Monday, February 1, 2010

Black Kale Chips

Kale Chips

I made some new friends today.
The kale chip.
Let me introduce you.
Oh, don't be shy.
They are really nice, easy going, and their hearts are filled with antioxidants.

Kale Chips
Look at this beautiful black kale from my local farmer's market!

I've seen kale chips go around the internet and food blogs, and since I'm almost always a late adopter, I finally made these. I first saw them on Esi's blog, Dishing up Delights. And I'm here to help you. Help you by telling you to go to your Farmer's Market this weekend and yes, get on the kale chip bandwagon. This isn't a crazy fad, this is a friendship that can last a lifetime. Just sayin'.

I made mine from black kale but I've seen it made with more common curly kale as well.

Okay, for those Japanese food eaters out there...These chips completely remind me of NORI!! (seaweed used to make sushi) They are light as air and I ate a whole head of kale chips in one evening. Oh yes, I found a new friend. Thanks Esi!!

Here is Esi's Recipe: Dishing up Delights, Kale Chips

Here is how I made them:

Kale Chips
1 bunch of kale
1 T olive oil

1. Heat over to 350 degrees.
2. Line baking sheets with a Silpat or parchment paper.
3. Wash kale and strip out the center core or stalk. Tear kale into small pieces. Dry the kale with towels or a salad spinner (I skipped this part and they turned out okay)
4. Coat the kale with olive oil and salt. (Esi's recipe has 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar but I didn't add that.)
5. Spread kale into SINGLE layer. This is important. You will probably need to bake several batches.
6. Bake for 10-15 minutes, turning once about halfway through. The chips should be dry and light.

Kale Chips
Fresh out of the oven. The chips should be light, crisp and dry. You can't use these chips for dip - they are too fragile (or at least mine were). They are just pop-in-your-mouth while watching TV chips.


  1. Were you in my kitchen over the last two weekends? We've been going through at least one big bunch of kale a week because of these! (And that's only because I only make them 1x/week... I think it takes a total of 45 minutes to mow through an entire batch.) SOOO delicious!

  2. I actually made these last week and they were soooo delicious! I'm not one to eat anything green or leafy, but I just loved the kale. I added a little chili powder and that was a nice kick.

  3. I made these last summer when my fridge was overflowing with greens from my CSA share. It is the only way I have ever gotten my boyfriend to eat Kale. We loved them!

  4. I have never tried these with black kale, but kale chips are one of my favorite things! So glad you tried them and loved them.

  5. I think I need to get some more kale this weekend!!

  6. Thanks for sharing these! I've seen them on sites before but have never made them. I even keep kale around a lot, to use in pasta and with meats, so I don't know why I've never gotten around to trying them!

  7. These are great! They are kinda like nori! Thanks for the recipe & pictures.

  8. Ok, you are the 2nd person to post about Kale Chips. Now I really need to try them. I'd rather make them then buy them so thanks for the recipe :)

  9. I've gotta try this. I'm on this nutty detox plan, but kale and olive oil are allowed foods. I saw dried kale chips at whole foods selling for $10 for a small rip-off.

    You're not the last on the bandwagon...I've just gotten on! :)

  10. This is my next adventure...we bought kale at the Santa Monica farmers market this past weekend and were gonna slow-cook it but I think I am gonna have some kale chips to munch on while watching Grey's Anatomy tomorrow night! Thanks!

  11. I keep seeing kale chips and have been meaning to try them though I haven't actually yet. Hopefully I will soon because it sounds so good~
