Broken Glass Jello

Monday, March 2, 2009

Broken Glass Jello
Broken Glass Jello

Valentine's 5 Layer Finger Jello Valentine's 5 Layer Finger Jello
Ever since I made the 5-layer Jello for Valentine's Day, I've been craving Jello. Recently, my friend gave me great notecards from JustJennDesign. You have to check out her site! Such awesome stuff and she somehow manages to also write very funny blogs!

Broken Glass Jello
On her site, she has a recipe for Broken Glass Jello. I've seen variations of this in Mexican grocery stores and eateries, but haven't seen one with such vibrant colors. I had to make this...and you should too!!! So easy, so little labor, and so much fun to eat. Sure, it doesn't require the usual KitchenAid mixer, imported sea salt, 72% cocoa chocolate or Tahitian vanilla beans...but sometimes, we need something simple! :) And I think kids would love this!

Broken Glass Jello
(Adapted from JustJenn)

Printable Recipe Here

4 small boxes (3 oz. each) of Jell-O or store brand "gelatin dessert" in different colors. (I used strawberry, lime, orange and blue. My store only sells the big 6 oz. box of blue jello so I weighed 3 oz. or half of the package).

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk (don't get evaporated milk)

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin (that Knox stuff)

Broken Glass Jello Broken Glass Jello
For each flavor, dissolve one box of jello in one cup of boiling water. Pour into a container and chill (overnight is probably best, but I chilled it 3 hours until firm). I just love these retro Tupperware containers I picked up at a garage sale!

Please note: Only add 1 cup of water to each box of colored Jello. Ignore the instructions on the box of Jello (they say to use 2 cups of water). Use only 1 cup of water so the Jello is firm and can be cut into blocks.

After chilling the four flavors, cut them into small blocks.

Broken Glass Jello

Broken Glass Jello
Carefully mix the blocks in a 9 x 13 pan.

Broken Glass Jello
In a separate bowl, sprinkle 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin into 1/2 cup cold water. After the gelatin blooms, add 1 1/2 cup boiling water and dissolve. Add the can of condensed milk. Stir and cool. Pour cooled milk mixture over jello and chill overnight.

Broken Glass Jello
Cut into blocks or shapes and serve!

Broken Glass Jello
Thanks JustJenn for this fantastic recipe and inspiration!
Pin It!


CB said... [Reply to comment]

Look at the pretty colors! *squeal* Now you got me craving jello. Ooohhh you just gave me an idea for a cupcake! ;)

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

How totally cool! I've heard of that recipe several times - but seeing how easy it is, maybe I'll get my act together and actually make it!

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

That is so awesome! LOOOVE it :)

I absolutely must make this... my kids will flip when they see it.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love them. They're so pretty and colorful.

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I love the step-by-step pictures. The final product looks much more difficult than the actual process and gorgeous!

Selba said... [Reply to comment]

This so cute!!!

Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

What a creative looking dessert! I'm not usually a huge jello person, but I would soooo whip out the jello for this treat. It looks great, and I'm betting with all that sweetened condensed milk that it taste great, too!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

wow wow these look so nice and colourful! you re an artist :) I love these :)

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

wow wow these look so nice and colourful! you re an artist :) I love these :)

Peabody said... [Reply to comment]

This brings back memories, my mom used to make fun.

Matt's Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

These are like little art pieces. They remind me of a kind of three-dimensional Mondrian with their beautiful little blocks of color... Awesome!

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

My children are going to LOVE you. This is calling their name. Dare I try it this weekend when I have all 8 present.. Maybe after a few bloody marys.. They look superb!

Lauren said... [Reply to comment]

i am in awe of the things you do with jello, lady.

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, that's just too cool! When I saw that picture, I couldn't believe how amazing jello could look.

Isabelle Lambert said... [Reply to comment]

c'est vraiment très très beau ! je pense que mon fils va bien apprécié dès que j'aurais essayé :)

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I don't like jello but I LOVE these!! They are so cool!

