About Me

I haven't updated this blog since 2019.

Hi! My name is Mary. I’m a public librarian by day, and a baker by night (well, usually at 4:30 in the morning). I started this blog to chronicle my progress learning to bake from scratch. I like Big Bundts, mochi, Jello, sorbet, eating out, traveling and nice people. And I really like my birthday. Really.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, I’m a weather wimp and a double Bruin (undergrad and graduate degrees from UCLA). I've always worked for non-profits, and for the past six years I've been a public librarian. My baking and photography is far from perfect, but it’s a fun hobby and I’m always learning something new. There is nothing better than bringing a pink box of goodies to friends, co-workers and family. I hope this blog will inspire you to do the same.

Thanks for visiting and Happy Baking!
- mary the food librarian

my favorite posts about food, friends and life
i like big bundts!
2011 I Like Big Bundts (30 different Bundt cakes) & Round up (145 readers made Bundts)
2010 I Like Big Bundts (30 different Bundt cakes) & Round up (86 readers made Bundts)
2009 I Like Big Bundts (30 different Bundt cakes) & Round up (41 readers made Bundts)
wedding dessert bar...1000 items and no sleep
mochi, mochi, mochi, mochi

cake simple, i'm on page 82 of christie matheson's awesome book about bundts!
the kitchn, national bundt day, november 15, 2010
fine cooking, the croquenbundt, november 15, 2010
food news journal, best of the blog, i like big bundts 2, november 2010
american libraries direct (e-newsletter of the american libraries association), november 10, 2010 and november 4, 2009
la times blog, daily dish, what did you eat this weekend, december 13, 2010 about this jello
la times blog, daily dish, twip of the day, march 2, 2010 about this cake
saveur best of the web (noodle kugel), december 2009
la times food section, do try this at home, june 30, 2011, about this cake

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