Friday, January 20, 2012

Quartre Quarts - French Fridays with Dorie

Quartre Quarts - French Fridays with Dorie
Quartre Quarts

I'm back! I'm back on the French Fridays with Dorie circuit! This week, the French Fridays with Dorie group made Quartre Quarts from Dorie Greenspan's cookbook Around my French Table. 

Quartre Quarts - French Fridays with Dorie
It's a snacking cake with no frosting. Um, I'm sooooo there!

Quartre Quarts - French Fridays with Dorie
This is totally delicious. I just made it afternoon and am trying to save some to bring into work tomorrow! It reminds me of the Swedish Visiting Cake sans the nuts. It is light, not very sweet and goes perfectly with a cup of coffee or tea. I used vanilla (you can also use rum) so it has a great warm, vanilla taste. It's topped with just enough brown sugar to give it sweetness.

Be sure to check out my fellow French Fridays with Dorie members and see their creations!

Please note: French Fridays with Dorie will not be posting recipes. Please support Dorie and purchase the book or find it at your library.


  1. Oh - great job on the cake and getting back in the circuit. I'm in and out but always love following along. I think my family would love this too - who knows - it might get made early tomorrow morning for one of my Saturday Friday posts!

  2. You're the 2nd person whose said it's like the Swedish visiting cake - that obviously means I'll be making that cake tomorrow. ;)


    Your cake looks fantastic! I love how pretty your brown sugar turned out. Mine wasn't very cute.

  3. I really like when things are called "snacking cakes". It makes them seem so much more inviting!

    I love your pictures of this slice. It looks wonderful.

  4. Looks so yummy! I made/posted the Swedish Visiting cake with TWD and it is one of my favorite cakes in its flavor and simplicity.

    Nice stopping by to visit with you!

  5. Yeah! Welcome back.
    This definitely had the same feel as the Visiting Cake. I loved how relatively uncomplicated it was.

  6. Lovely looking cake! Your topping came out so pretty. I really enjoyed this one with my tea!

  7. It looks really good. The Swedish cake was a big hit here, I should def try this one!

  8. The cake looks great :) Delicious! Even though i usually like cakes with lots of frosting I'm trying to be good now so this would be great!

  9. There's a small typo, it's actually "Quatre quarts" (it means "four quarters"

  10. Yay! I am back this week too! Your came turned out perfectly! It was a lot like the Swedish visiting cake. Glad you are back!

  11. 2nd comment about the Swedish Visiting Cake - now I definitely need the Baking with Dorie book. Great photos!

  12. It's a delicious cake that comes out and it never fails, plus you can give diferenes aromas and taste changes. a greeting

  13. Love it Mary - looks so elegant and sophisticated:)

  14. Love it Mary - looks so elegant and sophisticated :)