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

Hey! I know... we can call you Mary the Jell-o Whizz librarian! LOL

I love it! you make such vintage idea come to life... with wonderful pictures and colors! WOW!

Finla said... [Reply to comment]

Wow they looks like emaralds beautiful.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This is like, soooo COOL!

Sara @ Our Best Bites said... [Reply to comment]

ooh, I used to have this as a kid, love it! I didn't even remember until I saw this picture- my boys will love it too, I gotta make it!

amycaseycooks said... [Reply to comment]

My daughter will have so much fun making this dessert. She is a jello fanatic!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I actually thought it looked tempting BEFORE you added the white stuff! Scrambled jello xD

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

I love your new and clean layout. The last one was really hard for me to read so I rarely commented because I just viewed on my reader.

This recipe looks awesome. I'm going to try and make it this week. My son will love it. Do you have any idea how long this can stay outside of the fridge for? I'm thinking of making this for his birthday but if it can't stay out for long than it won't work.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Damaris, Thanks for your comments. I usually don't keep Jello out for more than a few hours indoors, so outside would be even less. Perhaps you could put it out on a tray on ice, or divide them into small trays and keep some in the refrig until you need to refresh? Depending on the weather, I would hate for you to have jello soup!

the decorated cookie said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous dessert! Gorgeous photography! I posted a link to your site (and JustJenn's) today for my edible crafts blog at You can see the post at thanks for sharing! meaghan

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

These photos are so cool! And 5 layer jello - how did I manage to miss that one?? Definitely book marking this!

Aimée said... [Reply to comment]

What fun! This would rock for playgroup snack!!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

This is so fabulous for kdis and I can see the smiles. Will do at next playdate!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

You make the jello look FABULOUS! Great job.

Peggy said... [Reply to comment]

How beautiful all that is . . I am in awe.

Shel/Nate/Anipals said... [Reply to comment]
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

That is just so cool. I am definitely making this for my kids!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

It's like eating a kaleidoscope. Except with no broken glass. And it tastes good :D Lovely photos, too!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

holy smokes! i don't even eat jello, but i've never seen anything as cool as this! reminds me of stained glass.

April said... [Reply to comment]

So pretty and so fun!

Tammy said... [Reply to comment]

wow, that looks just amazing! I am going to have to try that!!!

Mary Jo said... [Reply to comment]

this totally looks like it could be in a gallery, very cool!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

That's so cool! It's like a mod painting!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What a great idea - I think my daughter will love it once she starts eating ;)

PheMom said... [Reply to comment]

Now just how cool is that!? I am LOVIN' it. I just told Aidan to come and look at it (my 5 yr old) and he just started to giggle and said, "you have gotta make that kind of jello". High praise.

Di said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so neat! I love how you listed one of the flavors as "blue." =)

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

At first I didn't think I had ever seen such a thing, then you mentioned seeing them in mexican bakeries. Aha! I have seen them before, but they sure as heck didn't look like this! Yours are beautiful and if I Jello in my pantry now, I'd go make them.

What exactly is "blue" flavor, by the way?

I do have a question for you though. Please email you if you can. I had a hard time getting the Knox Blox out of the pyrex dish when I made them for Valentine's day. About half of them broke :-( Did you have any difficulty getting your out of the pan in clean squares? Did you spray the pan with anything or line with parchment? If you have any tips for me, I'd appreciate them. Myhusband is a huge fan of gelatin so I want to make this asap :-)

Thanks again. You're brilliant!

Robert and Tannya said... [Reply to comment]

I just saw your comment on my blog. Thanks for the post. Your blog looks fantastic. I can't wait to try the Coconut lemon curd cake.

susan said... [Reply to comment]

Just found your blog. How cool! Reminds me of the old commercial..makes you giggle when it wiggles. This has endless holiday/theme pssibilities!

