Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt Cake - Day #30 - I Like Big Bundts

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Day 30 of I Like Big Bundts: 30 Days of Bundt Cakes
Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt Cake

Happy National Bundt Day!! Today is the final day of I Like Big journey to make 30 Bundts in 30 Days. I'm relieved that I reached the finish line, but am a little sad about the project ending. But never fear...I cannot lie, I like Big Bundts and will continue making them!

I Like Big Bundts Logo by JustJenn Designs
Logo design: JustJenn of JustJennDesigns

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Today, I present my FAVORITE BUNDT of all-time: Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt Cake
I got the recipe from Vintage Victuals, and have made this countless times. It is so easy and yet absolutely delicious!

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Since it is National Bundt Day, I decided to spice things up for my big celebration Bundt cake! Based on Tendercrumb's and JustJenn's recommendation, I purchased these Valrhona Crunchy 55% Chocolate Pearls at Surfas. Oh my goodness! These are fantastic. They are perfect on any baked good!

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
I made a quick glaze of powder sugar and water...all so I could have a surface to place the Valrhona Crunchy Pearls.

This recipe is super duper easy! No fancy equipment needed and it gets thrown together in just a few minutes!

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Bring to a boil: 1 c water, ½ c vegetable oil, 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter, and ¼ c + 1T (or 5 T) cocoa powder to a boil. I have successfully made this with Dutch-processed and Natural cocoa.

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
In a large bowl, whisk together 2 c flour, 2 c sugar, ½ t salt, and 1 ½ t cinnamon. Add the chocolate mixture to the flour and mix together.

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Add ½ c buttermilk and 1 t baking soda. Mix 2 eggs and 1 t vanilla in a small bowl and combine with batter.

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Place the batter in a greased 10 to 12 cup Bundt pan. (I spray my pans with Pam with Flour or Bakers Joy). Bake at 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes (the original recipe says 25 minutes but I find 30 minutes works for me).

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Cool in the pan. (I have depanned mine after about 20 minutes with no problems as well).

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts
Usually, I just dust the top with powdered sugar. It is delicious for breakfast, lunch or dinner. :) And it keeps well...although I've never had any in the house for more than 2 days!

Thank you everyone for following along with me this past 30 days! I hope you don't forget about your cute Bundt pan and make Bundt cakes all year round. Me? I might not make 30 of them in a row, but you know I Like Big Bundts and will continue bundting! :) - mary the food librarian

Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt - I Like Big Bundts

Click here for a printable recipe
Adapted from Vintage Victual who adapted it from a recipe printed in the Atlanta Journal Constitution in the 1980's

I Like Big Bundts recap:
Introduction: The Food Librarian confesses: I Like Big Bundts
Recap: Bundts made in the past by the Food Librarian
Day 1: Pumpkin Spice Bundt with Buttermilk Icing
Day 2: Chocolate-Cinnamon Bundt Cake with Mocha Icing
Day 3: Pumpkin-Apple Spiced Bundt
Day 4: Cinnamon Ripple Sweet Potato Bundt
Day 5: Chocolate Zucchini Bundt
Day 6: Cardamom Vanilla Bundt
Day 7: Monkey Bread in a Bundt
Day 8: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bundt
Day 9: Coconut Bundt
Day 10: Sweet Potato Bundt
Day 11: Mom's Apple Cake Bundt
Day 12: Meyer Lemon Bundt
Day 13: Candy Corn Jello Bundt
Day 14: Spiced Cranberry Bundt
Day 15: Blueberry-Buttermilk Bundt
Day 16: Nutella Bundt
Day 17: Carrot Walnut Bundt
Day 18: Pear Ginger Bundt
Day 19: Persimmon Bundt
Day 20: Banana Chocolate Marble Bundt
Day 21: Martha Stewart Chocolate Bundt
Day 22: Whipped Cream Bundt
Day 23: Peanut Butter and Chocolate Bundt
Day 24: Brown Sugar and Chocolate Chip Pound Bundt with Maple-Espresso Glaze
Day 25: My Big Fat Greek Yogurt Lemon Bundt
Day 26: Orange Cranberry Bundt
Day 27: Peanut Butter and Jelly Swirl Bundt
Day 28: Matcha Mochi Bundts with Sweetened Red Bean Filling
Day 29: Red Velvet Bundt
Pin It!


