Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Double Strawberry Crisp - National Library Week Day #2

Strawberry Double Crisp - Tuesdays with Dorie
Double Strawberry Crisp

Whooooo Hoo!! It's National Library Week!! This is my third year celebrating NLW on the blog. Every day, I’m highlighting a library thing, baking something and giving something away.We're on Day 2 and it's a twofer: National Library Week and my baking group, Tuesdays with Dorie

The Library Thing:
Tuesdays with Dorie and French Fridays with Dorie are two baking and cooking groups I belong to...always a lot of fun! Have you checked out your local library for book clubs, knitting club, genealogy group, or a chess club? Libraries have a lot programs for children, teens and adults...even some "Renaissance" programs for older adults. I've seen sushi making demonstrations, scrapbooking, and lots of ways to get your creative juices going. Stop by today and see what's up at your library!

The Baking Thing:
For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Sarah of Teapots and Cakestands chose Strawberry Rhubarb Double Crisp on pages 420 and 421of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.
Tuesdays with Dorie is a weekly baking group where we are making one recipe per week from Dorie Greenspan's fabulous cookbook. Have you seen the latest Oprah magazine?!?! There is a whole article about the Dorie and the group with lots of quotes by some of my favorite members!

Strawberry Double Crisp
I had this crisp for dinner. Don't judge. It had fruit and oats and ginger...those things are all very good for you. Actually, there is only a little butter in this!

Dorie's recipe makes a square pan of this crisp, but I quartered the recipe and made two cute ramekins. The crisp topping is placed on the bottom (pressed in like a crust) and layered on top. The strawberries are brought to a boil with sugar and a cornstarch slurry is added to thicken the mixture. I really like this idea because then the strawberries doesn't end up all watery in your crisp. Oh that Dorie...genius! I also liberally added the ginger (ground and crystallized) because I absolutely love ginger.

Strawberry Double Crisp - Tuesdays with Dorie
I skipped the rhubarb. With apologizes to the Rhubarb Commission and home growers of the celery-like stalk, I don't understand Rhubarb. I joke that rhubarb is for people who can't grow real fruit near them! :) I live in Southern California with access to tons of real fruit and I didn't grow up cooking or eating rhubarb, nobody grows it around here, and I kinda think it's only a sugar delivery device. Thus, no rhubarb, but some beautiful California strawberries I picked up at the Farmer's Market!

Strawberry Double Crisp 2
This crisp is LOVELY. It would be even better with some vanilla ice cream, but it was perfect warm out of the oven. Definitely make some this strawberry season. And don't forget to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers and see their creations!

Strawberry Double Crisp - Tuesdays with Dorie
The Giveaway Thing:
Day #2: I'm giving away four Crate & Barrel "Stockholm" ramekins! You can make your own crisp in these stylish ramekins!

To enter, just leave a comment on this post. If your email isn’t associated with your Blogger account, please be sure to leave your email in the message.
Note: This giveaway is limited to United States mailing addresses.
Deadline: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at midnight, Pacific Daylight Time. One winner picked at random.
Disclosure: This giveaway and shipping is paid for by me.
*** Updated: Contest is closed. Congrats to Spike (entry #77) ***
Don't forget you can still enter yesterday's Day #1 Giveaway! And come back tomorrow for another National Library Week giveaway!

Strawberry Double Crisp - Tuesdays with Dorie
Sarah of Teapots and Cakestands blog,
or, Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours (page 420) (Amazon or your library)


  1. Oh..love those strawberry juices pouring out of the ramekins..great choice!

  2. That looks divine! Perfect for the early spring strawberries that are starting to appear. Kelly

  3. I love the all strawberry idea!

  4. I want to make this recipe.....I love apple crisp and I love strawberries. This will pull two of my favorites together.

  5. What a lovely treat Mary, full of strawberry goodness!!!

  6. I have to try these! I'm not a big crisp eater because there is never enough topping. So this double crisp is perfect. I'll try and find some rhubarb - it adds an extra twang to balance out the sweetness of the strawberries. I'm not a huge fan of rhubard, but used spareingly, it's not bad.