Ashley said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow! That looks So cool!!! The Kid Loves Jell-O, gotta try this out for Easter!

J.L. Danger said... [Reply to comment]

your skills with Jello amaze me!

Side note- had to take a career matching test at school for my senior seminar. Job match number 1? LIbrarian. Job match number 2? Culinary arts! I totally thought of you!

Sophie said... [Reply to comment]

This is so fun! Brings a smile to my face :D.

R. said... [Reply to comment]

Those are lovely! I haven't had Jello in ages. I'll have to give these a try.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Ooooo! I want that! Reminds me of when I was little! Except there was a Graham wafer crust and the opaque base was not gelatin—I think it was some sort of creamy cream cheese mixture!

*Bookmarking this!*

Nichicakes said... [Reply to comment]

So pretty! The dish full of cut up pieces before the final creamy concoction was poured on reminds me light bright pegs...happy childhood memories abound!

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Well, who would have known that good ol' Jell-o could look so beautiful!

Sihan said... [Reply to comment]

I'm in love with the colors!!! gorgeous rainbow! i'm going to make these!

Julia from Dozen Flours said... [Reply to comment]

So gorgeous! Perfect post too!

Sharona May said... [Reply to comment]

I have never seen anything like that before. Very cool looking! What a great way to brighten up a table of food.

Sharon May

Jennette said... [Reply to comment]

I've never seen this before, but I love it! Thanks for sharing!

Aggie said... [Reply to comment]

That is so cool!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Whoa.. you took interior design levels and add them to cooking.. I love it!!!!

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

OMG OMG OMG! I loooooove colorful stuff, and your pictures are literally making me squeal. I AM SO BOOKMARKING THIS ENTRY! You'll see this on my blog soon enough, probably in the summer, and you will get MAJOR accolades from muah!

Granny Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome. I made you red and white striped jell-o for V-day, now I'm going to have to do t his--Easter sounds good. I didn't even know that one of my friends LOVES Jell-o and made her first comment on my blog when I did the red/white. She'll flip over this! ;) Great job!

J said... [Reply to comment]

I just put mine into the fridge!! I really hope that mine turns out; we shall see tomorrow!! Thanks for this recipe!

Coffee and Vanilla said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, those are really beautiful! My kids would love it :)

Shawna Bates said... [Reply to comment]

This is so cool!! I'm totally making this!!! Thanks for sharing it!!

Swans Samplings said... [Reply to comment]

I love it! So prettyyyy.

Nana Kathy said... [Reply to comment]

I am known as the Jello Queen. I am going to try this with the red adn blue jellos for the 4th of July! I have made other white layers but never with sweetened condensed milk. At least it will be sweet!!!

Nana Kathy said... [Reply to comment]

I am known as the Jello Queen. I am going to try this with red white and blue for the 4th of July.
I have made other white layers but never with sweetened condensed milk. At least it will be sweet!!!

Mitchell said... [Reply to comment]

Quick question....Do I add the entire can of condensed milk?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Yes, you use the whole 14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk. Good luck! - mary the food librarian

The_Lady said... [Reply to comment]

Loved the look of the Jello sooo much! I'm actually in the process of making it myself. The waiting portion that is. Can't wait to see how it tastes!

Sonia said... [Reply to comment]

This is so gorgeous!
I make "jewel Easter eggs" by pouring Jell-O in several colors and pieces of fruit inside empty eggshells that have been washed out. I will try to make the condensed milk 'eggs' with the Jell-O 'jewels' next time...Thank you!

Kimberly Cuilla said... [Reply to comment]

I've never seen this before, and it looks so unique! I am totally going to make it for my daughters first birthday party, along with her ducky cake of course. I have a feeling this will be a much bigger hit than ordinary jello!

Kimberly Cuilla said... [Reply to comment]

I have never seen this before and it looks so unique! Thanks for passing it on. I am for sure going to make this for my daughters first birthday party (along with her ducky cake, of course) and I have a feeling it will be a much bigger hit than regular jello! So excited to try it out!

Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

I don't even like jelly. And I am going to make that. AMAZING!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I'm going to use only red and green jello and make this for my Christmas party! These look amazing!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary, My mom has those "retro Tupperware containers" and so do I. Those ones actually stack together and are held together by this plastic handle like thing. Great for packing and toting food to picnics or for bentos. I luv Tupperware products. I used to buy tons and tons of them from a Tupperware consultant until I found that I can get them at garage sales for a fraction of the price ... Bye the way, I luv your blog. ... TNA

TNA said... [Reply to comment]

Mary ... I got side-tracked about the Tupperware. .... I wanted to say that the first photo of the cut up Jello in the pyrex dish is very pretty. I luv the colors. Looks so festive that I'm planning to make it later this month. Not only are you a good blogger, but you are also a great photographer. Cheers, TNA

Hannah said... [Reply to comment]

My son and I find sweetened condensed milk to be sickly sweet, coconut milk makes a tasty substitute.

Thank you for the inspiring recipe!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I made mine in a trifle bowl and had trouble with the jello square floating to the top. Tips? Hints?


The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Dear Anonymous with Trifle Bowl, I think that by using such a deep bowl, you are going to have "floaters." This is made to make in a shallow bowl so they don't have much liquid to float. I suggest either cutting the blocks bigger to give them more mass, and/or letting the milk mixture set up a bit and then gently stir in the colored blocks (like semi-setting jello before adding fruit). Hope that helps! - mary the food librarian
P.S. sorry it took me so long to answer!

Liz and Thom said... [Reply to comment]

My girlfriend and I chose you

thanks very much to yourself and you own inspiration for giving us a very pleasant weekend. Our results will be upcoming very soon. I can already say I enjoyed eating it!
Thanks again.

Fathima said... [Reply to comment]

Wow such a great creation... really colorful! should try this out...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

This is brilliant: gorgeous and easy, by the looks of it. You weren't the only one to cover this--the venerable NYT did as well!

Hmm, now if only I could find some jello in France...

Chan said... [Reply to comment]

Dear Jenn
you are sucha inspiration!
i love this jello
but have u ever used evaporated milk instead of condense i prefere condense
but my friend tried out evaporated milk and she said it was ok
what do you say?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Dear Chan (#81), I'm Mary the Food Librarian...and this recipe was adapted from JustJenn, my friend. Sorry for any confusion. I've never made it with evaporated milk. However, since Condensed milk is sweetened and evaporated milk is will need to add sugar to the milk mixture. I don't know how much to add, but I would make sure it dissolves completely. I hope this helps. - mary the food librarian

tasteofbeirut said... [Reply to comment]

This is such a fun recipe! I did see it at the mexican grocery store but never imagined I could easily make it myself!

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

i just love looking at this post so much. i really have to try this. soooo nostalgic... !!! xo

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary
Thanks for the good looking recipe gonna try this out but as based in different country, what's the weight of yr 2 envelopes of gelatine
pls as we hv different packaging.....Daisy

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Dear Daisy (#86), One envelope is 1/4 ounce. According to David Lebovitz, "One envelope of powdered gelatin (about 1/4 ounce) is about 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 teaspoon." Here is his post about gelatin:

Suma said... [Reply to comment]

Truly amazing recipes here, specially cakes and Jello. Awesome!

