Christmas Broken Glass Jello

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Broken Glass Christmas Jello - Food Librarian
Christmas Broken Glass Jello

I have a thing for Jello. I've loved it since I was a kid. It was early "cooking" - hey, you learn how to measure water and stir! And patience as you waited for the Jello to set. So, I wanted to make a Christmas-themed Jello dish.

And...the oven died or is very sick. It's getting a check up now, so I'm making no-bake items. 

Broken Glass Christmas Jello - Food Librarian
I received this beautiful dish for my birthday from my friend Jessica. And her boyfriend Andy did a great job wrapping the gift! (Andy, your bow was awesome! ;)

For the regular Broken Glass Jello, you use 4 different flavors (3 ounce boxes). For the Christmas one, I used a 6 ounce box of Raspberry and Lime. Here is the full recipe for Broken Glass Jello.

Broken Glass Christmas Jello - Food Librarian
Carefully mix the blocks of Jello in a 9 x 13 pan. I have started to line my pans with a big piece of plastic wrap. This makes it so much easier! I'm able to lift out the fully set Jello onto a cutting board and cut it up. The edges have some "wrinkles" from the plastic wrap, but you can chop that off if you wish.

Let the sweetened condensed milk mixture cool a bit (or you might melt the cubed jello pieces), then pour over the cubes. I like to skim off the bubbles for a cleaner finish, but you don't have to do that.

Broken Glass Christmas Jello - Food Librarian
My co-workers really like Jello too. One person walked into the break room, and shouted "Jello!!" This is a festive, no-bake, super easy recipe that spreads lots of Christmas joy! Recipe here.

Here are some of my other Jello creations. Yeah, I like Jello! :)

Row 1: Valentine's Broken Glass Jello, Candy Corn Jello Bundt, Coffee Jello
Row 2: 5-Layer Jello, Cantaloupe Jello Bundt, Ice Cream Jello
Row 3: Lakers Jello, Easter Jello, Broken Glass Jello
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Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

They're so pretty! Your jello bites like this always remind me of nonya cakes that we ate in Singapore. Going to have a go myself one day, I can feel it...

Bethie said... [Reply to comment]


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

these are STUNNING! they look like art... fabulous!

Miri said... [Reply to comment]

Jelly (as we call it in New Zealand!) is so much fun! I love the Lakers Jello colous best :)

Jennie said... [Reply to comment]

SO beautiful!!! I really need to try this!

j. wilson said... [Reply to comment]

i'm not really a jello fan (though i do like it when it has ginger ale in it) but golly you make it look so purdy!

Deb Schiff said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome Jello treats. You are a master!

Stanislav said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh these look fantastic! They're so cute and I would definitely gobble these right up!

Alina said... [Reply to comment]

Wow?! This looks super-stylish! And the rest of your Jello goodies are beautiful and cool too!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

I love how much you love Jello. You're the only person I know that loves it a little bit more and I do and I love you for it girl!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Basically this is art..can I hand it on my wall??

Heidi said... [Reply to comment]

Those are so beautiful. As much fun for the adults as for the kids!

RecipeGirl said... [Reply to comment]

I love the broken glass jello... and it really is quite delicious too! Did you ever see the Sea Glass Jello that I did this past summer? Inspired by you, of course!

You're pretty much queen of broken glass jello and bundt cakes ;)

alice said... [Reply to comment]

These are terribly pretty. I love the other coloured jelly cubes too. I don't know how I could survive without my oven so I hope you are able to repair yours soon!

Nam @ The Culinary Chronicles said... [Reply to comment]

Omigoodness! How beautiful!

Molliwobbles said... [Reply to comment]

Aw, I made the multi-color broken glass jello for Thanksgiving. I got it off a blog.... I bet it was yours! How funny. It was a big hit and I loved it :)

Gali said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! This looks amazing. Jell-o is very dear to my heart and I think I now have to try to find some around here.

Mary at n00bcakes said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, that's *really* pretty. I've never been a huge fan of Jello, but this is so visually appealing that I may be converted...

Lesley said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely! Thanks for sharing the Jello love. I live in Mexico City and Jello desserts are everywhere here. Your Christmas treats are very similar to the types of sweet snacks sold to-go at local ice cream shops. Green, red and white are the colors of the Mexican flag, so they're popular! Another traditional dessert here looks like a flower frozen in a Jello bubble:

I really want to learn how to make those.

The Food Hunter said... [Reply to comment]

Wow..they look so's amazing what one can do with jello

Anne said... [Reply to comment]

Wow those are SO pretty I need to get myself some lime jello stat! Awesome job Mary!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I think it's safe to say, you're the jello queen. Great fun idea for the holidays!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

we love your broken glass jellos. you should submit this to the cook off, it totally counts as a cookie even though it's a jello. it does!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

mary - ur famous - how cool!! What about making a broken kugel jello for passover??

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I just found you via a retweet and LOVE these jellos. All of them! Gonna be checking the cabinets as soon as I finish typing and then come back and look through some of your other dishes.

Sandra Dee said... [Reply to comment]

So easy - and yet soooo cool!

BTW - I just bought a new oven last week - so I feel your pain :-)

Melody Fury // said... [Reply to comment]

This recipe is perfect for my holiday contest to win a Foodista cookbook! It's not too late to enter. Share your delicious holiday cheer with more food-lovers! Would love for you to win :)

lubos said... [Reply to comment]

this is an awesome idea! Thank you for posting. I am not a huge fan of jello but these creations look amazing. Will definitely try them.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

You are pretty good with jello! There is a book out here in the UK about "Jelly" by 2 great "Jelly" artists. It's on as well

Title: Jelly with Bompas and Parr

Viv said... [Reply to comment]

you're a jello fan and i'm an agar agar fan :P so that makes us sorta food cousins? lol.
can i just say how amazing these broken glass jello look? i've not seen anything quite like it before! def the most x'masy looking food i've seen these days!

Sly said... [Reply to comment]

the Jellos are gorgeous...thank you

I'll try to make this recipe this week ;D

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Love all those Jell-os!
This red/green on just might be my favorite!

Happy Holidays, Mary!

dena said... [Reply to comment]

Very pretty!

From one librarian to another,

Alex said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks so much for this recipe. I made it for my office Holiday Open House, and it was a hit. Everyone thought it was not only cute but very tasty as well. I can't wait to experiment with some of the other Jello recipes.

Blackberry Pockets said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, exquisite! I don't really like jello, but these are wonderful! Bookmarked!

luvlyloops said... [Reply to comment]

I love the red tree made the presentation quite astonishing!!! I miss your broken jello!! :)

vie silencieuse said... [Reply to comment]

:( I tried this but the milk koagulated instantly :(

Ashley and Brett said... [Reply to comment]

Have you ever made this in the Jello Ring mold? Would one recipe fit in that, and then does it just slide out? Its so pretty! Thanks for this!!!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Ashley and Brett Dear Ashley and Brett (#38), Please see this post where I made it into a bundt pan ( You'll need to increase the unflavored gelatin to make it firmer. Good luck! - mary

Crazy Mama! said... [Reply to comment]

I think you may be the one to help me pull this off! I am looking to create the Wisps from the movie BRAVE. And I thought blue jello would be the perfect medium. But how do I form them? Here is a link to the Wisps:
If you have suggestions, I am hoping to experiment this weekend for my daughter's birthday party next weekend (6/1). I even plan to buy small blue glow sticks, clean them thoroughly, then shove them in the Jello Wisps so they glow! It think it's super cool! Just not sure how to form the Jello into a custom shape (saran wrap?. Thanks so much! deb

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