Pumpkin & Chocolate - A Happy Couple

Monday, November 5, 2007

Years and years ago, I went with my cousins to the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival. We had a great time seeing lots of pumpkin patches and pumpkin foods. Half Moon Bay is so very beautiful! I hope you get a chance to visit the area soon.

If I remember correctly, I picked up the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival program. Only one page remains...the Pumpkin Bread recipe! It is completely stained and has little "memories" (AKA stuck on crumbs) of past pumpkin breads.

My friend Jessica mentioned chocolate chips with pumpkin bread...and so I decided to make that yummy combo! However, I had a brain fart and forgot to add the chips. So after I already poured the batter into the loaf pan, I tried to stir in 1/2 cup of chocolate chips. Well, that resulted in a severely unevenly distributed chocolate chip-to-pumpkin bread ratio. But it tasted good. Next time, I'm going to try to make it properly and use mini-chocolate chips.

Fall Foods Rock!
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