Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winner of My Birthday Giveaway and Rainy Disneyland

Thanks for entering My Birthday Giveaway!

Hum, that's how to get the lurkers out from the shadows! :) Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! And to all the other December rock and I wish YOU a great birthday!

The Winner of a subscription to Everyday Food (10 issues, one year) and a Mystery Culinary Gift is....Comment #76 - Jenn of Made with Love! Congrats. (I used to pick a random number). Jenn, your email isn't on your blog, so please email me ASAP with your name and address.

Disneyland - Birthday 12/7/2009
As you can see, it was wall-to-wall people at Disneyland on my birthday.

I went to Disneyland on my birthday. In. The. Rain.

One great thing about living in Los Angeles is proximity to Disneyland. It's worth it to get an annual pass if you go just a few times a years. I usually go once a month - sometimes for just a few rides and a nice stroll around the parks....the stress of having to stay 14 hours to make the best of the $80 admission isn't there. Sweet.

So, Disneyland is having a special - get in free on your birthday. But what if you already get in free on your birthday with your annual pass? You get a $72 merchandise gift card. You can only get it ON your birthday, so even though Los Angeles was washing away in a big rain storm, I was going.

It was crazy raining and there was no one at the park. It was awesome! And, I was surrounded by MY PEEPS. No, not a bus of Japanese tourists...but December 7th Birthday people! You get a special button to wear on your b-day - and the park was filled with my Birthday friends. Cool.

Umbrella, ponchos and people dressed as the Gordon Fisherman abound. However, my friend and I are native Angelenos so we don't have anything close to proper rain clothes. We left when my friend said her feet were squishy with so much water. Hey, what are good rain shoes that I can wear to walk around Disneyland for three hours? Not just run from the car to the office...but walk around in. Any suggestions would be great. Please help a weather wuss. ;) I'll trade you for the advice on the best sunscreens! :)

Disneyland - Birthday 12/7/2009
Disneyland is nicely decked out for the holidays! I can't wait to go back for the holiday fireworks.

Disneyland - Birthday 12/7/2009 Disneyland - Birthday 12/7/2009
We got drenched on It's A Small World...most of the ride is inside, but you get on and off outside. Fun, fun. And this crazy family decided to ride the water ride in the rain. I guess if you are already drenched...

Disneyland - Birthday 12/7/2009
It's a Small World is holiday-fied. They play a mash-up of It's a Small World and holiday songs. (Yes, I do find myself using terms from Glee)

Again, thanks for the awesome Birthday wishes. I pretty much celebrate all month! ;)

And huge thanks to Susie of The Computery for her tutorial on How to Number your Comments in Blogger. Saved the day! If you use Blogger and want to have numbers next to your comments, check out her tutorial here!


  1. =O $72 merchandise gift card? SERIOUSLY?

    I was debating about going since I can get in for free and it's later this week, but I wanted to go with my boyfriend who has no time, but I guess I'll be asking my friends if they want to go with me haha.

  2. I've never been to D-land. i should totally go on my birthday.
    How fun that you had fun.

  3. I know EXACTLY where I'm going on my birthday, even if I have to go alone! Can't pass up the opportunity to get into Disneyland for friggin' free! And I'm making reservations for that awesome restaurant inside the Pirates of the Caribbean! Two more months to go!
    Happy month-long birthday!


  4. I wear shoes similar to these all winter and I live in Cleveland, OH. And they're on sale too!! I just might order these!

  5. Happy birthday! Even in the rain, Disney still looks fun!

  6. Quote "so even though Los Angeles was washing away in a big rain storm, I was going."

    Mary, you are so so funny!! Glad you had a great day!

  7. Our BEST time (ever!) at Disneyland was the year we went on Christmas day and it rained. By 5pm the park had cleared (wimps) and then it magically cleared up...and the place was practically empty. We were able to ride pretty much everything with no wait.....yippee! Kids had a ball and we came home with those cool ponchos :)

  8. As someone who does not live anywhere near Disney, but definitely in a four season area of the US (PA), and this year has been especially rainy - I reccomend Adidas sandals - the blue and white striped ones or Crocs - yes, they are ugly, but they do dry off at some point! Glad you had a great day!

  9. I have some waterproof Keen sneakers that are perfect for walking on a rainy day.

  10. Yay, hope you had a great birthday! To be honest, if it's warm enough, I usually wear capris and let my feet get wet by wearing simple thong flip flops (Old Navy-style). Those type of sandals dry quickly and don't have any leather or socks to get wet. Otherwise I wear my Merrell all-weather slip on mocs.

  11. I'm sorry it rained on your Disneyland visit but it still looks like you had fun. Congrats to the winner too :)

  12. Happy birthday, sweetie! Love this post!

  13. Hey Mary,

    For good shoes for rain,at least as much as we get around here,you should try Dansko Proffesional clogs,especially the patent leather for extra water resistance.That particular model has a closed back.The fact that they have a bit of a platform helps keep you out of the water and they're super comfortable.The Walking Store has them.

    Heidi L. (still @ 338)