  7. These look delicious. I might try the same recipe with blueberries.

  8. Oh my goodness, these look amazing! I need to buy more strawberries, stat.

  9. Those are SO cute. Please count me in!

    name - tracy
    email - B2topaz@aol.com

  10. Happy Library Week! Your little crisps look so bright and spring-like. I don't remember rhubarb either, growing up in SoCal - who needs it?? (I don't mind it, but I prefer fruits/veggies that can stand on their own.)

  11. These crisps look amazing! I'm growing my own strawberries this year and this is definitely on my list of things to make with them.

    [Having difficulty logging in, so my email address is amalasblog AT gmail DOT com]

  12. Ramekins are awesome & oh so handy. Count me in!

  13. Oh! I'm so sorry you feel that way about rhubarb! It is such a bright sour taste! I would probably leave out the strawberries first! Your crisps look lovely, though!

    (naiadkitty at gmail)

  14. Happy library week to you! Love your ramekins and the crisp too! Beautiful photos and I love the vibrant colors! This was a great recipe.

  15. This looks divine, I love anything strawberry.

    I would also love new ramekins!

    jennifurlandindigo at gmail dot come

  16. Yumm! I want to make this asap!

  17. Strawberries - Yes! Rhubarb - No.

    Did you see today's quote about librarians? We are, indeed, Masters of the Universe!

  18. Thanks so much for baking along with me! Your crisps look delicious :)

  19. I love crisps with any fruit in it! Just paid my very first visit to Crate & Barrel last weekend and I was totally bowled over by their collection. It's just WOW!

  20. This looks delicious - just in time for the start of strawberry season.

    Doris (dorism6220 at aol.com)

  21. Looks delicious! I love rhubarb, but it always seems so intimidating to a novice cook like myself.

  22. I can't beleive I didn't think of a double crisp before! The crisp is my favorite part.

  23. I was just telling hubby how I needed some ramekins so I don't have to make a whole recipe for the 2 of us. Some things are easier to share than others.
    Loved this crisp, love ginger went with all berries, delish!

  24. I have to agree that Rhubarb is rather love or hate. I'm not a fan. But this looks delicioso!

    And your action figure is adorable!
    P.S. I randomly bought that same espresso powder and have been looking for some uses besides adding to my homemade Hot Chocolate.

    =) (midnightagenda at gmail)

  25. Lovin the drip of strawberry mixture coming out of the ramekin

  26. That looks delicious. I see nothing wrong with eating that for dinner :D

  27. I grew up in Oxnard so I was incredibly spoiled having local strawberries be so bountiful. Now that I live outside of California, I am so much more appreciative of this fruit. I, too, don't get rhubarb!

  28. I can't get enough strawberries this time of year. Yum! Count me in please : )

  29. We are getting some excellent strawberries early this season! I wonder why that is... and yay, ramekins! [clairea at gmail]

  30. Your crisps look phenomenal! And the ramekins are just adorable! :)

  31. Rhubarb seems like a new england-y thing to me.....seriously, everyone around here is crazy for it...I agree, a sugar delivery system :).

  32. Ok, so you made these incredible tarts and used a ton of ginger (love, love, love) but then had to dis' rhubarb??? Growing up in the north, we had a bunch at the back of the yard and as kids would go grab a stalk and eat it then and there. So tart and delicious. Rhubarb adds the voom to the va va of strawberries. Trust me. Ramekins? Yes ma'am.

  33. Look at that strawberry goo! Want.

  34. Looks great, Mary! Fruit and oatmeal is TOTALLY breakfast material!

  35. I only tried rhubarb for the first time last year, and I'm a fan. Then again, I have no problem with sugar delivery devices :) Love those ramekins, your crisp looks gorgeous in them!

  36. Gorgeous! This dessert looks really yummy. :)

  37. This looks absolutely delicious and my copy of the cookbook just came in the mail recently... I love those ramekins too - in fact I've been eyeing them at Crate and Barrel!

  38. Your crisps look delicious. I like rhubarb, especially paired with strawberries. I would use the ramekins for flan, though, if I win.

    Happy National Library Week!