Anna Lea said... [Reply to comment]

Gonna make this one! Thanks!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

hi food librarian
have you ever tried this formula
with evaporated milk instead of condensed milk?
i hear it taste just as good witthout sugar or anything in the evaporated milk!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Dear Anonymous #90, As I mentioned in comment #83 (I understand if you didn't see it...this post has a lot of comments!! :), I've never tried this recipe with evaporated milk. I would think one should add sugar, but if you think it tastes good, then try it! Thanks for stopping by - mary the food librarian

Breanna said... [Reply to comment]

I wonder if coconut milk would work instead?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Breanna (#92) - Someone told me they use coconut milk successfully. The white part won't be as sweet as sweetened condensed milk. Try it and let me know how it works out!! :) - mary the food librarian

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, This is so cool. I've got to do this one..... Thank you so much for posting this.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Made this quite a few times:) Found that the cubes come out best from a platic container as opposed to a glass one. Thanks for the recipe!

Smita said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome...really great,tempting & pretty

Ferreira Neto said... [Reply to comment]

Hi, my name is Ferreira, ím from Brazil.
My mom made that for me all my childhood, and I now do the same to my kids.
I did not know there was a recipe with that name, "Broken Glass Jello".
I´m just amazed!!
I´ve posted my mom´s recipe on my blog, it is a little bit different from yours.
It is in portuguese, my home language, but my blog got translation capabilities.
If you want to see mine, it´s posted at

Congratulations for your recipe and blog!!

hannah @ thepastrykook said... [Reply to comment]

these remind me of chemistry lab! so cool. (:

Aubree said... [Reply to comment]

I made a 4th of July version and linked up your post to here:

Thanks for the great idea!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I made these for a 4th of July party we had at work and it was s big hit! Many of my co-workers asked me for the recipe so that they can make it for their kids. I am making another batch right now. Thanks for the wonderful recipe! Oh I used two packs of small red jello and two packs of blue. Perfect for a July 4th gathering.

hope chest said... [Reply to comment]

All my kids will surely going to like that colorful jellies. It is amazing that you can make such attractive foods. It looks really delicious.

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

i could look at these photos all day. i know i've already left comments but really, i just LOVE these photos!!!! :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I just made this yesterday. I decided to mix it up a bit and use a bundt pan as a mold. I don;t think this was a great idea on my part... But it still tastes so good! :-)

MCD said... [Reply to comment]

Happy almost birthday!

conci9999 at yahoo dot com

dining tables said... [Reply to comment]

Very pretty! Jello has been a part of our kid's party every year. They love it so much.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

can you make any of these jellos with soy milk instead of milk/canned mile? 7 layered/broken glass jello salad???

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

for the 5-7 layer jello do you have to do the milk between layers couldn't you do green/yellow/red/blue/orange????

Meagan said... [Reply to comment]

These look TOO perfect, I can't believe you made these!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

To #106, #107 Anonymous: I've never made it with soy milk. Since sweetened condensed milk is MUCH thicker than soy milk, you would need to add more gelatin to make it work, as well as sugar (since the condensed milk is sweetened). If you skip the milk layer altogether, then the colors will not be distinct. Good luck - mary the food librarian

Tim said... [Reply to comment]

I grew up with this as a kid. It was slightly different, the white stuff was made with Dream Whip (a powdered Cool Whip-like mix), cream and lemon jello- all whipped to a frothy, creamy consistency. We also called it "Broken Glass Jello" but the Jello recipe book called it "Stained Glass Jello". It is a New Year's Day tradition that makes an appearance about every 3 or 4 years. This year it will be your version...thanks.

Quinn said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, the Aeroplane brand jelly sachet(also 30z) of mine here says to add a cup of boiling water followed by a cup of cold water. Do I follow them or just stick to 1 cup boiling water??? These are meant to be a lot firmer aren't they?

Cheers from Down Under,

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Robert, I'm sorry. I haven't used that brand so this answer may not be correct. But on my 3 oz box of Jello, it says it should have two cups total water (1 cup boiling, 1 cup cold). However, because I want FIRM jello to cut into the blocks, we only use the 1 cup of boiling water. So, whatever is "half" the water is probably the best bet. Good luck, mary

Giang Hoang said... [Reply to comment]

I made this today and man it is amazing! Thank you for this wonderful recipe.
However, the 3 oz blueberry jello package seems to be a lot heavier than the others'. I just wonder why that is. I made it with half the package and the jello wasn't firm enough, so when I cut it, the blocks kinda fell apart :(. The end result didn't look as good as yours, but it was still SO YUMMY!
I'll be making this again so soon!

