Nectarine Buckle (Peach Buckle by Everyday Food)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Food Librarian - Peach Buckle with Nectarines

Oh, I'm such a wild girl!


I've been a pretty boring chica lately. Sometimes, I think my excitement for the day is driving 7 miles over the speed limit (with two hands on the steering wheel...)

Yesterday, I engaged my lead foot and did something crazy in the kitchen.

I switched nectarines for the peach.

I know!! C R A Z Y.

I'm sure this'll be on the next DVD of Fruit Gone Wild.

Food Librarian - Peach Buckle with Nectarines

I replaced the peaches with absolutely delicious mango flavored nectarines from Ken's Top Notch Produce at the farmer's market. This is breeding done right.

Food Librarian - Peach Buckle with Nectarines Food Librarian - Peach Buckle with Nectarines
Peaches or Nectarines are folded into the batter. The topping is sugar, cinnamon and sliced almonds. I've also made a Peach and Blueberry Buckle - that's yum too.

And why did I pick the Peach Buckle?

I don't want to go all TMI on you, but my gums are pathetic. For some reason, one speck of plaque on my teeth cause much, much misery. I need to get my teeth cleaned four times a year. I see my hygienist more than my relatives. I'm supposed to floss twice a day, Sonicare after every meal, use a prescription toothpaste ($17 a tube!), Waterpik, Sulcabrush and not snack too much (that one I can't handle). I'm probably the only one in the library with an electric toothbrush on my desk (behind my monitor - not next to the reference books, thank you very much). But last month I had more dental issues and mega sensitivity on one of my molars. My dentist said they need to cover the exposed nerves with a "buckle."

And what did I think when I hear "buckle"? Novocaine? No...Fruit Buckle!!

However, I later learned that my dentist was probably talking about the buccal surface of the tooth...oh well, I'm calling this My Buckle for My Buccal!

Food Librarian - Peach Buckle with Nectarines
Got peaches? Got nectarines? Got blueberries?
Got bad gums or need dental work?
Make this buckle! (and then brush and floss your teeth)

Peach Buckle
from Everyday Food
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Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Mango flavoured nectarines?! That sounds so yummy!! I've always preferred nectarines over peaches just because I'm not fond of the fuzz factor. I've only ever made blueberry buckle and it seems like I'll need to branch out! :D

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

I've seen so many recipes for "buckles" (mostly blueberry ones) and I've never quite known what they are. Now I do...and I want to make this one. Probably with peaches, though. I don't want to get too far out there! :)

Sweetie said... [Reply to comment]

i've never heard of mango flavored nectarines. i wonder if mango + peaches would work too. that's a beautiful buckle!

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

You crazy crazy girl - nectarines for peaches? I can barely handle the excitement! Have to admit though, I'm pretty much the same way. A wild day for me involves making the entire recipe for something instead of scaling it down. Sad, huh?

Deeba PAB said... [Reply to comment]

Just beautiful...never heard of mango flavoured nectarine, but this is awesome! I'm sorry about your dental agony.Hope you feel better very soon...

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

I've never had a mango-flavored nectarine. These sounds delicious.

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I like that you used nectarines. I love them! Great summer treat!

Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

I love the little chunks of fruit - so pretty!

Cori said... [Reply to comment]

That dough looks so dense and moist. I actually don't love peaches. Nectarines are a much better choice :)

sweet_little_angel said... [Reply to comment]

This looks so goooood, I love the way how you use fresh fruits in your recipes! =D

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your buckle looks amazing. Mango-flavored nectarines sound outrageous.

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, I always love your batter shots!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

Oh this looks great. I was just searching for a recipe with peaches and this one fits right. yummy

Cookie said... [Reply to comment]

I've been looking for a recipe using nectarines and this is perfect! Not sure if I'll ever be able to find mango-flavored ones but I'll settle for the regular nectarine-flavored ones too!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

oh, that looks so good. i love nectarines (more than peaches), but i've never had a mango-nectarine! i hope i see them around here someday!!

