Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes - Martha Stewart's Cupcakes Club

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes - Martha Stewarts Cupcakes

For this month's Martha Stewart's Cupcakes Club, Kim from What the Whisk chose Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes on page 236 of Martha's fantastic book: Martha Stewart's Cupcake Book

Martha Stewart Cupcakes Club is a new club where members make one cupcake recipe per month.

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes - Martha Stewarts Cupcakes
I scored some canned pumpkin (you know you are in a baking community when your twitter feed is full of the Pumpkin Panic of 2009!) and made 1/2 the recipe.

I made my own version of cream cheese frosting: 1 block (8 oz) cream cheese and 1 1/4 cup powdered sugar.

I thought the cupcake was not dense like a pumpkin bread and pretty light on the pumpkin flavor. However, I only had a bite and it was right out of the the flavors might not have settled down yet.

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes - Martha Stewarts Cupcakes
Martha, oh Martha. I'm so not in your world. She (well, her staff) leave us instructions to make our own marzipan pumpkins to place on top. Um, yeah...I'm just not a marzipan decorating kinda gal. I love me marzipan, but I'm not crafty enough to shape my own mini-pumpkins (and I just don't have the time). I'm just saying that the great Pumpkin shortage includes handcrafted marzipan pumpkins. I sprinkled some orange jimmies on top and saved myself about 10 hours of work. Whew!

By the way, come back to visit on Saturday. I'm starting a crazy, I-hope-I-can-do-this baking project. For those who know will involve my beloved Bundt pan. - mary

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes - Martha Stewarts Cupcakes
Martha Stewart's Cupcake Book: Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes, page 236

The Martha Stewart Cupcakes Club doesn't post the recipe. You can use WorldCat to see if your library has it in their collection.

Be sure to check out the other Martha Stewart Cupcakes Club members and their version of the recipe! I'm sure some bakers were marzipan artists!


  1. Ooooh, these look delicious! (I have to admit, I am not a huge fan of marzipan anyway, so I think yours sound even more delicious without it!) Definitely gets me in the mood for halloween. :-D

  2. Yum!! and perfectly halloweeny!! I loooove the kitsch cases and snap on the pumpkin background prop, haha :) I haven't tasted these yet so I'm hoping you're right about the flavour getting better after a cool down! x

  3. Looks really good! I love how you added the creepy text in your first pic. It's so festive!! Why didn't I think of that?? :)

  4. These look so good! Love the liners! I wish I had used halloween liners!

  5. Is this the recipe you used?

    I made the carrot cupcakes from her site last week and they were super popular!

  6. These cupcakes are PERFECT! Love the liners, too!

  7. Forget the marzipan...these look beautiful as they are. I love how you dressed them up with the cute liners and sprinkles.

  8. Your cupcakes are perfect. No marzipan pumpkins necessary. The cute cupcake papers and sprinkles are adorable. Thanks for baking along with me this month.

  9. beautiful cupcakes! i love the ghostly letters on your photo! =)

  10. Whew - I thought I was the only one that shunned the whole marzipan pumpkin thing.

    I can't wait to see what you're making this weekend!

  11. These look really good! I'm not a big fan of pumpkin baked goods but my husband is. I always skip the decor nonsense on my baked goods. I rather it taste good than look good and waste a tonne of time.

    I enjoy and share your bundt love :)

  12. Love the liners and sprinkles - so festive for the holiday! They look positively horrific! :) Absolutely beautiful this month!

  13. I love the cupcake wrappers and good call on not spending 10 hrs on throw-away decorations. I love Martha, but some stuff just goes into the "wishful thinking" category!

  14. I think they look delicious just as they are. Perfect for the season.

  15. Those cupcakes are so pretty and perfect! i'd love to eat one now...



  16. Love the liners! They look so festive!

  17. Sprinkles and cupcake liners obviously make the cupcake not the marzipan pumpkins!

  18. I've really been in the pumpkin mood lately and have been looking for something good to bake up. This might be the ticket.

    Hey, you're on twitter? Would you mind posting your twitter name so I can follow you? Mine is Nikkilooch.


  19. Orange jimmies are a perfectly suitable replacement for handmade marzipan pumpkins..really, that is just insane. SO EXCITED for your project!!

  20. Your cupcakes look gorgeous! And of course Martha would make her own marzipan pumpkins.

  21. They look perfect! very cute and delicious.

  22. Pretty cupcakes.. especially the cream cheese frosting! I seldom succeed in getting mine to hold up like this ;( and I know what you mean when you say you're not crafty.. I'm like that too!

  23. I can't wait for the bundt-magic to begin....please post links to your bundariffic recipes because I want to make my mini-bundts soon based on whatever recipe is looking the best!

  24. I'll be honest I've not been too happy with all the recipes I've made out of that book. These are on the list to try. Yours look good and you didn't say they were gross so, maybe this one will go onto the winner's list.

  25. OH my these look amazing! I think that I might like your cream cheese frosting better than the recipe in the book. Martha's tends to be a little buttery.

  26. LOL
    Love the comment about the great pumpkin shortage. I guess that is how we know we're food bloggers! : )

    The jimmies look awesome. Who needs a marzipan pumpkin anyway?

  27. These pictures are gorgeous! And your cupcakes look amazing - I don't blame you for skipping the marzipan pumpkins...I love the look of the sprinkles better anyway!


  28. These were spicy and delicious. Hubby said they were the best cupcakes he has ever eaten. We have been married 34 years--I've made a lot of cupcakes!

  29. LMAO - I am SO not in her world either! LOL These look wonderful, the jimmies are a perfect topping!

  30. Very pretty! Cupcake club? Sounds perfect.

  31. I've never had marizpan, but I think that's a bit excessive. She should have just put the candy corn muffins on top!

  32. I love your photos!
    What a great treat for Halloween!

  33. Fave phrase of this post "the great Pumpkin shortage includes handcrafted marzipan pumpkins" LOL! very funny.
    Your cupcakes look great!

  34. yum- pumpkin cupcakes are some of my fav! yours are so cute too!

  35. Your photographs are so beautiful. The cupcakes are delightful.

  36. Those look marvelous Mary! I adore the liners. My mom's bought me a ton of Halloween-themed liners this fall, but no orange ones yet! I've never even worked with marzipan before so I didn't attempt the pumpkins either - I just tinted the frosting orange and called it a day :)

  37. Ooh, I've been wanting to make these. But I don't hink I have the time or patience to make marzipan pumpkins either. they are cute though!

  38. These look really wonderful and who would not want one of these for the season? I have GOT to shop more...where are you all getting these really cute wrappers, etc.? Obviously not shopping enough here...thanks for the inspiration.

  39. Wow, I love the color of your cupcakes.

    I also did not make the marzipan pumpkins. I like my classic swirl! :)

    Thanks for baking along!

  40. I was fully ready to not be able to find pumpkin when I went to the grocery store the other day. But there was pumpkin-a-plenty! Maybe it's a regional thing? I'm in North Texas. I stocked up just to make sure, because I will definitely be making these again!

  41. Jennifer, Looks like the pumpkin shortage is over. Libby said last year's crop wasn't very good so they started off slow, but now I think they are using this year's crop. Yeah! Pumpkin is back! - mary

  42. This looks super delicious and it made me shoot off an email to the Club to put me on "wait list". Keeping my fingers crossed.

  43. Your cupcakes look yummy, love the liners! I did not make the marzipan pumkins either. They are cute, but who has the time other than Martha (or her staff). :)

  44. Yours are gorgeous. I wish I could do that.
