Sunday, August 16, 2009

My beloved Q-Tip

Q-Tip 1996-2009
February 17, 1996 - August 16, 2009

I had to put my cat, Q-Tip to sleep today.
I remember adopting her when she was only 6 weeks old and so small.
She used to cry when she heard my car coming down the street and would greet me at the door.
I still wonder how someone less than 10 pounds managed to take over the entire bed. (And that I smooshed myself up against the wall less I disturb her beauty sleep.)

Her fur was soft as a feather, and she would tilt her head a bit to get what she wanted.
She liked to sit in the window and watch the birds, and plot her cute domination.
A little white tip of fur topped her a q-tip.
She woke up with me, sat on the LA Times while I read it, and would lick the remaining soy milk from my bowl of cereal.
She and I went through four moves, three jobs, and graduate school. Always there for me.

Q-Tip 1996-2009
Q-Tip with her brother, Sam-I-Am (1992-2006)

Welcomed to Cat Heaven by her brother, Sam-I-Am who will now be able to groom the top of her head again.

It's the first time in 17 years that I don't have a pet in the house.
It's quiet.
And I'm sad.
Q-Tip 1996-2009
I love you, Q-Tip. Thank you for being such a love. I'll miss you forever. And I'll save a space for you on the comforter.


  1. Oh Mary--I'm so sorry. I know how much you'll miss her. What a lucky kitty she was, though, to have been adopted by you.

  2. Your cats(s) are so lovely. I am sorry for your loss.

  3. I'm so sorry, Mary. I'll be thinking of you while you navigate this tough time without your beloved cat.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your cats were beautiful.

  5. Awwww, I'm sorry for your loss. I know from experience how dear pets can be to a person and how much we can miss them once they're gone.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that :-(. Cats are fantastic pets and my life would be sad without them...



  7. i'm sure she had a great life with you and lived happly.. so sorry for your loss..

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was beautiful.

  9. What a gorgeous kitty. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet and a friend is so tough.

  10. I'm so sorry to read about your loss. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things to go through. Many hugs to you.

  11. I'm so so sorry for your loss. As a cat lover, I've had to go through this twice already myself, and it's truly heartbreaking. I had to "send up" (I like that phrase better than "put down") my 16 year old tuxedo boy - Warren Bitey - a year ago. He looked a lot like your QTip! I hope you'll get yourself another furkid when the time is right.

  12. Oh, I am so sorry to read about Q-Tip. I lost my kitty last year and it was difficult. I know that there's a void in your life right now, and it's so hard to lose a friend that went through so much with you. Hugs. Your post is a beautiful tribute to a dear friend.

  13. :( I am so sorry for your loss. She was well loved!

  14. so so sorry! i almost cried reading this! my kitty looks like sam-i-am and i had a kitty that looked like q-tip when i was a kid. pets bring more joy than anything else!

    love and hugs!

  15. Oh Mary - I'm so sorry about the loss of your pet. It's so difficult for you right now, but she's with her brother in Cat Heaven, where they chase mice and drink milk all day.

  16. This is a sad story... but I am sure Q-tip is happy in cat heaven with her brother... Keep it up :)

  17. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. Remember that you gave her a wonderful life and she loved you as much as you loved her. Your post is such a nice tribute. I had to say goodbye to my cat last year and I still miss her a lot.

  18. I am so sorry about Q-Tip. I remember when we had to have our cat put asleep, it was so hard.

  19. Mary, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Q-tip was so lucky to get to spend her entire life with you.

  20. I am so sorry, I know what you mean with no pet in the house.

    Ulrike @ Küchenlatein

  21. Those are some sweet memories you have of her. I know losing a pet is tough. I'm really sorry.

  22. Mary, I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's never easy to say goodbye but you said it beautifully.

  23. I've been reading and enjoying your blog for a while now, but I never commented before. But this post made me so sad, I had to leave a few words. I have two cats and I love them to bits. I know that one day I'll have to go through the same heartbreaking sadness, but I can't picture my life without cats! I hope you find another great furry friend soon.
    And congratulations on your blog, it's really great! You take fantastic pictures, and the food you make looks extra delicious.

    Rebecca (from Paris)

  24. RIP sweet Q-Tip...I'm sorry for you Mary. I'm glad you have such sweet memories of her! ♥

  25. Truly sorry sorry for your loss. Pets are better than human family members and I dread the day that I too will have to come home and not have my furry boy waiting for me.

  26. Oh, Mary I'm so sorry. I was crying when I read your tweet to me last night. Now, I'm crying again. Big hug to you.

  27. Mary-What a sad loss...I am so sorry! May sunny skies find their way to you soon.:)

  28. Oh Mary, that is so sad. I am really sorry for your loss. I am a cat person too and I know how wonderful it is to have a pet...I am thinking about you today. E-hugs.

  29. Oh I am so, so sorry. I can't imagine how hard it is to lose your sweet kitty. I'll be thinking about you!

  30. I'm so sorry for your loss Mary. They are beautiful cats. I wish you much tenderness during your grief and hope the quiet isn't too unsettling.

    Thinking of you.