Coupon Queen said... [Reply to comment]

I stopped by from another site for the broken glass jello and WOW I can not believe all the great goodies you have!! I am going to have to try some of these, the question is where to start! I am a new follower now and sooooo looking forward to new things to try this year. Thank you!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

My friend made some and posted it on facebook. It looked soo yummy. I've made it twice within 1 week... thank you, thank you!

Nimi SunilKumar said... [Reply to comment]

I'm so inspired...cant w8 to get my hands on jello

meggie said... [Reply to comment]

I made this for a First Communion celebration, and we called it "stained glass" jello, having just spent almost two hours in church. Loved it! So pretty on a spring morning!

Lani B said... [Reply to comment]

Made this twice already for my daughter's class. The first time, I just poured the condensed milk mixture over the colored cubes and let it set up. Second time, after pouring the milk mixture, I gently moved the colored cubes around with a rubber spatula which distributed more of the milk mixture at the bottom. Although both batches were equally great in taste, presentation was better second time around. Enjoy!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

E' bellissimo ...è coloratissimo....grande. Un bacio dall'Italia.G

Sally said... [Reply to comment]

I have made Finger Jello for my Family for years. I would love to have these new recipes for a new variety, but it will not let me print them. How can I get these recipes? Thank you,
Sally Marez

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]


Sally, Sorry, I have a printable recipe form, but didn't put it on this page. It is up now... look for "printable recipe here" at the beginning of the recipe. - mary

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I made stained glass jello tonight with red, blue, and yellow for the Pacquiao fight tonight. It turned out great and everyone loved it. But how can I keep it from sticking to my glass pan? Please help. Thanks!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous You can either spray the pan with Pam or other non-stick oily spray, or you can rub the pan with a flavorless oil such as Canola oil. In both cases, take a paper towel and wipe out most of the oil or spray...leaving a really light film in the pan. I usually don't spray but use a small overset spatula to help me lift out the jello pieces. - mary

Lily said... [Reply to comment]

Oh those are really pretty! Although they kind of remind me of bars of homemade soap too which is not something I want to eat!I really like the Valentine's Day ones too.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You can also use vanilla jello (found in the Mexican food section of a grocery store)instead of the Knox-sweetened condensed milk mixture.

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

Such an eye catching dessert - I feel I will have to give this one a try! I like the cloudy white of the powdered milk.

Amarendra said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome...This is something very different... I have never seen such colorful dessert in my life.. Thanks for posting such an awesome recipe..

judejam said... [Reply to comment]

slight twist:we use 1 can of evaporated milk, 2 cans of cream (nestle), 1 can of condensed milk and 3 envelopes of knox and mix this with the colorful jello blocks. always a star and delicious and light

Doris said... [Reply to comment]

I am married to a Mexican fellow, and have many Mexican friends, they call it gelatina mosiaca, or mosaic gelatine, and they use their own Mexican brands of gelatine which are found in the Mexican stores, hence the less vibrant colors (and flavors if you ask me!) The white part is a (usually) vanilla flavored gelatine mix that they combine with milk instead of water.

Carolsue said... [Reply to comment]

This was really good

JP said... [Reply to comment]

So beautiful. Reminds me of stained glass windows! I linked back to your post...Good stuff.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Just made a batch of this for my daughter's 1st birthday... haven't 'tasted' it yet, but it's jello, so I'm sure it'll taste like well, jello. It was SO easy and it's going to be really festive on the dessert table we're doing. Thanks for the easy instructions!

