Three States in One Day!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Day 1 and 2 in Duluth!

For all those naysayers who said, "Duluth...why?" Well, quite simply, Duluth Rocks! Duluth is the Berkeley/San Francisco of the Mid-West (well, with a lot less diversity). It has a large college population, smart people, totally smoke-free, way "hillier" than you would expect, next to Lake Superior, has a natural food store Co-Op, and is surrounded by beautiful woods, trees, and wildlife (I saw a deer and her two babies walking on the road!)

After I arrived Friday afternoon, Sunshine and Beatrice (just turned one years old and is soooo cute) took me to lunch at Sara's Table, a yummy restaurant and coffee place.

We went to the Aerial Lift Bridge and Lake Superior Marine Museum. Duluth is on Lake Superior and they have several ports to transport grain and iron ore pellets. This cool bridge lifts when a boat passes underneath. It connects Minnesota Point to the rest of Duluth...and if you get stuck when the bridge is lifted, you tell people you got "bridged." (Great excuse if you are late to work!)

Bridge that lifts when a big ship comes into port

Lighthouse at the end of the Lift Bridge channel

Lake Superior looks like a wolf! Duluth is near the nose.

It was a bit windy, wasn't it Beatrice?!

We picked up some "Chicago Mix" popcorn from a local stand -
it is a mix of butter, cheese and caramel popcorn.

We drove across the Blatnik Bridge to Superior, Wisconsin. Yes, I was in Los Angeles at midnight, arrived in Minnesota at 6 am and was in Wisconsin at 5 pm. Three states in one day!

After we drove around Duluth for a mini-tour, we joined two of Sunshine's colleagues for dinner at the Lake Avenue Cafe. It was yummy and fun!

On Saturday, Sunshine and Clay made some delicious pancakes - they can open their own B&B! Sunshine, Bea and I drove up the North Shore (of Lake Superior) to Gooseberry Falls State Park and the Split Rock Lighthouse. Both were beautiful. The leaves are changing and the river was full of water from the 4 day rainstorm that occurred just before I arrived.

Gooseberry Falls

Split Rock Lighthouse - they used to pull equipment up this hill!

Split Rock Lighthouse
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