Friday, April 15, 2011

Library Staff Giveaway!! National Library Week Bonus!

Hello Kitty Librarian
Library Staff Only Giveaway!

Happy National Library Week Librarians and Library staff!

To celebrate National Library Week and say thanks for all the wonderful and hard working librarians & library staff, I'm having a giveaway open to current library staff and current library students! You need to be working at a library or in a graduate program right now to enter.

Prize: $25 Amazon gift card for one lucky winner!

Library Week Giveaway

This giveaway is only open to current library staff or graduate library school students! To enter, just leave a comment on this post. (If you want, tell me what type of library you work at or general location...or anything else you want!) If your email isn’t associated with your Blogger account, please be sure to leave your email in the message.
Note: This giveaway is limited to current librarians, library staff and library school students. One winner will be picked at random using
Deadline: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at midnight, Pacific Daylight Time
Disclosure: This giveaway is paid for by me.
*** Updated: Contest is closed. Congrats to Erin (entry #30) ***
I'm not going to ask for your library badge, pay stubs, or quiz you about the Dewey or LC classification system, so be honest and only enter if you are currently working at a library right now. And if you cheat and toss everything your mom taught you in the gutter...know that karma will make every single library book you ever check out mysteriously get lost or damaged, and you'll somehow manage to rack up fines that may ruin your credit. Just sayin'.


  1. Happy National Library Week to you. Thanks for all the great recipes and giveaways this week. I'm the director of a medium system in NC.

  2. I'll graduate with my MLS in a few weeks, and I just got a temporary children's reference position at a public library. I'll be looking for something more permanent in the next few months, but my first post-grad library job is pretty exciting!

    Are you going to ALA?

  3. Aw, how nice! Happy National Library Week to you, too! I work in a small college library near New York City. Not very exciting, but quite relaxed. Lots of baked goods show up in the staff lounge, which is a bonus.

  4. Yay!! The first comment never wins a prize, but I'm an elementary school library media specialist! It's the best job I could ever ask for.

  5. Hi, I'm a library school student down at UNC-CH, and a big bundts devotee.

  6. I'm a library assistant at Elmhurst College (in Elmhurst IL) AND I'm currently a grad student through LEEP at University of IL. Yay for libraries.


  7. I'm currently in Circ, but if I'm lucky I may leave this part-time job for a full-time with benefits in Research! And I have 2 of the Nancy Pearl action figures.
    libgirl9 at hotmail dot com

  8. Long time reader of your it! I work in an academic library, and I'm currently in library school, so an exciting time. Thanks for the Library Week posts! We had an open house here and it was a lot of fun.


  9. Aww so sweet of you to do a giveaway just for library staff and students! Thank you! I'm wrapping up my first year as a Teacher Librarian at an elementary school.

  10. Happy National Library Week!

    I am a school library media specialist at a middle school in NC.

  11. I have loved your Library week posts - thank you!
    I'm a reference librarian in a public library in Northern VA.

  12. WorldCat eclairs FTW! Thanks for this giveway. I work in Tech Services at George Mason University. Go libraries!

  13. I am the Education and Sexuality Librarain at Widener University in Chester PA

  14. Happy library week! I'm an archivist/ local history reference librarian at the Dayton Metro Library (Dayton, Ohio).

  15. Hey! I'm a children's librarian in a small branch of a big library system. No surprise, perhaps, that I love the Sanrio image.

  16. Im reading your blog at work- Scott County Library. don't tell. Reference desk is slow in the a.m.

  17. Huzzah! I'm currently working on my MLIS & holding down a part-time position as circ clerk at a public library. Someday I'll be a *real* librarian. ^__^

  18. I got a concentration in children's services and currently work in a law library, people say isn't that pretty far from where you started. . . I suppose it is, but some of my patrons are pretty childish ;).

  19. Library Assistant at Cornish College of the Arts.

    christa.luckenbach at

  20. Yay! I'm working as a children's librarian in the County of LA Library! ritabook at gmail dot com. :)

    I looove your bundt cakes!

  21. Thank you! I'm a public librarian in Minnesota, the home of the bundt...

  22. Greetings and a very Happy Library Week to you! I work at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine research library in beautiful Portland, Oregon. Come up and visit some time! (vvichit * at * gmail)

  23. Hi Mary ~
    Thank you so much for this week - what fun!
    I am currently working in the Youth Services Dept. of a library here in the Las Vegas valley of Henderson. (I also work at fresh&easy, but I'll save that for another day!)
    Children's Literature is my PASSION!
    btw, Hello Kitty at the Library is adorable - where did you get it?