The kids said... [Reply to comment]

This one looks great, I still have to try the red velvet one

Federica Simoni said... [Reply to comment]

ma quante belle torte!! ma chi se le mangia??? ciao ciao ciao!

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Yay! You did it and I'm in awe and the amazing job you did. It isn't easy to work, bake, and blog and certainly not bake and blog everyday!

Happy Bundt Day!

Rachel said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate pearls...very new to me...very pretty bundt!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt Cake Day! You did a great job! All of your creations look fantastic.



cookies and cups said... [Reply to comment]

WoW!! I just came across your site and can I say, oh my! This is a lot of bundt love! I am embarrassed to say that I don't even have a good bundt pan! I thought I did, much after searching for it, it has disappeared! What do you do with all these bundt cakes? Do you make them all? Either way, very impressive!

Angela KL said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary,

Congrats! You made it.. 30 bundts in 30 days!! I take my hat off to you for following through.

I was out of touch for awhile.. internet problems for 3+ weeks. But I remembered the little 'promise' I made and baked 2carrot bundt cakes yesterday.. one in a bundt and the other a bundt springform pan. One broke abit (the top) while the other had no form! And so, that means I need to get a good & proper bundt pan! Nordir Ware?? Not sure whether I can get it here and not sure whether they ship to Malaysia.

Congrats again Mary.. keep them bundts coming..

Janssen said... [Reply to comment]

This has been so fun - I've been bookmarking recipes like a madwoman!

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

I'm so sad it's over! It's been lots of fun being able to come over and see a new bundt everyday. This looks so moist and yummy!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Yay, yay, yay! You did it. I knew you would/could. What a great list of bundts to turn to when I want to go a-bundting! You know it's my birthday and I'm still trying to decide which bundt to make myself today. I'm thinking banana though. It just might be my favorite!
Really awesome, Mary!

le ricette del glutine scomparso said... [Reply to comment]

which is simply wonderful, it's nice to be seen that food ...
ps.: Sorry for my English is not perfect ....

LilSis said... [Reply to comment]

Happy National Bundt Day!I've been following your project "I Like Big Bundts" and have loved each and every one of your bundts.

I posted a bundt cake today as well and will email you with the URL in case you do a roundup.

I also linked to your blog in my post.

Flourchild said... [Reply to comment]

Holy smoke lady! I had no idea you have been baking all these wonderful scrumptious looking bundts until now! Im so totally in awe at your baking skills with Bundts..Big have made about every bundt cake I think is out there. I so want to buy a new bundt pan and make some of your recipes!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt day:) I love this one! Thanks for a all of your fun bundt posts, this was SO fun!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh great only 335 more days of bundts to go - wheeee!

Di said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations on finishing the project, and Happy Bundt Day!

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

I have so enjoyed your 30 days of bundts! I'm amazed at all of your wonderful cakes, and it seems like you deserve a nice break. I hope you enjoy national bundt day. Thanks for all of the fabulous recipes. You've definitely inspired me to bake more bundts.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I am very new to reading food blogs -- I just found you at day 27! You are so inspiring and amazing! I couldn't wait to get on the computer every day to see what you were baking. Thank you for making me realize that I like big bundts -- only I didn't know it before!

I can't wait to buy the Heritage pan and try some of your recipes --they all look so good! My favorite ones are the Mochi, Red Velvet, Cinnamon Chocolate, Persimmon, yikes! I may have to bake 30 bundts! Please keep up with your fantastic blog! You make my day!

Live aloha!

Darlene said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt Day! All the cakes look so amazing. There are so many to choose from to make today...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

One more thing -- your pictures are gorgeous! How do you get the different colors in your background? I also love your outdoor pictures -- looks like some pretty fancy camera work to me! I'm just a point and shoot kind of gal!

Book Boor said... [Reply to comment]

You did it! Congratulations!

