Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spinach and Ham Quiche - French Fridays with Dorie

Spinach and Ham Crustless Quiche - French Fridays with Dorie
Spinach and Ham Quiche

This week, the French Fridays with Dorie group made Spinach and Bacon Quiche from Dorie Greenspan's cookbook Around my French Table.

I did make and eat this on Friday, but ran a little late in my posting.

I'm going to tell you something. In confidence. You know, between you and me.

I stepped on the bathroom scale the other day and there was a number (in big, bright blue digital characters) that is just not right with the world. I mean, the biggest number I've ever seen. Ever.

I'm afraid the state or feds are gonna come barging through the door, while I'm standing in front of an open refrigerator, and arrest me for perjury...for the weight shown my driver's license is, um, not close to the actual number. Oy vey. I need to move a lot more and eat a lot less.

Spinach & Ham Quiche
So, I tried to lighten up my little quiche. I dropped the crust and the bacon. I replaced the bacon with small pieces of ham (way less in fat). But it didn't lose any flavor.

Finally, I know this probably isn't anywhere "around my French table", but I did eat my second half with some Salsa Lizano sauce from Costa Rica. It goes perfectly with egg dishes. :)

Spinach and Ham Crustless Quiche - French Fridays with Dorie
Be sure to check out my fellow French Fridays with Dorie members and see their creations!

Spinach and Ham Crustless Quiche - French Fridays with Dorie
Please note: French Fridays with Dorie will not be posting recipes. Please support Dorie and purchase the book or find it at your library.


  1. Oh, I know that feeling. Last week I decided to get serious about
    the numbers on my scale as well. Of course I do this every week.
    I decided to stop eating bread for awhile and see if it helps. With
    all this cooking going on, and Tricia always stopping by with new
    goodies for us to try, it gets difficult. All I can do is try. Your quiche
    looks great with out the crust, and many quiches are made with
    ham. Good job.

  2. This quiche look perfect! and yummy! gloria

  3. Stupid scale! yuck!

    I love pie crusts, but somehow with quiche, I think I'd prefer it without! I like your reinterpretation. And I love that you didn't do something crazy like get rid of all the egg yolks because egg yolks and whites together make a very healthy combination.

  4. Your quiche looks lovely, great idea to make it crustless - less work too!

  5. Love that you made this quiche that still looks amazing w/out pastry & bacon. You rock sista.

  6. How beautifully puffy that is. Excellent.

  7. mmm yummy, and healthier then the original version.

    (I should make these instead of the original to.... well, that's what my bathroom scale tells me...)

  8. I love how you lightened this up. Looks delicoius!

  9. Your crustless quiche is absolutely gorgeous. I love the look of it - so colourful, and I bet you didn't even miss the crust and the bacon. Bravo!

  10. Sadly, that is one of the side affects of being a food blogger. My treadmill is getting a few extra workouts lately too.

    What a beautiful quiche! I really like your idea of leaving out the crust and going with leaner ham. This just may be dinner here tonight.

  11. Beautiful - I threw my scale out the window about a month ago and decided it was time to become better friends with my running shoes. Alas, I didn't have the will power to forego the crust or the pancetta.
    Bravo to you and good luck! Hopefully, the license police will be off your trail soon.

  12. It's my day for a blog hop, I'd love it if you came over and shared one of your great recipes at savory sunday!! Have a great day :)

  13. I definitely feel the same level of denial/resignation looking at the scale go up a little. I try to work out in the week at least to neutralize the effect of these weekend overindulgences. I really like your variations, especially omitting the crust!

  14. Yum! Your quiche looks delicious, and I like that it's crustless (interesting!).

    I can definitely relate to the weight gaining, as I've been gaining a few pounds from my recent food ventures. Have you thought of perhaps replacing the ham with salmon?

  15. Crustless was a good idea for this one. There's so much flavor in the quiche itself that I dont think you really end up tasting the crust. Good luck with the scale! It's a constant battle over here...

  16. I suppose I should not even admit it... it might be sacrilege....but, I've never baked anything for a Dorie recipe..... think it's high time I did!

  17. LOL. If I made mine crust-less it would be totally unrecognizable as a quiche 'cause of all the substitutions. I did pick up on the south of the border sauce with egg dishes too! Great minds!

  18. OK...I am going to copy you and try it crust free next time.

  19. Love your lightened up version of this one Mary. Looks to me like I wouldn't miss the crust at all.
