Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Get Running App - Giveaway!

GetRunning app giveaway
Last year, I wanted to try this crazy thing called "running." My friends do it. I've heard some good things about it. And it doesn't require a gym membership.

I heard about the popular Couch to 5K program...taking you from couch potato to a 5K or at least 30 minutes of running in less than 10 weeks. I didn't believe it.

But then I purchased the Get Running App from the Apple store (only $1.99) and loaded it on my iPod Touch.

And wouldn't you know it? It totally freaking worked!

Starting with 1 minute runs (I wanted to die during the first ones), the program gradually gets you running! An English woman gets you going with encouragements. You can read my detailed account of the app on this July 2010 post (including me hating the woman who speaks to you at first, then liking her)

Some programs have little bleeps or bells, but Get Running has an English woman guiding you through the workout and gives you encouragement. She says things like:

Today we are going to run... five 10-minute runs
You are halfway done, turn around and head home if you need.
You have one minute left (with enthusiasm)!
You have run 20 minutes! You have 5 minutes remaining.
Today's run is only 2 minutes longer than last week.
Great job! Congratulations!

The nice peeps at Get Running have given me 10 apps to give away so you can try the program out! The program is compatible with the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Before you laugh at the idea of someone running with their iPad (like I was), people had used the iPad with their treadmill. Ahhh...that makes sense. But it's only compatible with those devices so only enter if you have one of them, okay?

1. You need to have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Please don't enter if you don't have one of these devices.
2. If you win, you need to download the app within 2 weeks. No, you don't need to start using the app...but why wait? Get a properly fitted pair of running shoes and good socks and you are ready to go!
3. To enter, just leave a comment. Make sure your email is on your Google login, or you leave your email address in the comment.
4. If you don't win, don't can buy the GetRunning app for only $1.99 in the Apple store.
5. And remember, I may be totally enthusiastic about this program...but please note that the $1.99 app does not get you out of bed in the morning, put on your shoes and get you butt out the door. Just sayin'. Just wanna be clear about it.
6. You have until Monday, March 28, 2011, Midnight PDT to enter. :) I'll do a random drawing for the 10 winners.

Disclosure: I did not receive anything from the makers of Get Running App for this post. They are offering the 10 apps free to the winners. Opinions about the app, the lady on the app, and running in general are my own. ;) - mary the food librarian

*** Updated: Contest is closed. Winners listed here. ****


  1. I just bought this myself last week and am loving it so far!

  2. Sounds great! I always have dreams about running but I never do it in real life. I think this would help!

  3. I need to get off the couch and get running!

  4. I'd love to get one too! Thanks!

    Chris M.

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  5. I am not a runner, but know I need to get out there. This may actually do it for me!

  6. Well I would really like to try this. We have been using a treadmill for about 4 months (brisk walk only) This would be a great step up.

  7. I thought buying new running shoes would motivate me to run...didn't work! Hopefully this app will help!

  8. Melissa,

    I tried this out in the fall, but didn't have the app, just the printable program. I got up to 2-3/4 miles and then I got mono- I have finally recovered, and I am dying to try it out again! I think the englishwoman might help!

  9. Oh! I need that! I signed up to run a 5K with my new job and I'm not ready for it. I need to impress my boss so he doesn't fire me!

  10. That would be a great app as a tool in my fight against diabetes. I walk and run each day. I hope you can count me in!

    email -

  11. This sounds great! I don't really do too much running, but once the weather gets warmer, who knows?

  12. I've been wanting to start running for a while now, and this sounds like the perfect thing to motivate me! :)

  13. I would like to try this app! I used to run and need some motivation to get back into it. :)

    Also, I don't know if you remember me (Kim Wilcox), but I think we went to library school together. I'm not sure how I came across your blog, but it is adorable--and I love your photography!

  14. I enjoy walking; would love to start running too!

  15. Inspiring! I walked the Susan Komen 3-Day (60 miles!) in November, but would love to get motivated to try a 5K!

  16. i would love this app(:

  17. I would love it! I need to get myself in motion.

  18. @Anonymous Cathy, you need to leave your email address in case you win.

  19. Ack! This would be great for me. I am a runner - have been for many years - but due to some personal stuff over the past few months, I have got out of the habit. I need something to change things up and get me going...this would be IDEAL.

  20. I guess I should start running again! lol. Found your blog when I was searching for Mochi (yes hubby's family does it, too!) love your recipes and photography!

  21. Okay, I'll bite, although my previous experience with running has left me with the distinct feeling that I am Not A Runner. Nice giveaway, though. :)

  22. If I win this, I will totally run with my iPad!

  23. I would love so much win this App! :)
    And maybe, in the future, I could win a marathon too... ;)

  24. I would love to try this app. I have another app that I have been trying, but it doesn't speak to me so I have to stare at my iPod the whole time to see when to start running or walking. This give-a-way comes in perfect time for amazing running weather!!

  25. Way to go Mary!! I am using the C25K app right now on my iPhone and I LOVE IT!!! I have never been a runner, and I cannot believe that at Week5 I am actually running for 5 straight minutes - 3 times no less :) You have definitely helped insprired me to take on this challenge - no need to enter my name for the app, I just wanted to comment :) I hope to complete my first 5K in May!!

  26. This sounds great! I just got an ipod for Christmas and I've wanted to download some apps for it. This is a great excuse to start running too.

  27. It doesn't put my shoes on? Will it put my kid's shoes on? Just kidding. You're hilarious AND smart because you KNOW you're going to get people complaining afterwards, you just know it.

    Here is crossing my fingers.

  28. I tried the program without the app last year, and it didn't go so well. I would love to try this out!

  29. oh, sounds like great motivation!

  30. I just got an iphone - I would love this!

  31. i would LOOOOOVVVEEE this. i used to run a lot as a little kid. as i grew older, other things just seemed more important. i really should get back into it.

    rkmistry [at] rogers [dot] com

  32. Hi! Not sure how to reply to a comment so I'll send my email to you this way since I still need to get moving. Thanks Cathy

  33. Love couch to 5K. Currently training for a marathon next year! This app would be great!

  34. I'm going to start right away...well, after I win the app. ;) -- Sunshine C.

  35. Seattle has been so nice lately that I have started running again, but would love to win the Running app! Thank you for the great giveaway! And keep up the great work :)

  36. I just got an ipad tomorrow. I'm signed up for the disney 5k and I would love this app!

  37. I just registered for a race and I'm already behind in my training - I'd love to win this app. And, congrats for all your running!

  38. I would definitely love to win this app. I have been wanting to do a 5k this year! (I'll for sure buy the app even if I don't win. Thank you.)

  39. I have heard good things in general about the couch to 5k program. I wouldn't want to run a race per say, but it would be nice to get into shape again.

  40. This app sounds amazing! I have to be a bridesmaid twice this summer, and it sounds like just the thing to jumpstart my running routine.

  41. I want to win! Pick me!

    jaimemcmurry @ gmail . com