  31. Ohh. What a sweet kitty.

  32. She was a beautiful little girl. I am sorry for your loss.

  33. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. QTip's life was better having you in it. Major hugs to you.

  34. I'm so sorry! :( I'm a cat lover too and know the feeling of having to say goodbye to the friendliest of pets. She was an adorable little cat.

  35. I'm so sorry! :( I'm a cat lover too and know the feeling of having to say goodbye to the friendliest of pets. She was an adorable little cat.

  36. I'm very sorry about Q-Tip... Big hugs.

  37. So Sorry about your wonderful cat. I will be thinking of you and hope you find a new sweet friend. Your sweet cat was lucky to have such a good friend to love her.

  38. Sorry to hear about Q-Tip. :( The loss of a pet is really hard.

  39. What a pretty kitty; I feel for you.

  40. Mary, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. I dread the day my precious kitty, who was born in 1996 not long after Q-Tip, passes on. Your cats were beautiful, and your heartfelt tribute was very touching.

  41. Laze calmly and jump at fishies in the astral plane, wee Q-Tip. We know you'll be missed. So sorry, Mary! ~Shannon S.

  42. This post made me really sad. I am so sorry for your loss, Mary. Q-tip was really lucky to have you in her life. You gave her the best life she could have. She (and her brother...I love it that you adopted the pair!) looked like very sweet kitties.

  43. My heart goes out to you -- it's so sad to lose a cat -- my family lost our cat of 18 years 1 1/2 years ago and it's still strange not to have her around. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  44. I'm so sorry, Mary. (((((BigHugs))))))

    A house without a pet is not a home, isn't it? I've always had cats in the house. For one short month, 9 years ago, our house was not a home. We had just put our 20 year-old cat, Bandit, to sleep...we waited a month before bringing home 2 beautiful Siamese kittens. I hope when your grief has lessened you will bring home another baby, or two.

  45. I am so sorry Mary. Losing a dear pet is very hard, but take solace in the joy they brought you and the peace they now have.

  46. I'm a "lurker" but had to comment after reading you post. Loosing a pet is very difficult. This post brought tears to my eyes thinking of what you are going through and of my beloved pet I lost some time ago.

  47. I'm so sorry for your loss, Mary!! Thinking of you during this difficult time.

  48. Mary, so sorry for your loss!

  49. Oh Mary, I'm so sorry. That's the hardest thing to do as a pet lover. I'm of the opinion that it's hard to be sad with a kitten in the house, so when you're ready, I know there's a kitty waiting to adopt you.

  50. Though I read your blog faithfully, this is the first time that I've posted a comment.

    May you find peace in knowing that Q-Tip is no longer suffering, and find relief from your grief. Making the decision to allow your four legged baby to rest is one of the most difficult decisions that a person can make. I had to make that same decision in April with my beloved Morgan.

  51. I'm so sorry. I teared up reading your post. I have two cats and I fear the day I have to say goodbye to them. It's time for you to make another kitty happy with a nice forever home:)

  52. I'm sorry for your loss. I can understand how you feel as I've gone through the passing of my pets before. :-(

  53. I'm so sorry for you loss. You are making me think about what I will feel when my dogs go to doggie heaven.

  54. Oh my gosh. So sorry! Loved your tribute!

  55. Mary, I remember Q from when she was just a little baby, a mini q-tip. She was raised by the best and no doubt had a wonderful human companion all these years. Dave

  56. What a beautiful cat. My sympathies, Mary.

  57. I'm so sorry for your loss. Such a lovely tribute post. She was lucky to have such a wonderful parent.

  58. Oh, this brought tears to my eyes. I am so very sorry for your loss and I am glad you have such wonderful memories of both of them.

  59. I'm sorry for your loss Mary!

  60. Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your cat.

  61. Oh that's so sad Mary. Sorry to hear about your loss.

  62. i'm so sorry...she was beautiful, and a wonderful friend.

  63. Mary, I am in tears as I read your post and look at the sweet photos of your precious kitties. What a beautiful, beautiful memorial for Q-tip and Sam-I-Am. I am very sorry for your loss. Having had to put my Homie-cat down, I know what you are going through right now and the heartache that you feel. It's very hard. I'm so sorry. You were the best, best mommy to your babies and I'm glad you had so many good years together. Please know you are in my thoughts during this sad time of transition. We all love you over here at the McCabe house. All six of us. Racheal, Lee, Jake, Elwood, Sammy and Caden

  64. Oh, I just saw this. I'm so sorry for your loss. Q-Tip sounds like a wonderful kitty.

  65. Dear Mary,
    I'm so sorry.

  66. Mary-
    Your cats were both beautiful and I am sure you miss them. They were so lucky to be in your life and you were lucky as well. When the time is right, give another kitty a home.

  67. Beautiful cats! I am sure you miss them both. Your post brought tears to my eyes. When the time is right, bring home another kitty or two.

  68. I am so very sorry for your loss. I've been so busy, that I missed this post and just had a chance to catch up. What a sweet kitty, and the only thing I can think of to comfort you is that I am sure you gave her a truly wonderful life.

  69. I'm so sorry. Q-tip and Sam-I-Am were beautiful cats.