  39. Strawberries are one of my all-time favourite fruits, so this crumble looks like total perfection in my opinion! And I could definitely use some stylish ramekins like these!

  40. Beautiful ramekins. Strawberry season just started here so great timing.

  41. yumm! Wish I had strawberries to make this now!

  42. Yum! I baked my crisp in a bigger pan, but served it in those same ramekins. I love the way they look. Crate & Barrel is a dangerous place, especially the outlet store...

  43. I thought the ginger was the best part of this!

    I'm a librarian and we're also celebrating National Library Week. We have a tea tomorrow and I baked all the cookies for that. Fun!

  44. Yay for libraries! These are gorgeous ramekins and they strawberry crisp looks fantastic!



  45. Thanks for a fun to read blog...and super giveaway.

  46. I would love those! tjw28@georgetown.edu

  47. That looks so yummy right now, especially after my workout.

    Pamela, p2412l@yahoo.com

  48. These look heavenly and I already bookmarked them to make soon!! I am throwing a bridal shower these would be lovely for!Thanks!

  49. I just found your blog by chance in my recommended items - I'm surprised it took this long! I'm an MLS candidate and a food blogger and I am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog!

    Those are beautiful ramekins. And I love the use of Nancy Pearl.

  50. Oh that looks absolutely fabulous!!! I'd TOTALLY have it for dinner too, so no judging here! :)

  51. That looks SO delicious!! love your blog-Just followed via GFC:)

    I'd love to win the ramekins too-love to bake!

    Thank you for the chance to win!


  52. I'm seriously dying over your crisp pictures. I think I need to make one this week. Love our CA strawberries.

  53. Yummy! I've never had rhubarb... never seen it for sale here in LA.

  54. Thanks for another great give away and scrumptious looking dessert. Can't wait to try this recipe in Dorie's book.

  55. Ohhh - your pictures are pretty. But I have to say I loooove rhubarb. I can understand your take on it though!

  56. looks amazing! I love to make blueberry crisp; so i'll have to try this recipe too


  57. Gorgeous colour and very pretty ramekins! I must protest in rhubarb's defence, though! I used to think it was weird and unattractive, and now it is one of my favourite fruits. C'mon, give rhubarb another chance.

  58. Oh, those ramekins are giving me visions of crisps and creme brulee and all sorts of delicious sweet treats. :)

  59. Well, I live in South Dakota and one of the few fruits that grows well here is--rhubarb! I'm sure if I lived where you do and had access to so many wonderful fresh fruits, I'd probably put rhubarb pretty low on the list too! Anyway, that crisp looks yummy. Thanks for the giveaway!
    sharonjo at gwtc dot net

  60. haha, loved your rhubarb dissertation! I ate my crisp - with rhubarb - straight warm from the oven and it was divine. Happy Library Week!!

  61. Beautiful photos and cool ramekins. I agree that more ginger is better!

  62. Happy National Library week! The strawberry crisps looks delish!

  63. I actually cooked with rhubarb for the first time tonight in my baking class. My partner and I made Rhubarb-Pistachio Muffins and they were delicious! I think you should give it another chance ;) My email is thekb312@gmail.com

  64. I want to have some of that Strawberry Crisp for breakfast!!


  65. i had goat cheese and crackers for dinner. no judging here.

  66. Beautiful bokeh in the strawberry shot... I too don't have Rhubarb often, I much prefer strawberries.. nom nom.. I don't think I can enter your give a way though since I'm in Japan?

  67. I just returned Dorie's 'Baking' to the library last week and definitely will have to pick up a copy for keeps!...The strawberry crisp looks AMAZING! Nothing like strawberry season in Southern CA in the spring!

  68. I'd eat this for dinner too...or lunch...or breakfast!

  69. Oooh, strawberry crisp is my favorite! What a spring beauty.

  70. Your crisp looks beautiful- a perfect dinner! Cute ramekins too!

  71. These look beautiful. The recipe looks great too, I can't wait to try it =)

    e-mail: ragebrokenheart@gmail.com

  72. The double crisp looks delicious.
    thegivenschronicles (at) gmail (dot) com

  73. Mouthwatering photos! And those ramekins are very cute too.

  74. Oh man...that looks lovely. :)


  75. Ooooh this looks delicious! Love the ramekins-- simple but not boring.

  76. Beautiful crisps! I also do not understand the whole strawberry rhubarb pie thing.
    Thanks for the awesome giveaways!

