Parrish Magic Line Baking Pan Factory Retail Store, Gardena (Los Angeles)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Parrish Magic Line
Parrish Magic Line Factory in Gardena, California

Parrish Magic LineSouthern California Friends,

Heya! Pick up your cake round and flip it over. Does it say "Magic Line" Gardena, CA 90248? If so, I went to the factory where it is made today!

Parrish Magic Line is located in Gardena, California (in the South Bay area of Los Angeles). The factory is located in the very industrial part of the Gardena and you can just walk in and buy stuff Monday - Friday!

I've been once before and picked up a few cake pans. My favorite place, Surfas carries Magic Line pans. I've seen them in most restaurant supply stores like ChefsMart and Chef's Toys. I think they are the commercial, industry standard.

Parrish Magic Line Baking Pans
I love how the edges of the square or rectangle pans are perfectly square. Not like the casserole Pyrex 9 x 13 that for the lasagna and Jell-O. The edges make lovely brownies, coffeecakes and all bar cookies. All the bakeware is easy to clean, sturdy and offers consistent baking.

Today, I picked up extra 9 x 13 rectangle,  9 x 9 square, and 8 x 8 square pans. (I'm going to do some major baking next week and the extra pans will come in handy.)

I checked my closet and realized I own a lot of Magic Line. Um... some of my inventory includes lots of cake rounds (from 10 inch down to a 3 inch round, most are 2 inches high, but a few are deeper 3 inches). I now have two sets of 9 x 13, 9 x 9, 8 x 8 rectangle and square pans. I also have a jelly roll pan and I think there is a larger square one too...I think I'm pretty covered.

Parrish Magic Line
The retail outlet in the factory is less expensive than stores I visited. Today, I went to ChefsMart and a 9 x 9 square was over $14. At Parrish, it was $13.50. The 8 x 8 square was $12.50 (it's $15.50 on Amazon) and the 9 x 13 was $15.50.

Don't think this is like a fancy Outlet Mall factory store. You can walk around the shelves and pick what you need, while passing workers who are busy filling orders. You might see some people making the pans too! They have wedding cake size pans, metal rings and some other baking stuff. The staff is friendly...I spent time talking to the cashier about libraries and crazy Friday nights of watching 20/20. It's low tech...the cashier looked up prices on a sheet, swiped my credit card and then used those carbon sheets to make an imprint of my card (remember that?)

Amazon's description says "Made in the USA" - it should say "Made in the awesome South Bay!" I love you can tell by my collection!

If you aren't in the South Bay during the week, here are some links to get the pans on Amazon (full disclosure, I'm in the Amazon Affiliate program so if you buy something, I get a few cents)
Parrish on Amazon
Parrish Magic Line 8 x 8 x 2 Square Pan is $15.50 on Amazon

Parrish's Home of Magic Line Factory Retail Store (I couldn't find a working website for them)
Open (as of May 2013) Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 4:30 PM
225 W 146th Street
Gardena, CA 90248
(310) 324-2253
Yelp (just has the address and phone)
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Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, I need to go there. I love their stuff, and I'm also a big fan of Surfas. Thanks for posting this!!!!

connie said... [Reply to comment]

I've always wondered if there was a factory store after picking up a few of their round cake pans from a local baking supply store. I love their pans!

Sue/the view from great island said... [Reply to comment]

How fun---I'd be like a kid in a candy shop!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Now that I know about Parrish, I will have to make a special trip out there when I am back visiting family in South Bay! Maybe I can convince you to join me in a little shopping trip there ;-), then do lunch at Gardena Bowl?! Pretty please?! (This is mrschef05, aka Liz N.)

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Unknown Liz, Of course! Sounds fun!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, next time I am in town I will email you for sure! So excited!

Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

Never thought of going to a factory store for baking pans! Cool.

Christine said... [Reply to comment]

I wish I had known about this company when I was desperately trying to find a baking sheet that didn't buckle!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I have ordered special pans and I went twice to pick up. The warehouse were closed and no more answering the phones. Any one know what's going on with Parrish?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Alice Fang Liu Alice, Oh no! I haven't heard anything. Let me know if you are able to get in touch with them later. The only think I could think of is that you might want to call a restaurant supply place that carries Parrish and see if they have difficulties ordering from them.

I'm hoping they are on vacation...

- mary

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Parrish Magic is open during the weekday, not weekends. I found their hours of operation thru Google.

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