Saturday, February 20, 2010

New School of Cooking - Pro Baking 1 - Class 9: Cinnamon Rolls, Puff Pastry & Croissant Dough

New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants & Cinnamon Rolls
I'm taking the Pro Baking 1 series (taught by Chef Carol Cotner Thompson) at the New School of Cooking in Culver City (Los Angeles) this fall/winter. In Class 9, we made cinnamon rolls with our brioche dough and started our Puff Pastry and Croissant doughs.

In Class 8, we started our Brioche dough (yeasted dough with added butter) and put it in the freezer. We made the Brioche dough using the paddle attachment of the KitchenAid. The paddle attachment pulls the gluten strands better than the dough hook, and it was a much faster process. I have made Brioche before with the dough hook and it takes a long time. I'm glad I learned this new method!

The day before this class, the staff moved our dough from the freezer to the refrigerator for proofing. We had it sit out for a bit on our tables and then made cinnamon rolls.

New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants & Cinnamon Rolls New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants & Cinnamon RollsNew School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants & Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon rolls - what a great treat to make any time of day!

New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants  & Cinnamon Rolls
After a brush with melted butter and a rise, these were baked up into yummy goodness.

New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants & Cinnamon Rolls New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants & Cinnamon Rolls
The class had extra broiche dough so they made donuts and beignets. Sweetness. And it was on Superbowl Sunday so the beignets were most appropriate! Yeah, the Saints won! (See, I told you I was behind in posting about my I'm all about the Winter Olympics)

New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants  & Cinnamon Rolls
These donuts were filled with cherries. OMG delicious.

New School of Cooking - Class #9 - Puff Pastry & Croissants & Cinnamon Rolls

We started our Puff Pastry and Croissant doughs. Both doughs are very similar but the Croissant dough has yeast while the Puff Pastry doesn't. The latin term for these doughs? "Butter delivery device veni vidi vici". We used close to 2 pounds of butter today...that's 8 sticks. We turned it three of the minimum four turns. To see how the turns work, please see Tracey's Culinary Adventure's great step-by-step process.

Stay tuned to see what we made in our last class with the puff pastry and croissant doughs!

Recaps of the New School of Cooking, Pro Baking 1 course:
Baking Therapy: Going back to school
Class 1: Quick Breads
Class 2: Custards
Class 3: Soufflés & Pate a Choux
Class 4: Tarts, Pie, Crisps and Cobblers
Class 5: Chocolate
Class 6: White Cake with Italian Meringue Buttercream
Class 7: Artisan Breads
Class 8: Flat Breads, Brioche and Focaccia


  1. Wow, great creations! Those classes are surely very interesting!



  2. Those cinnamon rolls looks so good! What a great treat to have any time of day.

  3. Oh God, I am so hungry, now. Cinnamon rolls are a once-a-year thing for me, pretty much (I make them for Christmas morning), and I clearly need to come up with more reasons to justify baking them.

  4. They look very very tasty! I never thought of using the paddle attachment to make dough, I'll have to give it a try.

  5. Those cinnamon rolls are to die for Mary!! They look absolutely perfect. I've been enjoying the posts from your class. It really seems like you've learned quite a bit.

    Thanks for the mention :)

  6. woW> I have a case of cinnamon roll envy. looks great.

  7. Every class you post about makes me wish I was taking the class with you!

  8. thanks for the tip on the paddle attachment when making brioche, I have only used the dough hook. Your cinnamon rolls are calling my name!

  9. Mmm. Now I want cinnamon rolls... And I can't wait to see what you do with the laminated doughs.

  10. Another great post. I can't wait to try these out, those pics look mouth-watering.

  11. I took a croissant-making class too! I loved folding the 'beurrage' into the rest of the dough.
    Enjoy the rest of your classes!

  12. Thanks for sharing your Classes with us. It has been a while since I made Croissants and now I have a craving.

    I made your Texas Sheet Cake last week and showcased it on Saturday's Blog Showcase. Thank you.

  13. Your cookies were fantastic for StirIt28, but I ate half of them before I thought to photograph them for the round up. Do you have a pic? GREG

  14. I love puff pastry. Making it is kind of fun too. Can't wait to see what you did with it.

  15. Cinnamon rolls are such a comfort food for me-I loved looking through all your photos. It reminded me of the times when I was younger and my Mom would make homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast on the weekends :)
