Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mad Men Grape Jello Mold with Peaches

Grape Jello Mold with Peaches
Whoo Hoo! Mad Men Premiere is tonight!

As we did last year, Mary of Popsicles and Sandy Feet and I are cooking up a Mad Men inspired treat to welcome the new season of the best show on TV, Mad Men!

Grape Jello Mold with Peaches
This is gonna be short and sweet because Don Draper is coming on in 34 minutes. I'm staying off Twitter so I don't hear about the first episode.

Grape Jello Mold with Peaches
I believe this season's Mad Men is entering 1964. So, I made a gelatin mold. Sure, I could have made one I found in the issues of the 1964 New York Times, but that was the time when Jello went all savory and, in my humble opinion, kinda gross. I'm not that into shredded cheese, carrots, and avocado in my Jello mold. I mean, I have to eat this mold during the show! So, I opted for CANNED peaches (although fresh California peaches were sitting on my counter) and grape Jello. I think little blond Sally would enjoy it.

Ingredients: Large box of grape Jello, two packages of unflavored gelatin, canned peaches.

Mad Men
You can Mad Men Yourself on the Mad Men website! Give it a try!

Hope you enjoy the show. If you aren't a fan, you can still catch up! :)


  1. I love Mad Men. I missed the premiere, so I will have to watch it later. What a great idea to make a jello mold!

  2. love your blog and fabulous photography... found your blog through Delicious Delicious Delicious and I am now a follower... new to the blog world and I always love finding blogs in other countries... have many friends and good times in LA so your blog is a good reminder x

  3. Funny that you and I both referenced Sally Draper in our posts :). Hope you enjoyed the premiere as much as I did....well worth less sleep.

  4. Looks wonderful Mary. I feel so out of the loop because I don't watch but I told myself this weekend that I would start to rent previous seasons to catch up. Can't wait.

  5. I dunno, Sally's pretty picky... haha
    I like this idea! Perhaps I'll have to do the same kinda thing (vegetarian style!) later this season.

  6. I hate jelly, but you make me want to eat it. So pretty!

  7. I love that even your jello is in a "bundt" shape! =) btw...I love jello and I can't wait to make some before summer is over!

  8. I have no idea what "Mad Men". All I can say is this jelly looks darn good!

  9. This is my first time viewing your blog. I am a HUGE fan of jello and I LOVE all of your jello recipes. (can't wait 'til Halloween to try the candy corn one) I usually make a nine layered rainbow "finger" jello (5 flavors w/ condensed milk layers in between) for parties but this weekend, I'm going to try out the broken glass recipe, which I normally just buy at Cardena's. Thanks so much!
