I have exciting travel news! My renewed passport arrived finally arrived. I can now flee the country at any time!! I'm planning a trip with friends to Spain, Lisbon, and Prague next summer, and I'm thinking about going to Australia in the winter. Of course, I always want to go to the Giant Panda reserve in China. Here is Pandapple, a Sanrio Hello Kitty character with my new passport.

While my arms are healing, I'm in the countdown to Duluth, Minnesota. I've been reading my booklet from the visitors bureau. Did you know that University of Minnesota, Duluth has over 11,000 students? Check out Duluth! Here is a web cam of the harbor. I have a huge layover in the Minneapolis airport before my short flight to Duluth. Unfortunately, I'll be there at 6 a.m. which is way before the Mall of America opens... And I won't be tapping my feet in the airport restrooms.
Thanks for your concern about my arms! By the way, my Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 software is really working out well with my home laptop. If you get it, you need to have a really superduper soundcard or you should get a USB microphone to replace the crappy one that comes with the software. Once I went out and got a new USB microphone, the software has worked out great.
Have you seen the September 3rd New Yorker? It's the Food Issue--made me think of you! lol
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