Encyclopedia of Amazon Gift Certificates!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Yippee!! A few weeks ago, I participated in a survey about the Encyclopedia of American Religions for the publisher. The incentive for participating was a chance to win an Amazon gift certificate!

Well, guess who won $50!?!?!

Sweet. I'm going to spend it all on baking stuff. I'm thinking of getting the 24 cupcake holder. What do you think? I'm probably going to get my own copy of Baking Illustrated too. (Although I have checked it out so many times from the library I'm giving it major circulation points.) I'm also thinking about some cake decorating tips for when I finally get around to that...

Back to browsing on Amazon! :)
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for including my little Elwood kitty on your blog. He's going to be famous someday thanks to his wonderful Aunt who gave up her HOT Saturday night date for a trip to the ER...thanks, again! Racheal

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I thought that the cupcake holder was so amazing that I bought one for Rosie. As you know she is THE baker at school and is always juggling her backpack etc., with a precarious amount of cupcakes. (Much to the delight of hungry kids on the school bus eagerly waiting for the cupcakes to drop!)....

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