog and they were insanely amazing and perfect!

  27. Yum...what I wouldn't give for one of those little sandwiches right now - and it's only 8:30 am! They look incredible.

  28. I am so making those ginger cookie ice cream sandwiches. Genius!

  29. I've been having the best time poking through your recent posts (yep, I've been neglecting my Reader lately). Your ice cream (and ice cream sandwiches) look delectable. Will have to try those cookies.
