Monday, November 29, 2010

The Food Librarian finishes the Turkey Trot 5K...and eats pie all day

Torrance Turkey Trot 2010
Just a quick post to, well, for lack of a better word, brag! I finished a 5K!

Back in July, I posted about my successful completion of the Couch to 5K program using the GetRunning app. Well, I fell off the wagon a bit (injury, Bundt month, my friend's wedding, the end of daylight savings time and other excuses) but decided I had to run in a 5K before I turn 40 in a few days.

Torrance Turkey Trot 2010
So my friend and coach Dave and I ran the Torrance Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. It's a fun run. You get a nice sweatshirt as well as a license to eat 3 pieces of pie later that day (which I totally did). I thought we would have to walk much of it, but I plugged along, and finished in 35:57!

And my friend Dave? Well, he just turned 40 on Saturday and he has completed three marathons this year...with his fourth marathon in 13 months this weekend! Wow! Go Dave!

It was freezing cold (well, by Los Angeles the 40's!) when the race started so that's my jacket tied around me. My friend Jessica walked the 5K, and we decided this will definitely be an annual tradition! Next up, the Universal Studios back lot 5K (yes, you get to run by the sets) and the LA Marathon 5K held the day before the marathon at Dodger's Stadium. 5K or perhaps a 10K is as far as I want to go. I need time to bake, people! No time to train for anything longer! :) - mary the food librarian

P.S. Here is Dave's post about the run and our awesome 20+ year friendship!!!! Dave, you rock! 


  1. Why is 'Jelly Roll Over' a suggestion for a similar post I would like? Because I am eating a cupcake as I am reading this post about running??

  2. Congrats, Mary!! I definitely had three slices of pie despite NOT turkey trotting.

  3. Congrats, that is incredible. Christian's cousin is 11 and has won the Turkey trot 4 years in a row in his elementary school. His mom doesn't even buy turkey anymore, she just expects him to win it every year.

  4. Look at you go! Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations!!! I'm totally impressed.

  6. Congrats, Mary! We have been walking a turkey trot for several thanksgivings - I didn't get to go this year because I was cooking - but Steve and Lily enjoyed themselves!

  7. Well done! Perce does these all the time. I watch by the side drinking mocha. You deserved the pie!

  8. You are superwoman - a month of bundts, a dessert bar...and a 5K!!! Congrats Mary!

  9. Congratulations on finishing the 5k! Keep it up, and you'll be doing half marathons soon!

  10. Congratulations Mary! What a terrific accomplishment :)

  11. I want to do this, great idea. I am up to 3.5 miles now and gaining distance every day. Great job.

  12. Congrats! Running a 5k is awesome, there's no better feeling that the one you get afterwards. All that hard work paid off!

  13. Congrats on the 5K! Sounds like it went great!

  14. Congratulations!!! Anything that lets you eat more baked goods is amazing!!

  15. Congrats girl! And awesome time too. Rock on babe!

  16. I am SO proud of you Mary!! I aspire to be this kick ass nearing my 40's ;)
