Sunday, April 3, 2011

Golden Nugget Mandarins

Golden Nugget Mandarin
Golden Nugget Mandarin Oranges

In addition to my well-known Bundt obsession, I'm fully admitting to a Citrus addiction as well. Well, at least scurvy ain't going to come into my life. I am full of Vitamin C.

In February, I wrote about the awesome Sumo Citrus or Dekopon tangerine. It is finally grown in California and completely rocks. However, it has a short season and is already gone.

Golden Nugget Mandarin
I've been filling my citrus needs with Cara Cara oranges and plenty of Ruby Red Grapefruits. But then I went to the Hollywood and Palos Verdes Farmer's Markets and hit up Ken's Top Notch Produce stand. He had Cara Cara and some crazy ugly tangerine. He said they were fantastic and I tried a sample. They are sooo good! I said they looked like a Dekopon, but he said they were Golden Nugget Mandarins.

Golden Nugget Mandarin
These Golden Nugget Mandarins are super sweet, seedless, easy to peal and delicious. I looked them up and they were developed the by University of California, Riverside Citrus Variety Collection. Nothing like SoCal developed mandarin!

Golden Nugget Mandarin
Look at that bumpy skin! But the season for this citrus is also really short (Feb-April) so try to find these ASAP! - from your citrus obsessed Southern California girl, the Food Librarian


  1. They are definitely in the jolie-laide or ugly but beautiful category! So jealous of all that good California citrus.

  2. I also have a citrus addiction. Unfortunately I missed out on the sumo mandarins but hopefully I will get a chance to try the golden nuggets. Will look for them at my next trip to the farmers market.

  3. Wow, these are really funny looking but I bet taste fantastically juicy! Thanks for introducing me to something new. You have a beautiful blog and I'm looking forward to exploring your recipes.

  4. It is bumpy... was it more sour than sweet?

  5. I have a bit of a citrus problem as well . . . the last few years, I blamed it on pregnancy cravings but here I am, not pregnant, eating tangerine after tangerine. Thanks again for the running app - loving it!

  6. What I wouldn't give to bite right into one of these right now.

  7. I'm eating one right now and googled "bumpy orange" because I didn't know the name... took me right to your page. Thanks for the info, this is one of the best oranges I've ever had!
