Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lemon Sablés - Tuesdays with Dorie

Lemon Sable Cookies - Tuesdays with Dorie
Lemon Sablés

Excuse the typos. I'm writing this at 8:50pm (always the procrastinator) wearing fingerless gloves. I'm also wearing Cuddle Dud leggings, flannel pajamas, an extra flannel PJ top, that 1980's looking Hanes sweatshirt in some awful color that was on clearance at Target, and a wool hat that makes me look soooo like a sherpa in Nepal. Seriously....I can get you up that mountain in this hat.

Where am I? Some outdoor cafe on the beach of Southern California?

No, I'm INSIDE THE HOUSE! The heater isn't working and So Cal is going through a major cold spell (for us). And we don't build our houses like you guys in places where you get snow...we don't have R999999 installation and stuff. And, truth be told, we are huge weather wimps. And I'm raising my hand on that one.

Seriously, it is 49 degrees F outside, and I think it is about 50 degrees inside. I have had so much tea tonight that I might float away.

So, here are my Lemon Sable cookies for Tuesdays with Dorie. For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Barbara of Bungalow Barbara selected Sablés on pages 131-133 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

I added lemon zest. They are easy to make and easy to eat. And go great with the gallons of tea I'm drinking!

Lemon Sable Cookies - Tuesdays with Dorie
Aren't these the cutest flowers? My DC friends Racheal, Lee, Caden and their three cute cats sent me these cupcake flowers for my birthday!! And thank you so much for your birthday wishes. I went to Disneyland and got drenched. I'll post about that later...after I warm up and my shoes dry out!

Don't forget to enter My Birthday Giveaway for a subscription to Everyday Food and mystery culinary gift (read: I haven't purchased it yet :) Click here. Deadline Friday!

Lemon Sable Cookies - Tuesdays with Dorie
Gotta go. I've been heating up my bed with an electric blanket that might dessicate my ovaries, but I don't care at this point (no worries, I turn it off before going to bed...)

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Bungalow Barbara's blog
Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours, Sablés, pages 131-133.


  1. I'm a native Angelino and you're right it is damn cold out tonight! brrr brrr brrr. These cookies look so cute! Hope you have a warm nights sleep, can't wait to read about Disneyland in the rain =)

  2. OMG, I am so jealous of your electric blanket!! Last night I slept with a turtleneck, a hoodie, a blanket, a quilt, socks, and a Snuggie!! I kid you not! The cookies look great. BTW, your noodle kugel is on SAVEUR!!

  3. Those look delicious! I love anything with lemon.

    I know how you feel with the cold... when I moved from Singapore to Australia, that first winter was terrible! Now I live in CT and the winters here are insanely cold!

  4. I would give two fingers to have it be 50 degrees! It is snowing her right now...not much accumulation, just looks pretty, but I am already looking forward to spring. I like your bday flowers....so cute.

  5. I can't help but laugh at you describing yourself as a *winter wimp* :-) It's supposed to hit 50 here in Baltimore today (with buckets of rain :-/) and then only have highs in the mid 30s for the rest of the week. Now THAT's cold!

  6. Love the cookies and tea! I feel your pain on the cold. Must make some lemon cookies to take my mind off of it!

  7. Mmmmmm... lemon's a great addition to an already perfect recipe! Great picture too!

  8. They are so pretty! Stay warmER!

  9. Oh no! I think we're finally getting your cold spell...all the way over in Boston! We live in a 3rd floor apartment, and I demanded that we be way up high just so that the apartment would be cool in the summer, warm in the winter. And that's working out today, with the wintry mix that's hitting us. STAY WARM!!!

  10. Oh crap, sorry about your heat! Or lack there of. :-/ The sables look marvelous though! Just do a lot of baking, that should warm you up :)

  11. yikes-- stay warm!! cold here in NYC, too-- i've been wearing my scarf indoors. these look really good!

  12. Oh yeah, I forgot it was your birthday on Monday. I hope you had a great day. Happy Belated Birthday!!

    Your cookies look great. Glad to know they taste yummy. (I still need to bake mine).

  13. Love your cookies and photos. Glad you had a great birthday!

  14. Super cute cookies! And pretty flowers.
    Sorry you are freezing! 50 degrees inside is a serious problem!

  15. You poor thing! There is seriously nothing worse than sitting inside and freezing in your own house. I hope your heat gets fixed soon (or CA warms up)!

    I made the lemon sables too. Yours look wonderful!

  16. Looks great! I think a few people did the lemon... refreshing!

  17. Peaking in at your blog today and I hope you are warm today and I sure hope your ovaries did not melt from the electric blanket:) You are too funny. Your blog is wonderful and I want all of those bundt cakes you posted from everyone. Isn't baking the most fun? OK so my kids say I need to get a life that does not revolve around FLOUR but I can't help myself:)

  18. Thank you for baking along with me this week!

    Hope your heat is back on. Hey, even here in Wisconsin we get cold if the temperature INSIDE gets too low!

  19. Mmmmmmm a little lemon is perfect for this cookie. Also I'm sorry to hear about the cold weather. Keep bundled!

  20. You are hilarious! It was 51 this morning and I almost didn't wear my coat. When we went back to CA in the winter we laughed at the people all bundled up and it was 60. But, I am with you, when I lived in CA I was a weather wimp. Glad these lemon sables turned out for you. Keep warm! :)

  21. oh yum! Oh um!! I love stuff with lemon in it, it’s always so refreshing!! I think I’m going to try these!

  22. Oh your cookies look delicious! I've made these before and they are soooo good!!!

  23. Beautiful cookies! For heavens sake get that heater working. Or turn the oven on. Make some soup. We can't have you freezing out there.

  24. Ahhhhh Sables.... oh goodness are they ever my favorite.... I've never had lemon Sables but they sound terrific. It is getting cold here... just got back from the states, so not as cold in Japan as there.. but low 40's from this week on....

    Any plans for xmas.. baking plans?

  25. Wow! I hope you warmed up once you got into bed. And I hope your heater is working again. Your sables look luscious.

  26. Oh those cookies look divine. Sorry it's so cold for you and hope it warms up soon. Keep drinking more tea.

  27. What, cold weather in SoCal?? No, I actually believe you - it's not all sunshine and warmth all the time out there! I hope the lemon sables warmed you up a bit. They're gorgeous.
