High School Musical Cookies

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tonight, my 8 year old niece and I made a quick batch of chocolate chip cookies (Toll House recipe). She was a big help and measured, precisely, 12 ounces of chocolate chips on the digital scale. She was also very good at answering the math-cookie questions: "If we have 6 rows of 4 cookies on this sheet, how many cookies would we have?" She's a math whiz and answered all of them rapid-fire.

She's really, really into High School Musical [link opens to music] from Disney and recently received a set of dolls that sing some of the songs. And, she has a new Hannah Montana battery-powered toothbrush!! You brush your teeth for the length of the song...that sure beats my little beeps from my Sonicare...

Oh yeah, we "tested" the cookies - just to make sure they were suitable to give to others. I think we tested quite a few...just to make sure!
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