
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

On 7-11, I went to 7-11! My friend Brian and I went to the West Los Angeles 7-Eleven that has been converted into a grand Kwik-E-Mart. It was awesome and totally worth all the traffic on the 405!

Yes, this posting has nothing to do with baking - but it does involve fried dough, so that is close enough in my book.
I bought a Squishee, a 4 pack of donuts, and one box of KrustyO's (limit one per person - they were kept behind the counter and were flying out the door!) The whole store was crowded and everyone had their cameras out. They were selling cookies, clocks, beer can openers, pizza cutters, cups and everything else Simpsons. Yes, this 7-11 was making a killing. They had one guy whose only job seemed to be constantly refilling the THREE cases of pink donuts! And there was another guy working the Squishee machine - it was a full-service Squishee moment for me.

They painted the outside of the store yellow. Security was posted outside with a "nightclub rope" for crowd control! After getting my fill of liquid sugar, we went over to Tito's Tacos [link opens to music] for some more fried food. Yum. Serious yum.

This 7-Eleven store is Kwik-E-Mart for the month of July. It's on the corner of Venice & Sepulveda in West LA. D'oh! Go!
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Sunshine said... [Reply to comment]

Can you bring some of those Taco's in your suitcase when you come to Duluth? I love those tacos. Can you tell I'm back watching my food intake?

Diane said... [Reply to comment]

I am going to the one in MD tommorrow, and I am so excieted after reading your post. I have been dreaming of those pink doughnuts. I cannot wait to have one! Tacos would be nice too guess I will have to wait till my next visit to LA

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