Melissa @ For the Love of Health said... [Reply to comment]


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This looks really tasty. And it sounds like it would go perfect with a cup of tea (iced or hot). Yum. When are you coming back again? ;) love you, Rach

Lulu the Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I have nectarines in the fridge, and a husband who's a dentist, so I think this buckle is calling my name!

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

Omg your pictures are gorgeous! I see this recipe in my kitchen very soon! :D

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Now that's a good looking buckle!

My babygirl has issues with her teeth, too.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Mango flavored nectarines...yum! This looks super tasty. I'm sorry to hear about your teeth but I'm sure this dessert made you feel better...after you brushed and flossed of course.

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

You poor thing. i love your inspiration for this buckle though :-)

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

How two people born on the same day, can be sooooo different, I dunno. LOL LOL

I switch everything, all the time! Ask for black, and I'll give you white... I cannot resist unconformity.

Ain't crazy fun??? LOL

Well done, I hope you "risk it" more often! lol

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

MMMHMM, now that sounds like some good breeding. Your buckle looks SO good...I especially love the plate it's on!

Cathy said... [Reply to comment]

I want some of those mango flavored nectarines - sounds like a match made in heaven to me. I've never made a buckle but definitely need to try this one!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness am I jealous of your mango flavored nectarines! They sound DIVINE! And that buckle looks fabulous!!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

I heard the editor of Playfruit was going to contact your buckle about being a centerfold...

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Mango flavoured nectarines? Intriguing. Though I wasn't a big fan of the grapple! Regardless, this buckle looks delicious. Perfect summer treat!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

I swear Ive had every other buckle but this kind! YUM!!! I need to give it a try :)

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful, Mary. Hope your teeth and you are feeling better soon!

Marta said... [Reply to comment]

Hahahaha you HAVE been living on the edge, switching your stone-fruit around! Crazy girl!
this looks lovely and very versatile! Love it!

Melissa said... [Reply to comment]

Ohhhh, now this looks good.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh Nectarine's, how do I miss thee!!!! The photos look fabulous, the dish...looks delish. I've actually never had the pleasure of having Peach Buckle.

hannah queen | honey & jam said... [Reply to comment]

Oh this sounds so good!

Kerstin said... [Reply to comment]

Very crazy :) Looks so great though, nice job!

Heidi said... [Reply to comment]

What an amazing looking buckle. YUMMY :)

Madam Chow said... [Reply to comment]

I've had more than my share of tooth problems, too, but these photos are distracting me from a looming dental visit!

Dragon said... [Reply to comment]

I love buckles! Yours is so colourful. Yum!

lisa (dandysugar) said... [Reply to comment]

I've yet to make a buckle but I sure want to now! Mango flavored nectarine sound so good..Great buckle recipes, they all look and sound divine!

April said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, that looks great! I love the chunks of nectarine almost 'suspended' in the batter. Sorry about your teeth!

Juliana said... [Reply to comment]

The nectarines look nectarine and not mango...where did the mango flavor come from? Anyway, the cake looks delicious...moist...yummie!

Debbie said... [Reply to comment]

This buckle looks really good. Different from others I've seen. I can't stand going to the dentist. A very big fear here!

Karine said... [Reply to comment]

Mango flavored nectarines? I have never heard of that... but it looks yummy! And your buckle seems great too :)

Treehouse Chef said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! This looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing.

Nithya said... [Reply to comment]

All the dishes look yummm..Here for the first time and find it extremely attractive. Keep it going. Will be here now and then. :)

Shushana said... [Reply to comment]

Everything looks delicious! THe fresh nectarines make me want t just grab one and bite right into and the dessert was even better...I got to try this one!

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

You are such a wild child! ;)

You've totally enlightened me...I had no idea what a buckle looked like...that looks so yummy!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your recipes is delightful and so are you. I am sorry your teeth are causing you pain but you tell the story in such an interesting manner.

I have to read the rest of your blog or at least, some of it.

I hope your attitude is contagious.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

this is delicious.have A Good Day.


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