AnneTagonist said... [Reply to comment]

Hi there, I am so thrilled to have found this :D
I just have one question (quite an important one I should imagine)..
I need to know the size or weight of the gelatine product (envelopes) that you refer to...I am in South Africa and our products will be somewhat if you can tell me the weight or volume of the gelatine per envelope I will really appreciate it. Thank you so much :)

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@AnneTagonist According to David Lebovitz's blog post about gelatin, one envelope of Knox unflavored gelatin is: "One envelope of powdered gelatin (about 1/4 ounce) is about 2 1/4 to 2 1/2 teaspoons" Here is his post:

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What does "gelatin blooms" mean?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous "Gelatin Bloom" means that the gelatin puffs up a little, soaking up the water.

RecipeCarr said... [Reply to comment]

Love your blog...thanks for sharing!

Lauren said... [Reply to comment]

I'm SO doing this for DD's rainbow 1st bday party. I'm hoping I can do 2 oz of six colors in 2/3 boiling water & it'll come out the same w/ more colors...or just do it all w/ add'l EB milk & knox and use another, smaller pan.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

in the works of making this up for easter. had one other time good and was fun for kidd

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Question: How do I let the milk cool? Do I put it in the fridge or just leave it out for hours?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous To #140, You can speed up the "cooling" by using refrigerated condensed milk. When you put the 4 colors in the refrig, place the can of milk in the refrig too. That'll cool down the mixture faster. If you aren't using a cold can of milk, you can leave the milky mixture out for about an hour. - mary

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

On the Jello box it says to mix the powder with 1 cup of boiling water and 1 cup cold water. Are you not supposed to do that with this recipe? If so, I think I made the Jello wrong then :(

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous To #142. For the colored squares, you only use 1 cup of water (not two cups). You do not follow the directions on the box because you want a more "solid/firm" jello that can be cut into square and hold up. (Jell-O has "Jigglers" that are "finger jello" and they use half the water.)

However, if you already have the jello in the refrig, then you might still try it...It will take longer to chill (overnight is best) and it won't be as "firm" as the 1 cup liquid squares. You'll also twice as much...since you doubled the liquid volume. If you want to go forward, you shouldn't use all the Jello squares (see how filled the 9 x 13 pan is and don't overcrowd). And, the squares might not cut up very nicely. But Good luck! Jello is pretty resilient so I hope things work out (I've never done it this way so I don't know how it will be) - mary

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I also did what it says on the box and how do you know when the gelatin blooms

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

what did you mean when you replied back to #142 you said

you'll also twice as much...since you doubled the liqued volume.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous #144 - Gelatin blooms when it about doubles in volume after mixed with cold water. This blog post has a photo of the powdered gelatin mixed with water. Let it sit for a few minutes until the volume increases.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous #145 - Reader #142 says they followed the instructions on the box of colored Jello and used 2 cups of liquid for the one 3 oz box of Jello. My recipe says to use only 1 cup of water with the 3 oz box of colored Jello. Because #142 used two cups of liquid instead of one cup, they had double the volume of liquid.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I adapted your recipe to use with a brain-shaped mold for a teen zombie party at my library! We had a zombie brain eating contest where the kids couldn't use their hands. I used a mixture of bulk flavored gelatin, unflavored gelatin and sweetened condensed milk and they turned out mottled pink and red and disgusting-looking! You can see pictures at

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the recipe and easy to follow instructions! I've always wanted to make this but never tried because I thought it was too difficult. Now seeing how easy you made it sound I think I will make it very soon!!!

Romona said... [Reply to comment]

Just made this. It looks just like the picture.

