Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie
Happy 2nd Anniversary Tuesdays with Dorie!
Apple Tarte Tatin

For this week’s Tuesdays with Dorie, we are celebrating the TWO YEAR Anniversary of the TWD baking group! All started by Laurie, this group has grown to hundreds of bakers. And I think all of us have grown as bakers and bloggers – trying new recipes, finding interesting ingredients and making baking friends.

Special thanks to author Dorie Greenspan who has fully supported us in our adventure. Dorie is quick to answer questions, and gives us helpful hints. She is fantastic, and if you don’t already have her book, you should get it!

Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie
After putting three recipes up for a vote (and heavy, but unsuccessful lobbying by Clara), we were given the choice of posting either Cocoa-Buttermilk Birthday Cake or Tarte Tatin. I’m sure there are plenty of people who are making both…but I’m a bit under the weather and only had the energy to make one.

I chose Tarte Tatin because I have a mess of apples and I love, love warm apples. I used an all-butter pie crust as Trader Joe’s isn’t carrying all-butter puff pastry anymore (sad).

Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie
I used five HUGE Fuji apples. I forget where I bought these, but they were on sale so I scooped them up! (This is a 10" cast iron pan I picked up at Target for $20).

Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie
I didn't get my caramel to a deep caramel color...even after 27 minutes (should take around 15 minutes per Dorie). I think my heat was too low during the caramelizing process and cooked the liquid out of a lot of the apples...but I am happy with the taste! Nothing like warm apples! :) I'm going to try it again sometime and turn up the heat a bit to get a deeper caramel color.

Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie
My favorite line of the recipe is for flipping out the smoking hot Tarte Tatin. Dorie says, "acting quickly and confidently...turn the tart out onto the platter and remove the pan." How great are those instructions? When I was flipping mine out...I kept saying, "With Confidence! With Confidence!" It all came out, but I had a lot of extra liquid as you can see. I want to try it again and get that nice caramel color!

Tarte Tatin - Tuesdays with Dorie
Thank you Laurie for starting this fun group!

From Dorie Greenspan on NPR - recipe for Tarte Tatin
(You can listen to the radio piece and see photos of Dorie being "confident" turning out her Tarte Tatin!)


  1. Ha! I did not flip with confidence at all. I should have been using your chant. My tarte almost looked identical to yours. I wish I had cooked it a bit longer. Ah well. Next time. Thanks so much for baking along with me Mary! xo

  2. Beautiful! I am so glad I get to be part of this group with you! :)

  3. Your tarte looks beautiful.

    I love the plate you have it on.

    I flipped with confidence too, and nothing stuck. Yeah me!

  4. Looks wonderful! I am on the prowl for a new bundt cake pan. Looking forward to trying out some of your recipes with it. Happy new year!

  5. I also made the tarte and halved the recipe.

    Yours look great

    Ulrike @Küchenlatein

  6. Oh, I loved that line too. I even tried to pose "confidently". :P I'm so sad that TJs doesn't carry the puff pastry anymore. I went before x-mas to stock up and they didn't have any...

  7. It looks lovely! Props to you for going for it even though you aren't feeling normal!

  8. Great looking Tarte Tatin. My apples never got dark even after 30 minutes, but the taste is phenomenal.

  9. Fantastic photos! Those apples look scrumptious and I especially love your final presentation. Can't believe it's been two years of baking goodness already!

  10. Looks like your confidence paid off! ;)
    Mine wasn't a problem getting it flipped either. I just did it because it NEEDED to be done! So glad to have met you through TWD!

    And many more......

    Having a giveaway on my blog today!

  11. I would KILL for a slice of that.

    Well, not kill... But maybe maim. I hope you had some custard with it Mary!

  12. I love that we were on different coasts both screaming out "With Confidence" at the same time! Happy Anniversary to us! I love TWD...bake on Miss Mary!

  13. What an adventure! You braved the cast iron. Mine took literally 50 minutes to caramelize... crazy.. but some were a little burnt. Oh well - it looks wonderful, and it was great fun to make wasn't it!

  14. I didn't get the caramel color either...after about 30 minutes...I'll try again too.

    It still tasted good :)

  15. Wow, those are some big Fujis! :D
    I also wanted to let you know I've given you an award on my blog: http://fuzzykoalacakecompany.blogspot.com I really enjoy reading your posts, especially the "I Like Big Bundts" series! :)

  16. With confidence....funny! I'm not always fond of the texture of warm apples but I'm actually very interested in givin' this a try.

    Happy New Year and hope you're feeling better soon.

  17. Such a beautiful tart.... I second what Mr. P said... I'd kill for a slice of that..

  18. I hope you're feeling better soon Mary!

    I went with the cake this week (in cupcake form) and it was tasty but I really want to try this tarte. I didn't have the right size pan so I couldn't do it this week but soon hopefully! Yours look gorgeous and oh so tasty! I'm glad so many people chose the tarte this week so I could learn from their experiences :)

  19. WHAT. You better make me that cocoa cake for my birthday, then.

  20. Your tarte is looking much better then mine. I sure enjoyed the buttery apple flavor. I sprinkled cinnamon on top!

  21. happy anniversary!! tarte tatin is sooo good! i noticed too that TJ's isn't selling their puff anymore...that is a bummer, as it was a really good product.

  22. Wow, a picture perfect tarte! Beautifully done. Mine disappeared so quickly I want to make it again.
    Happy second anniversary!

  23. What a beautiful looking tart! I could totally go for a slice right now :)

  24. Your tarte looks absolutely amazing Mary.

  25. Your tarte looks fabulous! Mine was too dark, so I had the opposite problem. A big fat noooooooooooooo to TJs no longer carrying the all-butter puff pastry. That stuff was awesome.

  26. I love tarte tatins, they're so good, soooo good. I got myself a tarte tatin pan from Emile Henry because I never flip with confidence.

  27. Lovely tarte tatin!

    This is a crowd pleaser. When I've brought this into work, I had co-workers fighting over the last piece.

  28. Fun to read about your experience. I'm also envious about your pastry class. Kinda cool the way you can tear and patch that sweet pastry crust. Awesome job with the all-butter crust too.