    PAX, Lola

  24. i'm working as a student librarian assistant @ my university library in Hamilton, Ontario!

  25. Thanks for a great blog! I am the librarian at the Grover Cleveland Elementary School in Philadelphia. Happy Spring Break to all the teachers!

  26. I'm a school librarian and I love reading your blog!

    mckiki44 (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. Just a regguler ol' libarian in Californ-eye-aye. Woot!


  28. Love reading your blog. I'm an academic librarian at at a community college in the Aloha State :)

  29. Thanks for the great giveaway! I'm a library director at a small college library. My email is

  30. Hi Mary!
    I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog about a year ago, but I love your reading and cooking posts!! As a fellow librarian (at an public elementary school in PA) I wish you a very happy National Library Week!!

    Erin in PA

  31. I'm a public librarian in Wisconsin. Hooray for libraries!

  32. Greetings from Bloomington, Indiana! I work in Circ at our public library. auzy.rose @

  33. Love your blog - I'm a school librarian in Frisco, Texas.

  34. Denver Public....web developer! I love this blog. Will be sure to give you a shout out next time I'm blogging about Foodie resources.
    Laurie.Kubitz (at)

  35. I'm a Library Associate for PG County, MD. Thank you for the opportunity for this giveaway.

  36. I work at a medical academic library in access services and I'll be graduating with my MLS this summer!

  37. Happy NLW!

    I'm a Library Assistant at two libraries -- a big, scary, urban one and a regional library in a small town. I've been telling everyone I'm going to get my MLS, but who knows? Those things are expensive!


  38. I drove by the Nordic Ware factory in Minneapolis this morning and thought of you! I'm a librarian, cooking enthusiast, and made my first bundt cake this year...I couldn't resist your pics any longer and had to try one for myself.

  39. Proud Librarian at an Elementary School in Naples, Florida :)

  40. Yeah, a giveaway just for us! Proud public middle school librarian. Yes, I'm not right in the head.

  41. Catalogers like National Library Week too! And some enjoy turning that professional attention to detail to cooking as well...(and then there's me).

    I always look forward to you posts, and enjoy your cheeky tweets as well.

    Happy NLW 2011 to all, and to all an authorized subject heading!

  42. @Ebenezer Pentweazle (pseud.)

    (i.e. your) posts

    What will I do if/when RDA does away with abbreviations and Latin? RE:i.e.

  43. My library gives away tons of candy durning NLW and the students love it, but my favorite part are the READ posters featuring faculty members.

  44. Happy NLW to all. I'm at a public library in Ohio.


  45. Love the Hello Kitty mock-up.

    I'm a YA Librarian in Hawaii heading to another library to become a branch manager.

  46. Happy to have celebrated National Library Week with you-- thanks for making it festive!

    Yoko, DC

  47. A proud medical librarian~Happy National Library Week. Thank you for your blog!

  48. Does school librarian count? Does it help that it's the most awesome job ever? Happy NL week!

  49. I love your blog and you are very generous. I am a government documents librarian at an academic library in Florida.

  50. I am the associate principal librarian at a symphony orchestra - we do a lot of research and put music on stage but are not a lending library, and always joke that we are not "real" librarians - so you don't have to include me in the drawing if you don't want to! But I do have a Nancy Pearl action figure on my desk and - get this - I had her sign it when she gave a talk at the Library a couple years ago! Also, I love your blog.

  51. @Christina Eaton Special Librarians are totally IN! As well as catalogers and archivists!!! :) - mary

  52. I love reading your blog! My fiance is a chef and I'm graduating with my MLIS from FSU next week! Here's to job hunting. :)

  53. Happy National Library Week! :) I'm a staff member at a public library in Arizona.

  54. I work in ILL/Circ in a smallish public library in Amherst, MA. Happy Library Week to you, too!

  55. Wahoo! I'm getting my MS in Information Science. How generous of you!

  56. happy national library week! :) i'm getting my MLS at indiana university right now. one year to go!! :)

    pajamachef (at)

  57. Happy National Library Week to you as well! How about asking everyone for their thoughts on RDA as proof that they're librarians? (and if they say it's absolutely wonderful, you know they're lying ;) Alright, maybe that just applies to catalogers. I'm currently working as a cataloger at a law school in New York City. Have a great one!

  58. Reference librarian at a public library north of LA, and fellow food-obsessed girl :)
    Thanks for doing this! Happy National Library week!

  59. I'm a current MLIS student! Thanks for the giveaway!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com
