Saturday, February 18, 2012

Welcome Baby Kendal!

Baby Kendal - 2/12/2012
Welcome to the world, Kendal

My dear friend Racheal gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl on February 10, 2012. Here are Kendal and her mom in the hospital less than two days after she came into the world. She was a couple weeks ahead of schedule so her lungs needs a little extra care for a few days, but now she is home and happy.

Kendal - 2 days
All those cute little toes! Isn't she precious?!

Baby Kendal - 2/12/2012
I love being Auntie Mary and can't wait to spoil her with lots of hugs and cookies. Her older brother's first real food? My chocolate cinnamon bundt! Awesome.

Congratulations Racheal & Lee! - mary


  1. Congratulations to your friends. She is a beautiful baby. Is there anything better than a new baby??

  2. Beautiful bundiful Princess.... tee he he (like that?) She is so sweet!
    I love the way baby noggins feel rubbing against your cheek.

  3. she is so precious and beautiful!! Congratulations to your friend and to you too! New auntie!!

  4. Asses....she's a cutie. Love the name.

  5. Ahh a fine bonny size for a premy. Congrats to your friends, she's lovely :o)

  6. So cute. I am so baby hungry and these pictures did not help, hehehe. I'm glad baby girl is doing better and happy at home.

  7. Oh, what a sweet little miracle.
    Happy Birthday baby Kendall!

  8. Felicitaciones, es precioso. Un beso y que le veamos poco a poco crecer entre galletas y bundts

  9. Mary, I can't believe I missed this post. Thank you!!! I love it and can't believe how fast she is growing and how much she has already changed. You're the best auntie. I love u!!! Racheal