  77. Oh yummy and love the idea of making in ramekins..you need to try rhubarb again..I love rhubarb, although my husband insists it is just a weed that grows on the side of the highway! Lisa in Texas

  78. Hmmm, I am def. in need of Ramekins.
    Planning to stop by the library today to show my spirit as well.

  79. I work in an academic library and really enjoy your blog. And strawberries. And crisps. And giveaways! Please enter me for the ramekins!

  80. Yum - strawberries. I'd love to have the ramekins.
    christysapp at hotmail dot com

  81. These would be a great addition to my kitchen!

  82. Thank you for the chance to win! And I just picked up a carton of farmer's market strawberries here in NC, they're so delicious :) dontheapron(at)gmail(dot)com

  83. Strawberries are for my niece...I like the hard stuff. You know, CHOCOLATE! These would hold some delicious little chocolate baked puddings.

  84. Those ramekins are adorable! The clean white and simple lines really let you strawberry shine!

  85. Oh delicious! spiralsandspatulas(at)gmail(dot)com

  86. yum, i want those ramekins so i can make that crisp!

    kosherfoodies [at] gmail [dot] com

  87. I would definitely have that for dinner too.
    willitellu [at] gmail [dot] com

  88. Yum, what cute ramekins, one can never have enough :-)

  89. Strawberry season is just around the corner and one of the kitchen items I don't have yet are ramekins :)

  90. Mary, I love your photos! Beautiful ramekins too :)

  91. Looks delicious! Happy National Librarian Week!


  92. Hi Mary ~
    Greetings and Salutations - Happy Day #2!
    The Double Strawberry Crumble looks AMAZING...
    PAX, Lola in Las Vegas


  93. That strawberry crisp looks delicious!

  94. I my gosh! Those ramekins are beautiful and the crisp...I just want to grab a spoon and dig in! YUM!

  95. Super cute and look so yummy!
    Jennifer Buch
    Youth Services Librarian
    Ida Rupp Public Library

  96. I love strawberries and cake.

  97. The crisp looks great! In my mind it's still early for strawberries, but I'm sure they're in full swing where you are. Spring is here!

  98. crisp of any kind is a totally acceptable dinner and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! i too was prejudiced against rhubarb...until i tried this crisp...it was so good i think i might be a convert! your strawberry version looks lovely though and i love your photo collage!

    ps i LOVED your tweet about there being more libraries than mcdonalds--that just makes me feel good about the world and i've been spreading that fun fact to everyone i know :)

  99. Looks delicious! Don't be hating on my rhubarb, though. And I ate mine for breakfast.

  100. Dorie's Baking book is one that I own and love! I haven't tried these crisps yet though. They look delicious!

  101. Can't wait to try this recipe, it looks so yummy in the ramekins.

  102. sounds like you've been having an exciting NLW! these crisps are gorgeous (i love how they bubbled over), and you are lucky to have great strawberries...we're still waiting for ours over here.

  103. Your photos are breathtaking! I can't wait for strawberries up here a bit further north. I hate pies and love crisps. Yum!

  104. I made this recipe yesterday and I almost cried when I tasted it. So delicious!

    I skipped the rhubarb as well!


  105. As I will be getting strawberries in my csa this week I appreciate having this recipe altered for ramekins.

  106. I've need ramekins for the longest time! Thanks for the chance to win!

    catharine.ellie [at] gmail.com

  107. these ramekins are adorable. love 'em!
    pajamachef (at) gmail.com

  108. Your crisp looks great and that overflow picture looks amazing! Beautiful ramekins too!

    Jpinnick86 (at) gmail (dot) com

  109. my 4 year old loves the library, we get new books every friday!

    cookingmama925 (at) gmail (dot) com

  110. These would be lovely in my kitchen! Happy Library week!
    jburton1114 at gmail

  111. Strawberry rhubarb is my fav! Thanks for doing this!
