Encyclopedia of Cupcakes

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Remember the $50 Amazon gift certificate I won for completing a survey about the Encyclopedia of American Religions for the publisher Thomson Gale? My Amazon package came yesterday, August 13, 2007!

I planned to try the Boston Cream Pie again, but I had to make cupcakes to test my new, totally cute 24-count cupcake carrier! It is great! Strangely, when you carry it around, it feels like you have a cat carrier and you feel pulled to go to the vet. The only problem is the bottom tray is an actual cupcake pan. It would be easier to use if the holes were a bit more shallow - so I placed some cardboard in each pocket.

I was so tired after a whirlwind weekend and Monday night step class, that I succumb to the easy, familiar, and reliable - the Pillsbury cake mix. (Every kitchen should have some in the cupboard!) I made the cupcakes last night. However, this morning I did make my own chocolate ganache frosting. I think I have the ganache down!

This weekend consisted of volunteering at KCRW for the pledge drive (I met KajonCermak, the traffic announcer who cracks me up when she describes the traffic on the 405 as "Pack a Snack"), visiting a friend for some stuffed eggplant-turned-hot dog dinner (Love ya, Racheal!), gelato with Dave who is about to leave for France to run a marathon (how cool is that?!?!), and going with Brian to see Bourne III [opens to music] (aka "The Bourne Blair Witch Project"). Whew! Thus, no energy to make cupcakes from scratch.

By the way, did I tell you I'm heading to Duluth, Minnesota in September to visit my friend Sunshine and her family? Yes, Duluth rocks! Don't believe me? Did you know that Duluth has 23 city parks, sculpture gardens and rose gardens? Or is located at the westernmost tip of Lake Superior, halfway between Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Canadian border? I'm looking forward to heading midwest, and will be filling you in on amazing Duluth facts!
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Sunshine said... [Reply to comment]

That book looks yummy. Can't wait for the Duluth visit. You are up on your facts. :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I tasted these and they were good.

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