Bakin' in Duluth

Monday, September 24, 2007

I was so lucky to see the start of the changing of the leaves...
as I told everyone, "Palm trees don't change color in Los Angeles."

Yes, that is close to 80 degrees. In Fall. In Duluth.

The pond on the property freezes over in the winter.

Gorgeous "back yard" and woods!

"No, really, I can see," says Bates, the ever friendly dog

Beatrice ready for the day in her strawberry outfit!

Mom and Bea!

Today (September 24, 2007) was my last day in Duluth. :( And it was soooooo hot! Summer hot! Sunscreen hot! And, of course, I was wearing inappropriate clothing - a long sleeve shirt!

Beatrice and I hung out for a bit (Did you know she knows some sign language? Her favorite word is "more" - a very good word to know!), talking about the latest news on Britney (bodyguard saying she is a bad mom...who thought Kevin FedEx would be nominated for parent of the year?!), her thoughts on the presidential election, and whether she liked Law & Order: CI better with Vincent D. or Chris Noth. Well, since Bea is only 1, I think she is pulling for Winnie the Pooh with Tigger as V.P.

We toured the University of Minnesota Duluth campus where both Sunshine and Clay work. Sunshine is a librarian in the AWESOME library - it is so pretty (with skylights, sitting areas, and of course, the best librarians!). I toured Dr. Clay's lab-o-science with things that shake, bake and grow plants. Clay also had me look at my cuticles under a microscope...and I need a manicure stat! UMD has a great tunnel system that allows you to go from building to building without leaving the climate controlled environment...especially good during the winter!

Yesterday, I took a few photos of their enormous "back yard" or woods. They have a large grass area with a cool pond and a trail going into the woods. Many of the leaves were changing color for fall. (By the way, I hit Duluth in BOTH spring and fall seasons as fall began this weekend!)

Thanks Sunshine, Clay and Beatrice for making my trip super fun and relaxing! Everyone, go visit Duluth!!! :)

Beatrice, Clay and Sunshine near Enger Tower
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi, Looks like you saw Duluth in fine style. It is a wonderful place. Judith

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