Saturday, October 2, 2010

Annual Bazaar: Okinawa Association of America, Sunday, Oct 3rd

If you are in the Los Angeles area and didn't get enough dango on the Buddhist Church Obon Circuit, stop by the Okinawa Association of America's Annual Bazaar on Sunday!

Okinawan Dango or Andagi
Dude, dangos ARE Okinawan so you know these ROCK!

(photo from OAA)

OAA Annual Bazaar
Sunday, October 3, 2010
11am – 4pm
16500 S. Western Avenue, Gardena, CA

Help support the OAA's only fundraiser while enjoying the sights, sounds and flavors of Okinawan community in Southern CA.

Food booths include:
  • Okinawa Soba with sannmai niku
  • Andagi (Okinawa dango, the “authentic” way!)
  • Okinawan mochi (nantu and kasaa muchii)
  • spam musubi
  • teriyaki chicken and beef combo bento
  • baked goods
  • and much, much more!
There will be an expanded eating section as well as live entertainment, including Okinawan taiko by the Ryukyukoku Matsuri Daiko, uta-sanshin, hula, and a children's game area!

I went last year and baked goods are awesome and I ate my weight in dangos. You know, celebrating my heritage and all :) - mary the food librarian and 100% Okinawan


  1. ennnnnnh i wish i could go! i lurve saataandagi :(

  2. Oh I wish I could go. I love all those foods.

  3. Hooray! Would you like me to pick up some andagi for you???

  4. If you could post a great recipe for homemade Okinawan dango, I'd love it! Maybe a future post in the making?? Please?? The andagi was our favorite thing to eat there!

  5. Liz, Here is my mom's recipe, but there are a lot of different ones floating around.
