Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Congratulations Emily! UCSB Alum!

Emily graduation
Congratulations Emily!!! I've known Emily since she was 4 years old and in preschool. On Sunday, she graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara UCSB with a BA in History. Congratulations to a wonderful and brilliant young woman!

Here are some photos from a lovely day. Graduations are awesome. Filled with multiple generations of pride, love and a bit of sunburn. Congrats Emily! She's heading off to the University of York for a graduate program in September!

Emily UCSB collage 4 Mom
Super proud Mom and her sisters! Helen only cried once during the ceremony. :)

Emily UCSB Grad collage Dad/Becky & Class Ring
Emily showing off her "we need to get our gowns & library books back and make sure you passed your finals before you get the real diploma" certificate with her dad and stepmom. Emily showing off her class ring.

Emily Graduation collage 3 Dad
Super proud Dad. Look at him sitting on the edge of his seat during the ceremony!

Emily Graduation collage 2 Andy
Did you see the sash with the UK and English flags? That signifies Emily's EAP Study Abroad in England. Besides learning all about Renaissance...Emily met her boyfriend, Andy! Andy flew out from England to attend the graduation!

Emily Graduation collage 1 Sisters
Sister Love! Older sis Alison and Younger sis Rosie!

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