Wedding Dessert Bar for Jun and David's Wedding

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
The Happy Couple: My friends Jun & David!
(Photo by Linda Y, Jun's co-worker)

Congratulations Jun & David! This beautiful couple were married last Saturday, November 6th in Los Angeles. I met Jun while at UCLA's Library School in 2003, and we hit it off immediately and have had a great time the last 7 years.

Jun & David Wedding, 11/6/2010
The wedding ceremony was held at the Koyasan Buddhist Temple in Downtown Los Angeles' Little Tokyo. It was a very touching ceremony conducted in both English and Japanese. The priest had asked Jun & David to write letters to each other, and he read them during the ceremony. They didn't know he would do that when they wrote the letters, so they were honest and funny. After dating for 12 years, everyone was so excited to witness the ceremony. Jun wore her mother's beautiful wedding kimono!

Jun & David Wedding, 11/6/2010
The reception was held at the beautiful Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock. It's a historic 1914 Carnegie Library (the former LAPL Eagle Rock branch). They have art classes on the bottom floor and rent out the top floor. I think the bar area was the information or circulation desk! How perfect is that?!

I'm one of those people who loves to receive and give handmade gifts. So my gift to Jun & David was the dessert bar at the reception. 

(Jun & David, don't read this part) But what was I thinking? I'm a freaking librarian with a small refrig and basic oven. I've only make food for my library, and this was a 125 person reception. Thus, I got 5 hours of sleep in two days. But it was so worth it! The wedding and reception was so much fun!

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
The dessert bar begins with: Coffee Jello, Brownies, Chocolate cupcakes with Mascarpone frosting...continued...

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
...Fruit Kabobs (cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon), Raspberry Jam Shortbread squares, Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake bites, Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies, and Vanilla Cream Puffs...continued...

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
...Fresh fuyu persimmons (kaki), Chocolate Mint cupcakes, Lemon Bars...continued...

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
...Pumpkin cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting, Nutella Chocolate Chip cookies, Mochi from Sakura-Ya in Gardena....continued...

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
...Lemon Tarts with Meringue, Fruit Tarts, Daruma mini wedding cake, Chocolate Cream Puffs...continued...

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
...and we end with The Salty. After going to a few cupcake eating events with JustJenn, I feel having something salty with your sweets is very important so I put together an assortment of my favorite salty snacks.

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
I tried to make a mini display cake for the Daruma dolls turned bride & groom figurines. Daruma dolls are sold with both eyes blank. You fill-in one eye in when you set a goal/wish, and fill-in the other when the goal is attained. During the reception, Jun & David filled in the second eye.

Oh, you poor mini cake. I made it at 4 am on the day of the wedding (yes, I was a bit behind schedule. And before all you kids who finished a week's worth of homework in one night tell me I could have frozen items prior to the wedding, that just didn't happen.) It got frosted by Helen (Cook's Illustrated Basic Buttercream) and we were off to set up at the reception hall.

When we arrived, Helen lifts up the cake carrier and notices that the cake completely shifted and is smashed against the side of the box. We call Alison, Helen's awesome daughter, and leave this voicemail: "Alison. Go to the grocery store. Buy a boatload of white canned frosting. Stat. Please. Thank you." Then, I carry in the sad cake carrier and I proceed to Drop. It. On. Its. Head. Yes, we dropped the darn thing twice! Luckily, the Daruma figurines were not on the cake. Finally, we shellac the cake with canned frosting, but you can see some of the bad bits coming through. Luckily, no one was planning on cutting or eating this cake. On their first anniversary, I'll bring over cream puffs and cupcakes to celebrate. No one wants to get near this twice bruised cake.

Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
Make anything mini and it is so darn cute. These cupcakes are topped with a decorative heart. Kawaii!

Jun & David Wedding, 11/6/2010
This was the only photo I took of the dessert bar! See the blur? This is real time action! As we set out the dessert bar, guests were coming up and starting to fill up their plates. I had no time to take photos so I am grateful to Jun's co-worker Linda for snapping photos! Alison and Helen are behind the bar getting ready to spend the next few hours refilling desserts. We refilled, refilled and refilled over 1000 items!

Menu (I've included links to some of the recipes/posts)
Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
By the numbers...(Okay, if you went to the wedding, you can skip this little part...or realize that you danced all night and worked it all off).
  • 1,040 pieces of dessert and fruit
  • 8 dozen eggs (Next time, I'm getting myself a chicken. Hee hee. There will be no "next time.")
  • 30 sticks of butter (I looked like a mad woman checking out of Trader Joe's with 8 boxes of butter in my cart)
  • And so much cream cheese, chocolate, lemons, sugar and flour...
Jun & David Wedding (Photo by Linda Y)
Special Thanks to...
  • My friend Helen and her daughter Alison who helped sooooo much!
  • My mom and auntie who came over on Thursday and Friday to do all my dishes and help organize the treats.
  • My cousin who filled up my car with gas the morning of the wedding and ran errands for me.
  • My friend Socrates and his boyfriend Jesus who helped plate the desserts and prep the dessert bar.
  • Jun's co-worker Linda who was able to take awesome photos of the dessert bar while we were setting up (you can totally be a food photographer!)
  • My friends JustJenn, Diane, Jessica, Fellow Mary, co-workers, and blogger friends who supported me via txt message, email messages and twitter.
Jun & David Wedding, 11/6/2010
Thanks Jun and David for accepting my gift of desserts. (Seriously, what were you thinking entrusting me with such an important part of your day?!) Thank you for including me in your special day, and I send you a dessert bar full of good wishes for many more happy years together!
- mary the food librarian

