Edamame Pancakes in Japan

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yuko is my friend from a high school Sister City exchange program. This is her son, Daiki. They live in a suburb of Tokyo. Yuko attempted to cook pancakes for her son...

My mom is in Japan with my camera so I thought I would get photos from Japan. However, these aren't from my mom's trip to Okinawa, but from my friend, Yuko in Tokyo! Yuko and I have known each other for years and years. We have visited each other many times...we have traveled to Half Dome (no, not to the top, silly - that would be way too exhausting!), San Diego for her crazy English classes, ate our way through San Francisco with Sumi, chowed down on tons of shrimp in Las Vegas, viewed the Grand Canyon for a few minutes in the cold, and even visited my grandmother in Okinawa. Yuko is now married to a wonderful man and they have a cute son I can't wait to meet! (Yuko is a translator and translates really technical (and boring) business stuff.)

One thing I love about this blog is that I hear from friends that they were inspired to bake!! That is so wonderful. Everyone should bake. Baking is good for you and for those who eat your yummy stuff (sans the heart disease). Please post in the "comments" sections if you too were so inspired to bake! (Personal note to Susan B: hint, hint...post, post!)

And Yuko was inspired to bake/cook for her son! What a wonderful gift a mom can give to her son...Well, here is Yuko story:

I just wanted to tell that I can’t bake… To be exact, I cannot bake without tasting too much.

I tried to make pancakes for Daiki. I used to buy frozen mini pancakes but thought making them from scratch would be a good idea because making them from a pancake mix is foolproof and cheaper (and maybe safer in this day and age!)

Since I had frozen edamame paste in the fridge, I decided to make edamame pancakes. It may sound weird, but I wanted to add more protein to the Daiki’s snack.

The first piece was cooked too much. Most of the surface got burnt. Since I thought Daiki would not like the bitter taste, I ate it for him (emphasis should be placed the part “for him”!)

Then, on my second try, it looked a bit undercooked so left it for a few more minutes…overcooked again! So I ate it.

One piece led to another…. I was soooo stuffed!!!

Maybe I should go back to buying packaged frozen pancakes again…I cannot be the Food Translator. ;)

Little Daiki in Tokyo says, "Stop eating my pancakes, Mom!"
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Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Wow - Yuko's son is soooooo cute and BIG! Time flies... helen

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I am also posting to say how cute Yuko's son is! Wow - what a personality in that smile!

- Julie

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