Friday, August 6, 2010

Stan and David's Wedding Reception

Marriage Certificate Photo

Several months ago, I was honored to attend my cousin Stan and cousin-in-law David's 1.5 Wedding Anniversary celebration. Oh yes, 1.5 years is the new "in" celebration date! However, I went into a time warp and never posted about the party...but with the Prop 8 ruling this week, I felt it was a great time to celebrate love and equality.

In 2001, Stan and David met in a Bay Area church. In October 2008, during the too brief window in California where same-sex couple could legally marry, they got married in Alameda county. In May, they had a celebration with their Southern California based family and friends.

Stan & David - May 15, 2010
Stan and David were treated to JustJenn's red velvet cupcakes with cut-out hearts at our 2009 mochi making, and they hired her to make the cupcake favors for the party. Aren't they pretty?

Stan & David - May 15, 2010
I bought these 3x3x3 clear boxes for the favors.

Stan & David's Party - May 15, 2010
Some of my awesome cousins. If you guessed their ages, you would be off by decades. Seriously. Did you know I have 16 first-cousins on my dad's side and another 14 on my mom's side? I'm really lucky to have a large and loving family!

Stan & David - May 15, 2010
David's family came from Texas, and Stan's best friends gave a toast to the couple!

Stan & David - May 15, 2010
My dad (left) and his brothers and sister. Unfortunately, we have lost an aunt and uncle, including Stan's father.

Stan & David's Party - May 15, 2010
My cousin Todd & Stacy's beautiful kids...they were excellent cupcake delivery young ladies at the party too.

Stan & David - May 15, 2010
David with friends and family. Stan and David aired a great slide show covering their childhood, family and their loving relationship.

Stan & David's Party - May 15, 2010
Stan hanging out with my aunt and uncle. The party was at Ca'Brea Restaurant in Los Angeles. The service and food was very good, I would recommend this rustic Italian restaurant.

Stan & David - May 15, 2010
My cousin and her husband came from Vermont for the party!

Stan & David - May 15, 2010
To Stan and David, Wishing you many more years of happiness and love! And to the many gay and lesbian couples out there in California, may you too have many happy weddings and family receptions! - Love, Cousin Mary


  1. Congrats to your cousin and his husband. So fun to have lots of cousins. I'm going to one of my cousin's wedding in Brazil in September. i'm excited.

    Those cupcakes look great.

  2. I love this post! Congrats to your cousin and cousin in law!!

  3. I love this post...I have been jumping up and down on facebook all week about the finally/good news in Cali. I have a close cousin who died of AIDS two years ago who would have been overjoyed to hear this news himself. I wish your cousin and his family many many years of happiness. You have a beautiful family.

  4. Congrats to your cousin! Thank you for sharing this!!!

  5. They are so cute together! What a wonderful celebration, congratulations on 1.5 years! It's been a little over 5 for my hubby and me and it feels like we just got married yesterday.

  6. wonderful happy post! thanks for sharing such a happy time.

  7. This post really resonated with me. I will be reuniting with my on-and-off girlfriend of more than 10 years, and I would love to one day marry her.

    I'm so happy for your cousin and his husband. They look so happy together as well as their families and friends. Now, where are the photos of you? :)

  8. Congratulations to your cousins!

    A couple of my friends did the same thing..just getting married right before Prop 8 passed and now that it's deemed unconstitutional I feel so happy.

    You have such a lovely family too!

  9. Congrats to Stan! Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. So many familiar faces. Amazed to see your cousins never get old... they look exactly the same as the last time I saw them!!

  10. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful photos! What a lovely time it appears to be had by all. The cupcakes in the box are delightful!

  11. You have a great looking family! Congrats to Stan and David and many happy years to come.

  12. What a lovely post! Stan and David are so lucky to have you there in the family to support them. My husband and I also took advantage of that brief window of time. As such, we never had a real wedding where we could have our family there. This gives me an idea....

  13. You have such a wonderful family - thank you allowing us to share in such a special occasion.