Photo notes: Food photos and top wedding photo by Linda Y, friend of Jun's.
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Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

WOW - this is impressive girl. You are one mean baking machine!

Saira said... [Reply to comment]

I was waiting for this! WOW! everything looks amazing! Congratulations to June and David:)

Rachel said... [Reply to comment]

OH. MY. GOD. this is amazing! so completely insane and wonderful. everything is so cute and looks absolutely delicious! in fact i think i'm going to have to make those nutella cookies today...

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! And I will say it again- Wow! You are amazing. What a delicious looking spread! I don't have any idea how you did all that! What a perfect gift.

Zahra said... [Reply to comment]

You are absolutely amazing! It's such a gorgeous dessert bar and so full of love. I want to do this for someone so much!

Marina said... [Reply to comment]

So I think it is official. You are crazy! Between 30 days of bundts and the wedding dessert bar how are you still alive and blogging? My hats off to you Mary. You are one rocking girl!

Meandering Eats said... [Reply to comment]

Wow... you're the best friend EVER. It looked absolutely amazing! And don't worry about the dropped cake... I can definitely bet that no one noticed a thing.

yummychunklet said... [Reply to comment]

Very impressive! Serious pats on the back for such an awesome gift!

Azusa said... [Reply to comment]

You never cease to amaze me. When do you have the time?! This is gorgeous!!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, this is incredible - I can't believe the number of beautiful treats you made for your friends, all while working, Bundt-ing, etc...your friends are very lucky to have you, and congratulations to them on their marriage.

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

This is INSANE. You are my hero! Here I was wondering how you were able to bake a bundt and blog about it everyday, but then you did this, too?! My mind is boggled. And everything looks so perfect!

Jan said... [Reply to comment]

Amazing dessert bar!

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations to your friends Jun & David. What a beautiful and sweet wedding :)

Gabby said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for posting this! I'm doing the same thing for a friends wedding in January...just a tad scared! :) Your dessert bar was beautiful!

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, what an array of tasty treats. As daunting as making a tiered wedding cake can be, I think you ended up putting more work into your vast selection of goodies. So sorry to hear you had so many issues with the mini wedding cake. Everything looked amazing in the end.


kdiddy said... [Reply to comment]

so cool! this kind of reminds me of the cookie table tradition for weddings in this area of the country. In addition to the cake, family and friends prepare hundreds of cookies for the reception. I just worked on one for my friend's wedding a few weeks ago and documented it (of course) here:

Rachael said... [Reply to comment]

Whoa! That dessert bar was crazy great! Kudos to you, and congrats to Jun and David!

Sunset said... [Reply to comment]

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! This was the most wonderful wedding gift. As someone else mentioned, I sure am a lucky person to have such a caring giving friend. 17 dessert choices. Pure Mary Madness! When I first asked you to do the dessert, I believe what I asked was exactly that- the "dessert," singular, NOT plural. Never ever in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up with a dessert bar. This was more impressive than any dessert buffet I have ever seen in my entire life. People will not stop talking about it. I have already had a friend ask if you are available to do another wedding. Perhaps that is a horrifying proposition at this point, but Mary, what you did was beyond professional. I really felt and tasted the love. I really can't thank you enough!!!

Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

We had a dessert bar at our wedding and it was so fun! Your puts ours to shame though. It looks beautiful.

Gastronomer said... [Reply to comment]

YOU ROCK!!! Dynamite spread, Mary!!

Darlene said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful wedding!! All the food looks fantastic! Many happy wishes to the newly weds.

jamie said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, Mary! I would think this was your best feat/post ever even if I didn't know Jun & David... but getting to see the pics from their wedding is even more of a treat. :) Gorgeous bride, happy groom, beautiful dessert table- what a celebration. Congrats!

Jennie said... [Reply to comment]

Just amazing. I am in awe. This looks fantastic! I can't believe you did 17 desserts. Your friend is very lucky, indeed. I agree with Jessica's comments...30 days of bundts and this dessert bar all at once?!! You are my hero, too!

Yuko said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! A beautiful wedding! And you did an excellent, excellent job! Can't find an appropriate expression how much I admire you!

vanillasugarblog said... [Reply to comment]

omgosh the wedding cake that almost wasn't! i would have been such a wreck--you really rocked this event

shaz said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, you baked ALL OF THAT?!! Just amazing. Absolutely fabulous job and congrats to the happy couple.