Susan Broman said... [Reply to comment]

This is my favorite too! I was thinking of making it in honor of the day, even before seeing your finale. :)

2.46% said... [Reply to comment]

Happy National Bundt Day and congratulations on finishing your 30 Days of Bundts! I am in complete awe of what you've accomplished and am totally inspired by the cakes. In fact, I made this Cinnamon Chocolate Bundt for NBD, too!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulation and Happy Bundt Day! I joined you today with a Pumpkin, Chocolate bundt

I will definitely be trying this one soon.

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Bundt Day!!! You did an awesome job on these bundts. I want to try this one, the red velvet one, the other chocolate one, and two others. hahaha Thanks for a great run!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

wow 30 bundts in 30 days. Awesome!!
This cinnamon chocolate bundt is irresistible :)

Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

Curse the time difference! Well, it is still Bundt Day here. Just posted my own contribution.

You really inspired me... Thanks for having the dedication to follow such a crazy project through to the end. You are the Bundt Queen!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

I don't know what to say - you are truly amazing! I LOVE it all.

Hindy said... [Reply to comment]

Mazel tov! You made it to the end. Thirty beautiful bundts! Happy Bundt Day. You're an inspiration to us all!

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Yay! Happy Bundt Day! This looks really good... I have a recipe very close to this and I love it! Yum :)

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Great job! This one looks delicious! I can understand why it's your favorite.
When you get a chance check out my contribution for National Bundt Day.
Hope you get the pan you wanted!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Wow this looks great! I love the addition of cinnamon to the chocolate...yum!

Cindy said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for so many great recipes! I have many bookmarked! Fun, fun blog.

Juliet said... [Reply to comment]

I've been following this tasty odyssey, and I've just got to say...CONGRATULATIONS! You're an inspiration to this college girl living with one teensy kitchen (and four messy dormmates).

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

I posted this cake today too :-)

Happy budt day!

margot said... [Reply to comment]

Amazing! I am so impressed that you baked a cake every single day and they all look outstanding. I baked one in honor of the occasion:

sandhya said... [Reply to comment]

all of your bundts looks delicious... i enjoyed your 30days of bundts... even i baked a chocolate marble bundt y'day, posted it on my blog .....

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats on 30 days of bundt-ing!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Those chocolate pearls just make the cake look even prettier.

Joanne said... [Reply to comment]

Made this last night and it came out delicious, although I did have to bake it for almost 45 minutes. I used mini-chocolate chips in the batter. Oh, and I substituted low-fat yogurt for buttermilk (because that's what I had). I love the photos of making the cake, but I think you've got cinnamon twice when it should only be once (not with the eggs and vanilla). I almost doubled the cinnamon.

Thanks for all these wonderful bundt cakes. I love making bundts too!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you so much for catching the correction!!! The original recipe has you mix the eggs, vanilla and cinnamon together but I found that the cinnamon got clumpy so I started to add it to the dry mixture. I corrected the post. Thank you again. And yes, the baking time varies. I wonder if that has to do with the type of pan you use (size, material) or placement in the oven. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it!! - mary the food librarian

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

Surfas sounds awesome... wish we had one! I saw chocolate pearls in the KA Flour catalog... maybe I'll try them!

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Your 30 days of bundts was completely awesome! I loved seeing them all.

Divya Kudua said... [Reply to comment]

I tried this one and can see why it is your favorite bundts of all:).So soft,moist and melt in the mouth with a delicious chocolatey-cinnamoney flavor,this has become my favorite too:):).Of course,I made it without a Bundt pan..sigh!!

Azusa said... [Reply to comment]

I finally baked this today! It is super moist and had the perfect level of sweetness—I absolutely love it. Mine took 35 mins to bake and my kitchen smelled SO good. I became really anxious and waited 20 mins before trying to flip it out of the pan. Sadly, it didn't come out in one piece. But now I have an excuse to make it again. Thanks for sharing this recipe, Mary!

Sherry G said... [Reply to comment]

I just made this and it was AMAZING. To be extremely honest, I do not like chocolate. I tried this and found it to be incredible. Cinnamon and chocolate are made for each other.

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