Love your simple recipes...they are awesome!!!!


nycstylelittlecannoli said... [Reply to comment]

looks like stained glass How fabulous and easy too

rowan said... [Reply to comment]

I enjoyed the jello very much, thanks to my mom, and now she is going to make it for the second time on her birthday i.e. 2nd October for all the guest. I'am sure all of them will enjoy the same.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]


The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous Dear Anonymous #153 - Your aunt may have made a version of broken glass jello that used whipped cream instead of the sweetened condensed milk. See this post by my friend JustJenn:

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you, but this one looks and sounds so much better, do you think this version could be done in a graham chracker crust?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous Re: #155: I'm not sure...The jello is liquid so it wouldn't work to pour it directly in the crust, but I'm not sure how long you could keep it outside the crust before moving it into the crust. I've never messed with the Jello once it is made, and setting up. Good luck.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

My mom makes this but she puts pineapple juice and lemon knox with the milk i believe. It's so good! I should try this way though

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi there,
What are the dimensions of your Tupperware containers to make the colored jello?
Thanks for your reply!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous Dear #158, Unfortunately, I don't have easy access to those tupperware bins anymore...but I'd say they were around 6 x 6. They would comfortably fit a peanut butter sandwich. They are about the size of those Ziploc semi-disposable blue and clear plastic containers (know what I mean, you can find them in packs of 6 at Target)? Hope this helps and isn't more confusing... :) - mary

Kendra said... [Reply to comment]

I was trying to make a rainbow layered cake pan mold the other night when I realized it was not going to work. :-( But I then remembered seeing this awesome post and was inpired to make it work! Thanks for the great idea!

Diana said... [Reply to comment]

Loved this Jell-o idea. My son is beginning the Morrow Project tomorrow - and I'm bringing this for a creative, futuristic food item. My husband says it may be a mutated food object. Hmmmm, maybe so!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Love this- it has become a family favorite. Plus, it looks pretty. Linked this recipe from my blog!

thanks so much!

The Merri Mum

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow Im definitely going to try this and the instructions are so clear thank you!!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thx for the recipe. Wondering if we can use sugar free gelatin? Diabetic here so hoping it can be done. Thx for your help.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This recipe has been around for more than 50 years and was known as stained glass jello. It can also be layered with rainbow colors, colors to go with holidays and blue and green makes a great snack for going with an ocean or sea life unit for school.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Anonymous #164 - I've never used sugar free gelatin but I think you can since it pretty much sets up the same (from what I can tell from viewing photos of sugar free gelatin). However, you need sweetened condensed milk and I've never seen a sugar free version of that. - mary

Rashida Shaikh said... [Reply to comment]

Hi dear,
I'm in so love with your jello, couldn't resist to follow you ;)
Would love to explore more...

Love & Hugs!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

My mom made this every Christmas and I always looked forward to it. I believe she used Dream Whip instead of the condensed milk and there was a graham cracker crust. It makes an impressive presentation.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I'm thinking about making it with red and blue jello for the 4th of July!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Made this today and it was fabulous! Everyone wanted to know how I made it and my children said it tasted like Skittles!! Thank you so much!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I have this bookmarked and make it for EVERYONE. Always a huge hit .. delicious and beautiful! Thank you!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Vanilla yogurt instead of the condensed milk tastes way better.

Avo For Me ♥ said... [Reply to comment]

I ♥ jello too, but agar jelly more like it and I am in awed with your photos about all sort of jello ideas!!!

P.S. I found your website by chance and I ♥ it!!! Wish I had known it way earlier though!!!

Barfly said... [Reply to comment]

To the person wondering about sugar-free version...yes, by all means!! For some reason I had a zillion plain knox gelatin boxes in the cupboard but no flavoured jello...The solution-I mixed a packet of crystal light with a packet of plain gelatin and the one cup of water. The colours weren't as vibrant as with store bought jello but they tasted fine and set up firmly.
Mine turned out with softer, pastel hues this way--very eastery!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I would use flavors orange, mango, pineapple, melon fusion. Looks like an orange/yellow/green spectrum.

penny said... [Reply to comment]

plan on using my deviled egg tray to make egg shaped jello pieces for this on easter

slime shops said... [Reply to comment]

I love the step-by-step pictures. The final product looks much more difficult than the actual process and gorgeous!

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