Jami said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, what a beautiful job you did, and what a gracious gift to your good friends! (Do you love the cheesecake bite recipe? I promised cheesecake bites for an event next weekend and was thinking about trying either a lemon or a chocolate recipe...)

AmyRuth said... [Reply to comment]

Oh mary, I totally laughed at your descriptions of events. You are so funny. More importantly you are impressive. Every time I agree to do a project for someone I think I've lost my mind. It truly takes many people to pull projects like yours together. You did a beautiful job! I'm certain they loved it as well as all the guests. Rest now he he and don't do it again LOL hehe (that is always what I mutter to myself)
I'm kidding that was such a loving gift. Congratulations.

Kitchen Runway said... [Reply to comment]

All I can say is you're AMAZING!!! I seriously don't know how you whipped up all of these goodness, signage and made them look so cute!! Sending you lots of kudos!!

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Wow what an undertaking but everything looks divine and you kept it so neat and professional looking. It must have felt so good to see it all displayed and people enjoying it. You're amazing. I would want to eat one of everything.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

please include the recipe for vanilla and chocolate cream puffs.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, that is seriously impressive!! Great job!

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

I'm giving you a standing O!!! I'm amazing by the variety of delicious desserts that you were able to crank out --- you are truly awesome!

Susan said... [Reply to comment]

Hey--you did great! I'm a library tech on the East coast & baker, too. Every time I do a wedding cake I swear "never again!" But there's always another one...
I love the idea of a dessert bar & small wedding cake. Maybe I'll keep that in mind for next time. :-)

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

All I can say is WOW!!! You did an amazing job! It looks fantastic!

And the wedding couple looks SO happy!

Sandra Dee said... [Reply to comment]

Holy cow. I am in awe of your accomplishment. What a lovely gift for your friend and her guests to enjoy.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

#31 Indrani, I don't have permission to print the cream puff recipe; they came from my friend's culinary school. Also, the entire recipe is measured by weight so you would need a scale. Also, the instructions are very basic, as it was accompanied by a live lecture. There are many recipes, with good instructions, available in cookbooks and cooking sites. I suggest Martha Stewart's recipe. Thanks, Mary the Food Librarian

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I can't get over how beautiful the bride was and how great everything you made looked! Kawaii indeed!! Congratulations to your friends, and to you for such a feast!! This might be the coolest wedding ever.

Dawn C. said... [Reply to comment]

WOW. That is truly a labor of love! Completely amazing.

Where the heck did you store all that stuff if you only have a small refrig?!!?

It's a BEAUTIFUL presentation and I'm sure equally as delicious. Bravo!

Nicole@The Dirty Oven via twitter @ovenloving said... [Reply to comment]

I am so so impressed. What a lucky couple to have help them out on their day. WOW!!!! Thanks for the links to all your good stuff. The nutella cookies are going to have to be made soon.
Thanks again, love your post and your blog... :)

Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

What a spectacular spread! That's hard-core baking into the wee-hours and what a nice save on the poor little cake that took two dives.

Trevor Sis Boom said... [Reply to comment]

You really are amazing! I learn so much here from you!
Trevor Sis. Boom.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for posting these pics. Your friend Jun looks stunning in her wedding kimono. How special that it is her mother's, too. Your dessert bar is PHE-NO-ME-NAL. You can tell you poured your heart and soul into their wedding dessert bar and the results are gorgeous. You are amazing, Mary!!! What a wonderful friend you are. I'm thankful and blessed to know you. Miss you tons. Your fan, Racheal P.S. I'm going to be in LA December 23 to January 3. CAN WE PLEASE GET TOGETHER WHILE I'M IN TOWN THIS TIME??? I hope this is enough notice so that we can plan for some time together.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

P.S. This may be tacky of me for asking but how much did all of the ingredients cost for the entire dessert bar? Including supplies. Did you keep track of the hours that you spent all week baking, too? Love you! Rach

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Have you considered opening your own catering business? I would like to be your PR/sales rep., please!!! XO, Rach

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You are amazing. I am tipping my hat to you. It looks amazing!!!

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

You did a wonderful job on the dessert table. It all looks so beautiful and delicious. I'm going to have to check out that recipe for the raspberry shortbread. yum!

Congrats to the newly married couple.

Trae C said... [Reply to comment]

congrats to the beautiful happy couple...and to you, for such an awesome accomplishment! what a gorgeous dessert bar!

chibi said... [Reply to comment]

I think you totally outdid yourself with the desserts. Everything looks so good. I like how you had fresh fruit and a salty area.
All of the desserts were so beautiful.

patricia said... [Reply to comment]

Seriously Mary, I would hire you in a heartbeat to cater my wedding dessert buffet, and with half (even a 1/3) of the options you presented. I mean, who wants just a cake from King's Bakery when you can wallow in the genius of the Food Librarian? -Patricia (aka cousin Stan and David's former dogwalker)

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