Thursday, July 22, 2010

Nectarine & Blueberry Muffins with Crumb Topping

Nectarine Blueberry Muffins
After seeing Betty White's hilarious skit about her Muffin, I seem to have them on my mind. That skit totally tops Alex Baldwin's Schweddy Balls. So, I had some nectarines and blueberries around and decided to make, wait for it...nectarine and blueberry muffins! (I know, I am that spontaneous in real life!)

This recipe for muffins was inspired by picky cooks recipe for peach and blackberry muffins. Except I used nectarines. Except I used blueberries. Except my sour cream was expired, it was early in the morning and I wasn't going to the store, so I subbed greek yogurt. Except I used more vanilla and no milk. And I added some oatmeal to the topping. So, other than that, it is exactly the same!

Nectarine Blueberry Muffins
Used yellow nectarines from the Farmer's Market. My favorite place every weekend.

Nectarine Blueberry Muffins
I love nectarines, peaches, plums and apricots! Yummmmmmy! I love to eat the white nectarine and bake with the yellow nectarine. Sometimes the white gets a bit washed out. I used 1 1/2 nectarines to make 3/4 cup, and 3/4 cup blueberries.

Nectarine Blueberry Muffins
I used these brown parchment "tulip" cupcake liners (picked up at Surfas). They come in white and brown. I think they are ideal for muffins with toppings so the topping doesn't fly all over your oven. Because cleaning your oven bites. Big time.

Nectarine Blueberry Muffins
I thought I had sour cream in the fridge, but alas, no. But I did have some non-fat Greek Yogurt and used that. I thought it would taste "diet" switching non-fat yogurt for full-fat sour cream, but they turned out nice!

Greatly adapted from pickycook's blackberry peach crumb topped muffins

My printable recipe here

Nectarine & Blueberry Muffins with Crumb Topping

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1 cup Greek yogurt
2/3 cup sugar
8 tablespoons melted unsalted butter
2 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup nectarines (peeled)- diced
3/4 cup blueberries

Crumb Topping:
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup old fashioned oatmeal
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons butter (1/2 stick)
Mix together with your fingertips until crumbly. Set aside.

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Make the topping mixture and set aside.
3. Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt together in a large bowl.
4. Whisk eggs, yogurt, sugar, butter and vanilla together in a separate bowl.
5. Add the wet mixture to the dry and quickly mix to combine. Don't overmix! Don't have to be fully combined before adding fruit.
6. Fold in the fruit.
7. Scoop into cupcake liners.
8. Top with crumb topping.
9. Bake 17-20 minutes (depends on your oven). Use a toothpick to check doneness.


  1. Wow, those are just beautiful ;]

  2. Just wanted to give a heads up that Martha has a tutorial about making those muffin liners (which I read about on The Kitchen Sink's blog)!

  3. Loving your flavors in this muffin. I just laughed outloud reading this remember that Betty White SNL skit.

  4. Love those liners! Gorgeous, Mary!

  5. Except that they look amazing and they are making me drool, Mary! :)
    These are wonderful - I have never tried nectarine muffins, yum!

  6. Great recipe, awesome - want one right now please

  7. I need to make these. They look so delicious!

  8. Yum! Love these fruity muffins. I've been wanting to do something like this, but that would require actual cooking which has been a challenge for me lately :)

  9. Those look AMAZING! I have definitely bookmarked that recipe for later. They're so pretty in their tulip cups.

  10. looks good, as expected with your fabulous skills! :)

  11. Totally making those with my awesome California fruits. They look delicious.

  12. Those muffins are calling to me! Love that you used nectarines AND blueberries! My oldest would go crazy for them!

  13. Yum, great muffins. I love crumb-y stuff. ;)
    Just getting caught up on like your last 8 posts or so. Yay for your impending birthday! 40 isn't bad at all. ;)

  14. nectarines and blueberries! now that's a combination i never thought of!

  15. What a GREAT combo... and crumb topping, we all know my knees go weak when I hear those words!

    Delightful Bitefuls

  16. i just made peach & blueberry muffins. definitely will have to try these sometime!

  17. Ohhhh those are so gorgeous!! We both had blueberries on the brain, I just posted a blueberry recipe too. I'm bookmarking this!

  18. Blueberries and nectarines - great combination. I just married farm-fresh blueberries with apricots to make a loaf bread and it came out sweet and moist despite using primarily whole wheat flour. Thanks for sharing.

  19. YUM!!! I want to try this. I also really like those tulip cupcake cups :)

  20. Yum! I've made Ina's streusel version, which is very similar.

    I'm sure the nectarines are the perfect addition. And I love those liners!

  21. Beautiful, and I just happen to have a pint of blueberries just waiting to be baked into something. Now to get a hold of those fantastic tulip baking cups...

  22. Thank you for sharing this recipe! I made these during the summer and I can honestly say that these are some of the best muffins I've ever made! Ever!
